
Science Sheds Light Why Heating Your Food With Microwave Radiation Might Be A Bad Idea

by in Food, Health, Home December 11, 2016

Using microwave radiation to heat food can in no way be good for our health, and in the future, it will be something considered common knowledge. While microwaves are convenient they are not safe. Changing the chemical structure of our food before we ingest it doesn’t sound very appetizing honestly. Microwaves work by causing water molecules […]

Garlic In Milk- Cures Asthma, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Cardiac Problems, Insomnia, Arthritis, Cough And Many Other Diseases!

by in Health, Home, Natural Cures December 10, 2016

Garlic and milk have an abundance of healing powers alone. Garlic can help get rid of a sinus cold, while milk can stop the aches and pains in your legs. It seems as we continue to run through time, disease after a disease is being discovered. While searching around the world for cures, natural medicine, […]

The Neurogenesis Diet: Supplements and Miracle Foods to Rejuvenate Your Brain From the Inside Out

by in DIY, Food, Health, Home December 9, 2016

Research has discovered that when supplied with the right nutrients, supplements, food, and overall diet, your brain can literally regrow itself from inside out! This process is known as neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the process in which new neurons are produced. This process is most active in baby’s growing inside the womb. The development of new […]