
Could Your ‘Muffin Top’ Give You Heart Disease?

by December 14, 2016

Muffin tops are something we see just about every single day, people feel as if there is nothing we can do to get rid of them but there is! It is this simple!

What exactly is a ‘muffin top?’ A muffin top is a visible unsightly roll of fat above the top of a pair of tight fitting low waisted jeans. We all know the different tricks to hide or draw attention away from our muffin tops, but how do we get rid of them? It all boils down to exercise, food choices, and patience.

Now there is a major difference in an unsightly muffin top and a slight belly spill. I for whatever reason only tend to gain weight in my belly which has caused a slight muffin top several times throughout my life. It is not something I enjoy dealing with as it can be self-esteem lowering, to say the least. If you’re around the age of 40 or so then your muffin top could be hormone related. Hormonal changes play a major role in fat storage.

Muffin tops are made up of visceral fat, visceral fat is actually quite dangerous. While muffin tops are unsightly to some people they are also not healthy. The definition of visceral fat explains that it is made up of “deep” fat that is stored further underneath our skin than “subcutaneous” belly fat. It is a form of gel-like fat that actually wraps around our major organs! Allowing the muffin top to stay puts you at a higher risk for things like:

Doesn’t sound so great now, does it? This fat is able to provoke inflammation of pathways and signal molecules to interfere with our bodies hormonal functions. Reducing and hopefully eliminating the muffin top, in the long run, will help you in many ways.

The first thing I want to go over is what to eat and what not to eat when it comes to ridding yourself of tummy spillage. Eating things like avocados and nuts will prove very beneficial throughout your tummy trimming process. Here is a list of foods to eat when working on your muffin top and why you should be eating them:

  • Avocados
    • Being rich in glutathione this food is able to block intestinal absorption of some types of fats. It is also high in monosaturated fats that are known to reduce belly chub.
  • Green Tea
    • The antioxidants in this can trigger weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories.
  • Nuts
    • Nuts are overflowing with protein and Omega-3 fatty acids that reduce fat.
  • Berries
    • Berries are rich in vitamin C which combats stress. Stress causes unnecessary eating and weight gain so I suggest picking your favorite berry and eating it as a snack.
  • Water
    • You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day in order to help keep you from eating foods you don’t need. Many people eat when they think they’re hungry, sometimes these people are really just in need of more water.
  • Grapefruit
    • Grapefruit is also packed with vitamin C and filling fibers.
  • Lean Protein
    • Lean protein will keep you fuller for much longer than others. It takes your body more time to digest lean protein meaning that you will not snack as much.
  • Sweet Potatoes
    • This one is my favorite, it contains a special type of starch that resists digestive enzymes. That means that they take a long time to break down this delays the onset of hunger pain.

Now that you know what foods you should eat, it is important that you are aware of the foods you should avoid.

Here is a list of the top foods to avoid:

  • Avoid processed ingredients
  • Avoid white flour
  • Avoid how fat snacks (they have too much sugar and we tend to overeat them)
  • Limit refined carbs

So, at this point, we know what we need to eat and what we need to avoid. What sort of workouts should we do? There is a wide variety of workouts and exercise techniques that can be done to reduce the muffin top. However, these are the four best ones I have found:

  • Side Bends
    • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and have your arms at your sides.
    • Reach downwards towards your toes with one arm while lifting the other towards your waist.
    • Rest your hand on your waist.
    • Do 100 reps of these and be sure to alternate arms.
  • Jack Knives
    • Lay down on the floor with you legs straight out and have your arms stretched over your head.
    • Raise your arms towards your toes and raise your legs to a ninety-degree angle, be sure to keep your shoulders off of the floor.
    • Bring your arms up way over your belly, this will make your body look similar to a jack knife.
    • The return back to the floor.
    • Do 60 reps of this.
  • Standing Twists
    • Place your hands behind your head and keep your elbow out wide.
    • Slightly bend your knees. Isolate your core and make sure you do not move your hips at all.
    • Twist one side then the other back to back.
    • Do 100 reps of these.
  • Pretzel Knee Crutch
    • While it has a silly name this is the most effective exercise technique on the list.
    • Sit in a pretzel position with your legs bent in front of your body. Make sure your left leg is behind the right.
    • keep both knees at a 90-degree angle to start out.
    • Straighten our spine up and hinge slightly forward from hips to torso.
    • Bring your hands together in front of your chest and then place them on the floor.
    • Lift your leg a few inches off the floor.
    • Bring your left leg towards the right one without moving the rest of your body.
    • Try tapping the left thigh to the left elbow.
    • Once completed return the leg behind the body without lowering it to the ground.
    • Do 40 reps of these.

