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More Doctors Confessing To Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People With Cancer To Make Money

by June 19, 2016

It happens more often than you can imagine, but more Doctors are finally getting caught in the act of misrepresenting their oath and fraudulently diagnosing healthy patients with cancer to turn a quick buck from kickbacks on chemotherapy poisons.

Is it any wonder that cancer societies worldwide put a far greater financial initiative on chemotherapy and radiation research than disease prevention techniques? Preventing disease doesn’t make money, but treating disease certainly does.

Take Dr. Farid Fata, a prominent cancer doctor in Michigan who admitted in court one year ago to intentionally and wrongfully diagnosing healthy people with cancer. Fata also admitted to giving them chemotherapy drugs for the purpose of making a profit.

Who would ever suspect a Doctor of faking a diagnosis to collect money. It’s unconscionable, but yet it happens with cancer and almost every disease that medical doctors can generate income through kickbacks and commissions based on the volume of patients treated with specific pharmaceuticals.

“Many of these unscrupulous Physicians are like businessmen without a conscience. The only difference is they have your health and trust in their hands–a very dangerous combination when money is involved,” said Dr. Sayed Mohammed, a retired Oncologist who admits seeing the trend more than a decade ago.

“It is my choice,” Fata said on Tuesday of his surprise guilty plea, which included rattling off the names of numerous drugs he prescribed for his patients over the years. In each admission, he uttered these words: “I knew that it was medically unnecessary.”

Fata was charged with running a $35-million Medicare fraud scheme that involved billing the government for medically unnecessary oncology and hematology treatments. The government says Fata ran the scheme from 2009 to the present, through his medical businesses, including Michigan Hematology-Oncology Centers, with offices in Clarkston, Bloomfield Hills, Lapeer, Sterling Heights, Troy and Oak Park.

According to the government, Fata had a patient load of 1,200 people and received $62 million from Medicare; he billed for more than $150 million.

U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said she plans to seek life in prison for Fata, calling his case is “the most egregious” health care fraud case her office has seen. She said Fata not only bilked the government — which is typical in such cases — but he also harmed patients.

As we continue playing this charade of making the public believe that poisons treat cancer, people will continue to die, and Doctors will continue to make money up to the day of their patient’s death. Occasionally, we may catch a few (of the many) like Dr. Fata, who self-destruct due to their own greed.

We will claim they are outlaws, banish them and tarnish their reputations based on a perception that a healthy person should never be unnecessarily subjected to chemotherapy for money. So we can harshly judge and legally prosecute the Doctor, who falsely prescribes poison to a healthy person for money, but we proudly accept the Doctor who prescribes poison to an unhealthy person for money.

“Many of these unscrupulous Physicians are like businessmen without a conscience. The only difference is they have your health and trust in their hands–a very dangerous combination when money is involved,” said Dr. Sayed Mohammed.

Doctors have found a way to lie through the statistics. Prostate cancer is a prime example; A blood test for prostate cancer looks for prostate-specific antigen, a protein produced by the prostate gland. High levels supposedly mean cancer, the problem is this association is not always correct when It is it does not always mean that it is deadly. More than 90% of doctors who encourage cancer treatment for the prostate cancer generate a commission off of each patient.

Breast cancer is another prime example the screenings result in an increase in breast cancer mortality and fail to address prevention. There is no actual evidence to support any recommendations made for regular periodic screening and mammography at any age. The rate of advanced breast cancer almost doubled from 1976 to 2009. Not to mention the fact that there is a number of studies that show the fact that mammography has actually caused more harm than it has good!

How do people not realize that it is all about the money, it is high time to recognize the trend!

