Tag Archives: microwaves

Microwave Ovens ‘Fluke” Your Heart While They ‘Nuke’ Your Food- Alarming Studies Reveal Microwave Frequency Radiation Can Affect Heart and Blood

by in Health December 24, 2016

Most people who are trying to live a healthy lifestyle have either cut back on microwave use or eliminated it altogether. This is because microwaves eliminate nutritional value from food and have a negative impact on our hearts. Frequencies produced by microwave ovens mess with our heart rates as well as many other things. According […]

These Diseases Are All Caused By Microwave Ovens, And You’ve Probably Ignored Them!

by in Food, Health, Video August 13, 2016

Back in world war II, a couple scientists invented something very special; a tube that produced microwave power called the magnetron. When this was combined with Britain’s radar system these microwaves were able to locate nazi and even managed to foil a bombing attempt. Quite a few years later one Percy LeBaron Spencer (of the infamous Raytheon […]