Start off with the first three for about a week and when you feel comfortable try out the last one. While it is more complicated and will require some flexibility it will burn belly flab effectively. Getting rid of the extra weight around your waistline will take time. You must be patient. Oftentimes people give up and binge eat unhealthy foods causing them to gain even more weight. Don’t be one of those people.

Eating the right things, avoiding the bad things, and exercising every day will have your muffin top gone as quickly as possible. Don’t expect to see results overnight. While it may take a little time to see results in the mirror you will be able to feel the effects beginning after just two weeks. Don’t let unhealthy belly chub hold you back.

People Die From Chemotherapy, Not Cancer!

by December 14, 2016

If you make it through chemotherapy and cancer for five years you are considered a survivor. This happens even if you drop dead the next day, is five years really long enough to consider a  survivor?

Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are definitely leading to death. This is because when undergoing these treatments you lose white blood cells; with no white blood cells, you can’t fight off things like the flu that turn into pneumonia and take lives.

We can’t actually get a proper number on the deaths caused by chemotherapy, because no matter what happens to the patient the doctors and hospitals will always pass it off as “cancer spreading too far.” Chemotherapy demolishes any immunities you may have had. Any common infection can become deadly to those going through chemo. Who in their right minds would ever think mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde would be able to cure someone of their cancer?

You can also die from a chemotherapy overdose. As I have mentioned before lots of people who are fighting cancer don’t actually have cancer. Doctors misdiagnose all the time and some have admitted to doing so on purpose. This meaning people are going through chemotherapy for NO reason what so ever. They are being treated for a disease they do not have and lied to by doctors who they have trusted. This is because the cancer industry is the easiest means of making money.

Those who are really fighting cancer are already weak and weakening their immune system further is not the answer. Cancer victims are being processed like products being sent out for profit. People who die from chemotherapy overdose because when they are already weak they still eat all the wrong things; cancer is not something that can be reversed. Eating things like chaga mushrooms, reishi mushrooms, hemp seed oil, and many other health foods can actually reduce your chances of getting cancer as well as reduce the cancer you may have.

The test results will not mention anything of a chemotherapy overdose once you have passed. The crooked world we live in is too busy making money off of chemotherapy to allow the truth to come out. Living healthy is the only way to save yourself from cancer. If you take the time to look at the death toll statistics for cancer  you will see that the number of deaths we are dealing with is far too large to be solely coming from cancer itself.

Most doctors would never go through chemo themselves so why let them put you through it? Most of the cancer deaths could easily be written off as chemotherapy overdoses if the truth were to be brought to life. For more information on chemotherapy and why you should not partake please watch the videos below. Don’t let the cancer industry be in charge of your life live healthily and find natural remedies.

Create Nontoxic, Shimmering Holiday Eye Shadow Using Clay, Arrowroot Powder and Food-Grade Ingredients

by December 13, 2016

Using an eye shadow packed full of toxic ingredients can do terrible things to your skin and eyes, why not use something that is actually good for you? Some of the most common ingredients in most eye-shadows are considered toxic!