Scientists Find That Blood From Vegans Is 8 Times More Defensive Against Cancer (VIDEO)

by June 19, 2016

Recent studies have shown that blood taken from people who are vegans is eight times stronger at killing cancer cells than the one taken from the people that consume meat and dairy products.
Blood from people who were on a different diets, was dripped on cancer cells to see which blood is more effective at destroying cancer growth.Scientists Find That Blood From Vegans Is 8 Times More Defensive Against Cancer
People who are on a S.A.D – Standard American Diet also fight cancer, but the blood from vegans have almost 8 times the stopping power on cancer cell growth.
Later studies against breast cancer discovered a dramatic body strengthening of cancer defenses after a 14 days of light exercise (30-60 minutes daily walking) and a plant based diet.
Samples of blood from women with breast cancer were taken before and after 14 days on a plant-based diet. After 14 days the samples of blood have shown significantly slowed down cancer growth and increased ability of blood to kill cancer cells.
It was important to see that plant-based diet solely suppressed the cancer growth or together with exercise component.
A separate experiments were made, and yes, the exercise did suppress cancer growth, but the plant-base diet solely had twice as much power to suppress cancer cells.
These experiments and studies only confirmed that lifestyle changes do have a big effect on our health and can reduce the risk of cancer or increase the chances of surviving this disease.
A regular exercise and a plant-based diet really can improve our quality of life. Having blood that can fight cancer is one great advantage of the vegan lifestyle.
Below is a video that tells more about the science behind this:




Petition to Cancel Cauldron Falls Bar and Grill “Pig Wresting” Contest

by June 19, 2016

If I asked you what you thought of the idea of grown men tackling pigs and punching in the face, kicking and body slamming them for fun; what would you say? Well, this is exactly what is going to happen at the Cauldron Falls Bar and Grill in Northern Wisconsin if we don’t collectively take action.

This is a form of illegal animal fighting known as “pig wrestling.” These type of events are horrible at “alcohol-free” tournaments, can you just imagine how much worst it will get at an alcohol-fueled event?

This form of activity is a felony level offense, Wis. Stat. 951.02 and 951.08. The event is scheduled to happen on July 23, 2016 unless action is taken.

Please sign and share the petition, and Like Global Conservation Group on Facebook to stay up to date on the campaign.

You can also politely call and email the subjects below, urging them to cancel the event.

Caldron Falls Bar & Grill: 715-757-3467

Marinette County State’s Attorney: 715-732-7490 and [email protected]

Marinette County Sheriff’s Department: 715-732-7607

Add 2 Tbsp. of This Coconut Oil Mixture to Your Morning Coffee to Burn a Ton of Calories

by June 18, 2016

I am obsessed with coffee, and I know a lot of other people are as well; however, sometimes coffee is not always the best choice. This simple solution will change the way you drink coffee forever, and you might even lose a few pounds in the process.

Many people have a problem with fat and calories, and getting used to adding fats into your diet can sometimes be a hard thing to do. People analyze calories without even glancing at the ingredients, and buy chemical loaded products like non-fat, French vanilla coffee creamer instead, completely oblivious to the fact that palm oil is the third ingredient. Being skinny is a priority and health gets pushed to the side. But, what if I told you, you could have both!

Coconut Oil, unlike most oil, contains medium-chain fatty acids, instead of long-chain fatty acids. Medium chain fatty acids are metabolized differently than long-chain, which leads to a beneficial boost in metabolism. In a study done at the University of Geneva, 1 to 2 tablespoons of medium chain fats per day increased energy expenditure by 5%, and this totals to 120 calories per day.

According to one study, where researchers assembled 40 female volunteers between the ages of 20 and 40 who suffered from abdominal obesity. Over a 12 week period, the women were given a dietary supplement comprising of 30 milliliters of either soybean or coconut oil. At the end of the 12-week study, the researchers found that the women who were given the coconut oil experienced a significant reduction in both BMI and waist circumference as well as an increase in good HDL cholesterol.  “It appears that dietetic supplementation with coconut oil does not cause dyslipidemia and seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity.”

Coconut oil also gives your immune system a nice boost, almost 50% of the fatty acids coconut oil contains is Lauric acid. Lauric acid is potent in antimicrobial properties. Lauric acid is used for treating, “viral infections including influenza (the flu); swine flu; avian flu; the common cold; fever blisters, cold sores, and genital herpes caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV); genital warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV); and HIV/AIDS. It is also used for preventing the transmission of HIV from mothers to children.”


