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How To Get Rid Of Plaque and Whiten Your Teeth Without Expensive Treatments

by May 3, 2017

One of the most attractive qualities a person can have is pearly white teeth. Clean teeth are an excellent indicator of good hygiene and can go a long way; and thankfully for this natural remedy, white teeth are no longer hard to achieve.

White teeth are awesome. They demonstrate cleanliness, and nothing is better than a good flashy smile. However getting there isn’t as easy as you might think. There is whitening toothpaste that does work a little, but they are composed of chemicals that can break don your enamel and increase your risk for tooth decay. You can also go get your teeth bleached and whitened by a dental hygienist, but it is crazy expensive. Dentists also use harmful chemicals such as fluoride, which is a dangerous neurotoxin.

Instead of paying boatloads of cash, risking your teeth falling out, and having to go back for constant treatments, you can avoid all of these by using natural ingredients! One of the best natural ingredients for teeth whitening is baking soda. Baking soda is highly abrasive and breaks down dirt and plaque like a charm. However baking soda is excellent for your teeth, it is often overshadowed by coconut oil. Coconut oil is amazing for all sorts of different things and teeth whitening is one of them.

Not only does coconut oil make your teeth whiter, it also attacks all the harmful bacteria in your mouth. This is because coconut oil has a powerful ingredient called Lauric Acid. One study tested over 30 fatty acids and compared their abilities to fight bacteria – coconut oil beat them all. It also reduces plaque. In one study, oil pulling with coconut oil significantly decreased plaque buildup and signs of gingivitis in 60 participants with plaque-induced gum disease.

If you’re looking to whiten your teeth using coconut oil you are in luck. Using coconut oil for oral hygiene is easy, quick, and inexpensive. All you have to do is follow this recipe.


  • About 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 2-3 Tablespoons of baking soda
  • 2 small packets of stevia powder
  • 15-20 drops of peppermint or cinnamon essential oil
  • 10 drops myrrh extract (optional)


  • Melt or slightly soften coconut oil.
  • Mix in other ingredients and stir well. If using semi-hard coconut oil, use a fork, if not, use a spoon. If you are using completely melted coconut oil, you will need to stir several times while the mixture cools to keep the baking soda incorporated.
  • Put mixture into small glass jar (I make different ones for each family member)
  • Let cool completely.
  • To use: dip a toothbrush in and scrape small amount onto bristles. Could also use a small spoon to put on a toothbrush.

5 Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack All Women Need To Know!

by May 3, 2017

Heart attacks are terrifying and with all of the processed foods were being fed, they’re also on the rise. A heart attack doesn’t always start out with chest pain, and symptoms can differ from men to women.

In today’s society CEO’s and big companies rule everything on the planet – including our food. Thus, they are always trying to save a dollar or two, and it’s always at the expense of your health, my health, and our kid’s health. Because of this, heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases are on the rise. In fact, heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Although heart attacks are more common in men, women, of course, have them too; and they even have different symptoms.

Cardiovascular disease and stroke are responsible for 1 of every 3 women’s deaths. Each year cardiovascular disease kills an estimated 44 million women in the United States – that’s one woman having a heart attack every 80 seconds.

One of the most associated symptoms with a heart attack is chest pain. It is typically described as a squeezing and pulling pain inside the chest cavity. This is commonly followed by the numbness and tingling in one or both of your arms. Many people even think they had the flu when their heart issues arisen.

“Although men and women can experience chest pressure that feels like an elephant sitting across the chest, women can experience a heart attack without chest pressure, ” said Nieca Goldberg, M.D., medical director of the Joan H. Tisch Center for Women’s Health at NYU’s Langone Medical Center and an American Heart Association volunteer. “Instead they may experience shortness of breath, pressure or pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen, dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting, upper back pressure or extreme fatigue.”

Other Symptoms Typically Associated with Female Heart Attacks

  • Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of your chest. It lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back.
  • Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.
  • Other signs such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.

As with men, women’s most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.

The Secret to Relieving Back Pain is in Your Feet! Do These 5 Exercises in Just 15 Minutes!

by May 3, 2017

Back pain is extremely common among Americans, and it is only getting more popular. This might be because we have been treating it wrong the entire time!

Back pain is a horrible thing to experience, and it sneaks up on you too! So many people live with the back pain until it is far beyond the point of return. Back pain can be fixed, however, we have been treating it wrong the entire time. The use of NSAID’s and Ibuprofen may relieve pain for an hour or two, but this is at the expense of your internal organs. These OTC pain medications are horrible for your liver, kidneys, and your heart! Even worse, many people are getting prescribed opiates and other dangerous pain medications that are lethal and addictive!

The secret to back pain has actually been right under our noses this entire time. What is it? Acupressure. Acupressure has been practiced for thousands of years and it almost guarantees results. It is essentially acupuncture without the needles. It is derived from ancient Chinese medicine and correlates with the idea that the body has channels that flow throughout the body. They connect to organs and other vital parts of the body and applying pressure to them can resolve them of issues.

Do These 5 Exercises and Kiss Your Back Pain Goodbye!

Toe Press – While standing straight up bend your knees to grab your toes. Do this for five seconds and repeat ten times. Do this three times a day.