Shelf makeup is mostly overflowing with fake pigments and unsafe dyes. Just like with food we should not always go with what looks the best. In order to pick the healthiest products, you must read labels carefully. Some of the most common toxic ingredients are things like:

  • Carbon Black
  • Ethanolamine compounds
  • BAK (Benzalkonium Chloride)
  • Formaldehyde
  • Prime Yellow Carnauba Wax
  • Parabens
  • Retinyl Acetate or Palmitate
  • Aluminum Powder
  • Heavy Metals
  • Titanium Dioxide

If you want to check the safety of a product before purchasing it I suggest using, now if you don’t want to sort through all of the eye-shadows at the store there is always the option to make your own. If you decide to make your own you will be giving yourself the best natural skin care possible. It is also important to know that while something may be marketed as organic or all natural it still probably isn’t there is not anywhere near enough regulation on these products.

Here’s how to make your own nontoxic eye-shadow at home. This will take only a few ingredients and work wonders on your skin. Enjoy!

Nontoxic Eye-shadow Recipe:


Ingredients needed depending on the color you’re wanting to create:

  • Red: Red clay
  • Green: Spirulina
  • Black: Activated charcoal
  • Gold: Turmeric
  • Brown: Cacao powder
  • Orange: Beet power mixed with saffron


  1. Place the arrowroot powder in a small bowl
  2. Choose a color
  3. Add in the ingredient you chose based on the color you want to achieve
  4. Only add in a small amount at first and add more for darker pigments
  5. Once you have the desired color add the shea butter into the mixture
  6. Blend this gently using the back of a spoon

This should create a smooth creamy powder that will stay on and moisturize when in use. Make sure your skin is clean before applying and….. Have FUN!

4 Awesome Exercises For Your Glutes That Aren’t Squats

by December 13, 2016

Neglecting the muscles in your butt can be a very bad thing. Have you been neglecting your rear end?

Your glutes do more than you’d think. They work to support your spine, stabilize your pelvis, and even strengthen your legs. Building up your glutes is something that can Working out your glutes will do far more than just make you look better. Is it time for you to get your rear end in shape?

Here’s how you can easily with just 4 exercises:

  • Donkey Kicks

Begin with your hands and knees at shoulder’s and hip’s width. be sure to keep your abs and glutes tight then raise your right heel towards the ceiling. In doing this make sure your foot is directly above your butt. Keep your thigh no higher than your torso in order to prevent any possible spinal injuries. Hold this position for a small amount of time and then slowly return your knee towards the ground. Do this 2 times on each leg three sets at a time.

  • Fire Hydrant

Start this position as the donkey kick but open our right leg towards the side. Open your hips and be sure to keep your right thigh parallel to the floor. Do not touch your knee to the floor as you bring your knee back to the original position. Do this 20 times on each leg in sets of three.

  • Lunges

In order to do this exercise, you will need to stand straight with your legs at hips width apart. Slowly step forward with your right and bend your knee to a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for about six seconds. Now return to your original position. Do this in 15 times for each side in sets of three.

  • Squat Pulse

Stand up with your legs at hip’s width apart make sure your toes are turned outward and your arms are straight out in front of you. Squat down and keep your glutes and abs as tight as possible. Keep your knees in line with your toes and straighten your back. Hold this position for a second and then begin raising and lowering your butt as if you were bouncing. Bounce 20 times and then return to start position.

By maintaining a healthy butt you can reduce and prevent pain in many different areas of your body. Prevent future injuries by taking the time to do these exercises. You will look and feel much better in almost no time at all!


5 Secrets to Wu Wei, the Taoist Principle of Effortless Effort

by December 13, 2016

The process of ascension consists of several different stages. Would you jump off of a plane without a parachute?

Wu Wei is the art of effortless action. It is described in the Taoist teachings and translates from Chinese pinyin to “action-less action.” Wu Wei is considered to be the ‘natural’ way of doing things while this is not ‘doing nothing’ it is quite different than the way we live today. The state of Wu Wei is actually quite amazing, it does not give us an excuse to observe life from the sidelines while judging the actions of others. It instead is the best definition of a person who is performing actions overflowing with life energy.

