Tag Archives: corruption

People Die From Chemotherapy, Not Cancer!

by in Health December 14, 2016

If you make it through chemotherapy and cancer for five years you are considered a survivor. This happens even if you drop dead the next day, is five years really long enough to consider a  survivor? Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are definitely leading to death. This is because when undergoing these treatments you lose white […]

A Dirty Little Secret: Your “Organic” Strawberries Aren’t Really Organic

by in Environment, Food, Health, Other, Video August 14, 2016

While organic strawberries are much more expensive than non-organic ones it turns out they’re not actually organic. They are fumigated with toxic chemicals including methyl bromide in the early stages of their lives. Methyl bromide is used to sterilize the soil right before the strawberries are planted while it is not sprayed directly on the […]