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EPA Raises Radioactive Limits In Drinking Water Guaranteeing Widespread Cancers

by September 16, 2016

The EPA literally wants us to die. This has been shown time and time again by them.

The EPA makes it known that they want us dead by these poorly regulated toxic herbicides they are spraying on all the things we eat allowing carcinogenetic substances into our environments. Their latest display of hatred for the people here in America was announced earlier this month. The agency plans to raise the allowable amount of radioactivity in our drinking water. Increasing the amount by at least 3,000! This new limit is the equivalent of receiving over 250 chest x-rays in one year! This is done in what seems a plot to cause even more cancer!

This is going to likely lead to the death of millions of people The EPA needs to hear from the people they are poisoning if you have something you would like to let them know please give them a call and let them know how upset you are about this issue: 800-426-4791 For more information on this please click here for the full article on the EPA’s website. This is not the first time this level has been raised and it is not something that should be happening.

More Than 100 Seniors Died After Receiving This Flu Shot Given By Pharmacies

by September 16, 2016

Every winter it seems the marketing for flu shots become overly pushy. There are however many reasons to be wary of this shot especially for senior citizens.

Fluzone is an injectable vaccine that is specifically approved for people who happen to be 65 years of age or older. This shot contains three flu strains and four times more antigen (the substance that causes immune response) than regular flu shots do. This flu vaccine is not recommended for anyone who has suffered any sort of adverse effect from vaccines in the past. Especially those who have had Guillain-Barre syndrome. But, when places like CVS market this shot with things like a 20 percent off shopping coupon they don’t tell anyone about the fact that literally one hundred and five seniors have died after taking part in the Fluzone high-dose vaccine trials or that ninety-one seniors died after getting the regular Fluzone vaccine!

It seems we should really be questioning whether seniors are being told the truth about the risks their are taking when getting this shot. Only two clinical trials were done before this shot was approved and both studies were lead by the creator of this vaccine himself (Sanofi Pasteur. In the first study almost three thousand adults of the age 65 or older were administered the high dose vaccine and about one thousand two hundred were given the regular one. Out of those a very large number of people suffered severe adverse effects within six months. 156 high dose and 93 regular to be exact. Then, 16 high dose and 7 regular recipients actually died within the 29-180 day post vaccination. But the packaging on this vaccine states “no deaths were reported within 28 days post-vaccination”. One day after though you can see there were quite a few and most people are not aware of this.

As some of you are already aware pharmaceutical companies tend to phrase study results in a way that downplays the risks and this is clearly the case with Fluzone. In the second study there were you  guessed it more deaths. Out of roughly 15,000 of each high dose and regular dose recipients over one thousand of each were found to have serious adverse effects within six months of receiving their shot. Before considering getting this sort of shot please take the time to read the full information sheet which I will add a link to if you click here. Please take the time also, to watch the videos below.

9-Year-Old Girl Paralyzed & Blind Two Days After Receiving Flu Shot

by September 16, 2016

One nine year old girl from Texas is now at the Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. This little girl was severely injured by a flu shot!

Her name is Brianna Browning and she is in fourth grade and perfectly healthy at home in Crystal Beach, Texas. She was injected with the flu shot at Bolivar Peninsula School and soon after something shocking and terrible happened. Brianna is paralyzed from the waste down and completely blind! This little girl’s symptoms showed up a mere eight hours after receiving the flu shot. He mother says she was vomiting with no relief. This is not the first time something like this has happened if you remember the happy healthy girl named  MarySue who was paralyzed as well a few years back in Florida after receiving the flu shot herself.

Brianna received this shot on Thursday and was paralyzed by Saturday unable to move from the waist down. Her parents have stated that it appeared as if she had a seizure and doctors have diagnosed this young lady with Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM). Something that is known to be triggered by vaccines. Doctors are now saying that her recovery could take up to a year with some symptoms never residing. Meaning this sweet little girl might just be paralyzed forever. For more Information watch the video on this below.

Study Finds This Common Food Has Radically Increased Celiac Disease, Autism, Alzheimer’s & More

by September 15, 2016

In the past fifteen years the use of Glyphosate the active ingredient in one very important herbicide has risen dramatically. This right with the step up of GE crops.

According to a Doctor Stephanie Seneff (Senior researcher scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) this herbicide seems to be strongly correlated with the intense rise of celiac disease we have been seeing. Research on this connection that was released just this past year show the relationship between this and other modern diseases such as autism. It is believed that glyphosate might be acting as a transporter of some sort for aluminum into the brain. It also appears to transport other not so good things to other places throughout the body like arsenic to the kidneys.

