Tag Archives: radiation

Microwave Ovens ‘Fluke” Your Heart While They ‘Nuke’ Your Food- Alarming Studies Reveal Microwave Frequency Radiation Can Affect Heart and Blood

by in Health December 24, 2016

Most people who are trying to live a healthy lifestyle have either cut back on microwave use or eliminated it altogether. This is because microwaves eliminate nutritional value from food and have a negative impact on our hearts. Frequencies produced by microwave ovens mess with our heart rates as well as many other things. According […]

People Die From Chemotherapy, Not Cancer!

by in Health December 14, 2016

If you make it through chemotherapy and cancer for five years you are considered a survivor. This happens even if you drop dead the next day, is five years really long enough to consider a  survivor? Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are definitely leading to death. This is because when undergoing these treatments you lose white […]

Science Sheds Light Why Heating Your Food With Microwave Radiation Might Be A Bad Idea

by in Food, Health, Home December 11, 2016

Using microwave radiation to heat food can in no way be good for our health, and in the future, it will be something considered common knowledge. While microwaves are convenient they are not safe. Changing the chemical structure of our food before we ingest it doesn’t sound very appetizing honestly. Microwaves work by causing water molecules […]