This person shows how dedicated they are to oneness and their purpose through their actions. In order to understand Wu Wei and the Tao better, you must first learn the 5 secrets to Wu Wei:

  • No Action Does Not Mean That ‘Nothing’ Happens
    • In understanding Wu Wei you will learn to do things while not doing things at the same time. You can live your life without critiquing others.
  • Physical Action Is Not The Only Form Of Action
    • Wu Wei has a lot to do with your mind as well as your body. Through Wu Wei, we aim to quiet our minds in order to understand the Universal flow. Lao Tzu says that we must be quiet and watchful in order to learn and listen to our inner voices and the voices of our environment.
  • Being at One with the Tao Means Accepting Change
    • One of the most important parts of Taoism and the practice of Wu Wei has to do with the realization that there is a constant flow of change in nature. Fighting the laws of change serves no purpose and will get us nowhere. We are a part of nature and will change with it.
  • The Cosmos is Not Working Against You
    • In order to practice Wu Wei, you must understand that we are connected to the Oneness of all things. While we have boundaries we should do our best to remain vulnerable to the lessons there for us to learn. We do not have to fight against the Cosmos. It is never working against us.
  • True Wu Wei Involves Purposeless Wandering
    • Flowing is something that is very important to Wu Wei. However, in current times wandering is much more difficult than it has been in the past we should do our best to maintain some sort of spontaneity.

For a little more information on Wu Wei please watch the video below. Wu Wei can eliminate stress from your life. If you are overly anxious or riddled with stress Wu Wei might be for you.

6 Major Warning Signs Your Body Gives Before a Heart Attack

by December 13, 2016

Heart attacks seem to be prevailing in the nation as one of the most common injuries. It is said that your body will send you warning signs six months before a heart attack. Are you experiencing these symptoms? If so, you might need to check in with your physician.

Heart disease is the number one leading cause of death in the United States. It is a range of conditions that affect your heart. These things include Coronary Artery Disease, Arrhythmias, and congenital heart defects. There are a few ways to increase your heart health like eating a better diet, exercise, iron supplements, and omega-3s. But in the meantime, be sure to lookout for these signs, as your body could be warning you of a heart attack.

Technically a heart attack happens when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked, and the heart begins to die due to the lack of oxygen. If the blood isn’t restored quickly, that section of the heart muscle begins to die. If immediate help is not sought, the entire heart can die – causing death.

One of the premature signs of a heart attack is extreme fatigue. Fatigue is normal after physical activities or a stressful day, but if you experience constant fatigue you may need to check into your heart health. If you have a sufficient amount of sleep, have eaten, and haven’t done a whole lot, and are experiencing fatigue, it is not natural. Another sign of premature heart attack is sleep disturbances. This can be a way of your subconscious letting you know things are not right. These disturbances can consist of having to get up and use the restroom frequently, get a drink of water, or are simply woken for no reason at all, See a doctor in concern of your heart health.

Shortness of breath can be a key indicator of heart issues. If your heart is not receiving a sufficient amount of oxygen, it can make you feel short of breath. Another premature indicator of a heart attack is indigestion; constantly having a rumbly stomach is not normal. However, if you have consumed spicy or irritating foods, indigestion is normal.

The last two symptoms you might experience six months before you have a heart attack are increased anxiety and your arms feel weak or heavy. This happens because when your heart is not getting enough oxygen, it sends out impulses to the spine. All the nerves that run from the heart to the spine branch off into the arms and could cause a sensation of pain. If one of your arms goes numb, you might be in the process of having a heart attack! Watch out for these signs and symptoms. Remember to take care of your heart! We can’t live without it.

What Should Be Done?

Studies have shown that men and women often experience the signs and symptoms of an impending heart attack very differently. Unfortunately, many women have much more subtle symptoms that they may choose to dismiss until it is too late. If any of the above warning signs are experienced, women should visit their physician for a complete workup that should include:

  • Blood tests for inflammatory markers
  • Exercise ECG
  • Chest CT
  • Angiogram when serious indicators are found

Most importantly, women who know that they are experiencing something unusual in their bodies should insist on testing, especially when a family history of heart disease is present. Many individuals are sent home from emergency rooms with a diagnosis of anxiety and later return suffering from a fully blown heart attack.

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