Tag Archives: death

People Die From Chemotherapy, Not Cancer!

by in Health December 14, 2016

If you make it through chemotherapy and cancer for five years you are considered a survivor. This happens even if you drop dead the next day, is five years really long enough to consider a  survivor? Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are definitely leading to death. This is because when undergoing these treatments you lose white […]

Cancer Industry Exposed in Under 2000 Words

by in Health December 12, 2016

Originally published by Collective Evolution: There are not many topics more chilling than the cancer industry. More Americans and people around the globe are being diagnosed with cancer more than ever. The disease is inevitable, but the consistency of cancer has some people really questioning the sincerity of the big cancer treatment corporations. Cancer research […]

Scientist Claims That Consciousness Continues After Death – Life Is Just The Beginning

by in Spirituality December 7, 2016

According to science, life after death has been confirmed! The study shocked many because it uncovered the most convincing evidence of an out of body experience on a patient pronounced dead. Dr. Christian Hellwig of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen found evidence that information in our central nervous system is phase […]