Coconut oil does not give your coffee a greasy taste or texture, but when done right makes for an incredibly smooth and creamy texture. It gives your coffee an incredibly rich and creamy taste that is perfectly sweetened with honey and flavored with cinnamon and vanilla. It contains no palm oil, no preservative, and no artificial sweeteners!

Coconut Oil Coffee Creamer

¾ Cup coconut oil, organic!

½ cup raw honey

1 ½ tsp cinnamon

1 tsp pure vanilla extract


Combine all the ingredients and whisk together until well blended.

How to Use Your Coconut Oil Coffee Creamer

You Need to STOP Eating Nutella for THESE Disturbing Reasons!

by June 18, 2016

We all love Nutella, right? Even though it taste delicious it actually is not good for us at all.

You may even suffer long-term health issues if you eat Nutella on a regular day to day basis. How crazy is that? The ingredient list might not look too bad starting off with things like sugar, milk, cocoa, and hazelnuts but the issue there is that these things are overly processed to the point where they are no longer healthy to us. Nutella is also not made with the soy we are used to, it is made from a soy that is non-fermented and causes our body to have a hard time digesting it. Not to mention just a couple tablespoons of Nutella contain 200 calories! If you’re like me two tablespoons is definitely not a stopping point.

Even Worse Ingredients:

Nutella also contains several other bad ingredients such as:

  • Vanillin (Low quality sweetener imitation vanilla)
  • MSG
  • Palm oil (Hard to digest and can cause toxicity to your heart, liver, and lungs.)

What Do I Do About This?

Replace Nutella with a healthier alternative of course. You can even make your own homemade Nutella that tastes just as good and is actually healthy! Watch the video below for a recipe on that!

Perform This Simple MASSAGE Every Night And Your BELLY FAT Will Disappear!

by June 18, 2016

Both men and women alike struggle with pesky belly fat and that little bit of extra bulge around the midsection can be a source of insecurity for many. And in some cases, it could be indicative of more serious health issues.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of belly fat such as having a poor diet full of processed foods and sugar, age, stressful life, and insufficient sleep. You can find a solution by identifying the problem, but in some cases even if you have a proper diet and exercise regularly, the belly fat won’t disappear.

Stored fat serves several different purposes. It protects your internal organs. It provides a ready form of energy in cases of famine, and it protects the body from certain toxins. But once too much fat is accumulated you start putting your body at risk for certain diseases like; heart disease, respiratory issues, and diabetes among other things.

The trick to losing excess fat is to create ways for your body to burn the fat as fuel by producing an energy deficit between the foods you eat and the calories you burn. Exercise can help, of course, it raises the body’s energy requirements and firms up the muscles. However, in the instance that your body is experiencing toxic build-up or your dietary habits are not that great, fat loss can come about slowly or not at all.

What can you do? Chinese Abdominal Massage:

According to Dr. Stephen Chang, performing a two-minute massage technique can provide a form of internal exercise that cleanses and detoxifies in order to melt away fat. This massage technique combines different types of exercises to improve the digestive system while maximizing the body’s ability to detox and eliminate waste.

Benefits can Include:

  • Melting adipose tissue
  • Improving digestive efficiency
  • Detoxing the intestines
  • Improving constipation
  • Stimulating the organs in the abdominal region
  • Improves circulation
  • Helping with conditions like nausea, vomiting, and indigestion.

How you can do it:

  • Lie flat on your back on a firm surface.
  • Warm up your hands by rubbing them together until they feel hot.
  • Place one hand flat on your belly button.
  • Begin rubbing in circular motions around your belly button, gradually widening the circles using a firm pressure. Each circle should take 1-2 seconds.
  • Focus on the heat, which builds up in your abdominal region as you rub.
  • Perform for two minutes, about 40-50 circles. Be sure to keep your stomach warm during the exercise.

Caution: Do not perform the Chinese medicine massage technique immediately after a heavy meal, or if you are pregnant, suffering from inflammation of feminine organs, have stones of the kidneys, bladder or gallbladder, or have high blood pressure, a hernia, intestinal or stomach ulcers or internal bleeding.

Perform twice daily for the best results.

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