Toe Pencil Pickups – As simple as it sounds boys and girls; just pick up a pen or pencil with your toes and hold it for ten seconds. Do this five times for each foot.

Toe Walking – Walk on your tiptoes forward for 20 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, and repeat five times.

Ankle Circles – Lie down on a couch or flat surface. Extend your leg over the head, and rotate it clockwise. Count to ten, and repeat for the other leg.

Resisted Flexion – Sitting on the floor, straighten your feet in front and wrap an exercise band around a bedpost. Then, place the band on the top of the feet and lean backward to tighten it. Hold for ten seconds and then repeat ten times.

You’ll Never Believe What Terrifying Thing Dry Shampoo Does To Your Hair

by May 2, 2017

We all love having clean and shiny hair, but we don’t always have the time to jump in the shower and shampoo, condition, and repeat. Thus, dry shampoo has been invented.

Although dry shampoo seems to be a super easy quick fix for those days that you’re running behind, but that’s not really the case at all. We all have those days where we need to take a shower, but we really just don’t have the time to. I mean with the hustle and bustle lifestyle we live today it can be hard to make time for anything besides making money. However, dry shampoo does seem like a quick and easy fix, it is actually really bad for your scalp.

Upon the release of dry shampoo, it has grown in popularity. However, because of this more and more people are seeing complications from the easy fix shampoo. In fact, many people have even had their hair fall out! There are many reports of people experiencing thinning hair and even balding. Dry shampoo is also falsely advertised. It is actually not even shampoo because it does not even clean your hair.

Although we don’t have the time to take a shower, it is wise to ‘budget’ out your time and make time for a shower. If you can not find the time on your busiest days, just throw that wig under the sink and do a quick shampoo. I promise you’ll be much happier with the results.

Want to Quit Smoking? This Herb Instantly Destroys Your Desire For Nicotine (and How to Grow It)

by May 2, 2017

Cigarettes are super unhealthy and overly addictive. They are addictive because of the nicotine in them, I’m sure you most likely already knew that.

It is really hard for some people to quit smoking because of how addictive nicotine really is. For those people, they may think there is no hope of ever quitting but it can be done. You see, the moment you stop smoking your body will notice the change and lack of nicotine. This will cause a reaction. You will deal with withdrawal and become restless, to say the least.

This natural herb can help you fight off your cigarette addiction, it is called Stevia. This herb was originally found in South America and Paraguay. It is sweet tasting and has been used as a sweetener for quite some time now.

All you need to do is put a few drops in your mouth when you’re craving a cigarette. In doing this you will reduce your desire to smoke and gradually will no longer need it at all. You can buy Stevia in liquid or powder form in most ‘health stores.’ It has been used for a number of things including hypertension.

It is a sub-tropical plant and is actually quite easy to grow though if you would like to go that route. If you want to plant some in your home all you will need is a 12-inch flower pot and some good quality soil. Make sure you put the plant in a place where it will get some sunlight and add water as needed. Stevia grows well when the soil is loose and well-drained. The plants are beautiful and can reach heights of up to three whole meters. Stevia can work wonders on most people however those with an insulin issue should avoid it as well as other sweeteners as they can decrease your sensitivity to insulin.

Remember that if your pot does not have proper drainage the roots will end up rotting and your plant will die. When your Stevia plant begins producing flowers trim them off. This will make it grow more leaves. In the late part of fall, these leaves will be the sweetest and should be trimmed off and dried in the sun. Once they are dry use a food processor to grind them up nicely. You can then put them in a glass container and use it in your food and drinks as needed to sweeten them or put a pinch on your tongue when you feel like smoking. Enjoy!

15 Signs Your Body IMMEDIATELY Needs More Water That People Constantly…

by May 2, 2017

Dehydration is a very serious issue. It can affect anyone on this planet for many different reasons.

It is extremely important to maintain hydration by drinking water. Whether you like water or not, I know some people can’t stand to drink it. Water makes up around two-thirds of our human bodies. Without water, we would be nothing.

We have to drink a specific amount of water in order to survive. When we are not getting enough water our bodies will make it known. However, most people ignore these signs until something terrible happens. If you ever notice any of these please drink some water and if need be go to the hospital depending on your severity.

15 Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration:

1. Your mouth becomes dry and sticky.

2. You have a constant headache.

3. You pee less.

4. Your urine is dark when you do pee.

5. Your skin is overly dry.

6. You are dealing with muscle cramps.

7. You are sleepy/tired all the time.

8. You become constipated.

9. You have trouble producing tears when ‘crying.’

10. You come down with a fever.

11. You notice your eyes become sunken.

12. You are dealing with extreme thirst.

13. You have a rapid heartbeat.

14. In serious cases you become delirious.

15. You can pinch your skin and it won’t bounce back.

A lack of water in your body can and will affect your immune system. It is extremely important to make sure you get enough water each and every day. Dehydration can be caused by a number of things including diabetes. sweating. diarrhea, lack of water intake, and even frequent urination brought on by alcohol consumption and other things of that nature.

Infants and children are more prone to dehydration because of their higher concentration of water in the body, however. no one is safe. We could all be affected by dehydration if we do not treat our bodies correctly. If you notice any of the things above please do something about it. Do not ignore these signs. For more on this please take the time to watch the video below.

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