Celiac disease is a severe reaction to gluten that generally affects your gastrointestinal system. This linking with glyphosate as glyphosate has been shown to severely damage the gut flora in our bodies and can cause chronic diseased that are rooted in gut dysfunction. The rise in the use of glyphosate is increasing just as rapidly as the rise in celiac disease. This alone should be a red flag in itself.

Starve Cancer To Death By Removing This One Thing From Your Diet

by September 15, 2016

Cancer rates have been rapidly rising throughout the years here lately and it seems there are many factors causing this. Things such as our environments, the foods we eat, and our emotions.

It seems food plays the largest role. Everything you eat is what helps your body to thrive or not to thrive if you’re not eating the right things. By cutting this out of your diet you will allow your body to become significantly more healthy. Cancer is fueled by sugar. It has been known that cancer and sugar go hand in hand ever since the 1920s. Yet, for some reason many doctors don’t take the time to tell their patients this and they continue eating overly processed foods. That causes them more difficulty in fighting off their disease.

One very smart German Psychologist (who also happens to be a biochemist and medical doctor) Otto Heinrich Warburg found that as it seems you can technically starve cancer out of your body. Not in all cases as some are worse than others but yes in some cases it seems you actually can. This is a very big game changer. The theory this doctor came up with was that malignant cells and tumor growth was caused by cells that are generating energy via adenosine triphosphate (ATO).

This is said to happen through a non-oxidative breakdown of glucose also known as sugar. This is considered the recycling of metabolite a process called glycolysis and the circulation of adhA caused anaerobic respiration. You see this is the exact opposite of what happens with healthy cells. Healthy non-cancerous cells generate energy for the body to use through the oxidative breakdown of pyruvate. This lead the doctor to conclude that cancer is really what should be considered a mitochondrial dysfunction. If you remove the sugar from the body it should not develop cancer. Sounds pretty accurate right?

Removing sugar is a lot easier said than done though. The obvious culprits like cakes, cookies, and such are easy but when you get into things like cereal, yogurt, and breads things seem to be a little more complicated. The easiest way to get rid of unwanted refined sugars is to stop buying pre-packaged foods, No eating out, and increase your intake of plant based healthy proteins. Nothing is ever too hard. This can be done no matter how hard it may seem.

Healing Cavities (A True “We’ve-Done-It!” Story!)

by September 15, 2016

Did you know that you don’t have to use toothpaste? Sounds strange right?

There are tons of natural tooth care alternatives. Holistic approaches really are the best way to go. You see the things we eat affect our teeth in a major way and so do the things we scrub our teeth with. There are many people out there in this world who do not use toothpaste at all. Scrubbing with water by itself can be a good alternative.

Oil pulling is a great approach, in doing this you will be able to reduce sensitivity and pain in your teeth. By swishing coconut oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes you will feel the difference quickly. Coconut oil works as an anti-bacterial and can pull many toxins out of your mouth.  If you quit toothpaste for good and use oil pulling instead you will find your teeth feeling much stronger and notice a significant amount of reduced plaque.

Oil pulling can also help get rid of cavities. Yes, it really can! Within just a few days of regular oil pulling you will notice the pain from the cavity is gone and after just a short month or two the cavity should itself be reduced or gone depending on size. As it turns out tooth regeneration is possible and pretty simple.

You see things like tooth decay are caused by nutrient deficiencies. If you happen to brush or floss it doesn’t really get any better meaning that brushing and flossing really aren’t doing much for us in the first place. If you work towards having strong teeth then they will resist acid. But, what makes teeth strong?

Good nutrition is the best place to start. Eat lots of good foods. Things like raw milk, meats, properly prepared grains, veggies, and nourishing fats like butter oil or cod oil. So, If you happen to be suffering or know someone who is suffering from a toothache suggest oil pulling. It really will make a difference.

How to Oil Pull (Coconut Oil):

  • Scoop roughly three teaspoons of coconut oil out of your jar and pop it into your mouth.
  • Chew on the oil or at least hold it in your mouth until it melts into a nice liquid. This shouldn’t usually take more than thirty seconds.
  • Swish the liquid around inside your mouth through all of your teeth.
  • Do this for at least twenty minutes then spit the oil out when you’re done.

The best kinds of coconut oil to use are the ones that are organic, cold pressed, or virgin coconut oils. If it smells like coconut that is a good sign that it hasn’t been processed too much. Why not rid yourself of those pesky cavities once and for all?

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