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Never Have High Blood Pressure Again Thanks To This Miracle Mixture!

by May 20, 2017

Approximately 75 million adults in America are currently diagnosed with high blood pressure – that’s 1 in 3 adult Americans! Contributing to heart attacks, heart failure and kidney disease, high blood pressure is responsible for approximately 1,000 deaths per day. The statistics are staggering, so what can you do?

blood pressure, high blood pressure, natural treatment

A young woman recently discovered her grandmother’s secret recipe. At 85 years old, her grandmother has never struggled with high blood pressure or cholesterol. While there are some recognized causes that we can work to avoid, including obesity and unhealthy diets, she credits using this miracle mixture twice a day for her great health!

Originally used by the Amish, this mixture is an amazing blend of powerful natural ingredients found in any grocery store! It includes several the body’s necessary nutrients, benefits the heart and works to lower your cholesterol and high blood pressure.


  • 1 Tbsp. of lemon juice
  • 1 Tbsp. honey
  • 1 clove of grated garlic
  • 1 piece of grated ginger
  • 1 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar


  1. Place all 4 ingredients in a blender. Blend until the mixture is smooth and consistent throughout.
  2. Place the blended mixture in the refrigerator and allow it to sit for 3-5 days.
  3. Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture 2-3 times daily before each meal.

How Many Steps a Day Can Help You Lose Weight

by May 19, 2017

According to the Food Research & Action Center more than 2/3 of Americans meet the requirements to be classified as either obese or overweight. With a long list of associated health risks including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis, most Americans are searching for a way to improve their health.

walking, weight loss, lose weight walking

While some of you will sign up for gym memberships, or join a group fitness class, others will find these activities to be intimidating as they are starting their fitness journey. The benefits of walking have long been talked about, but just what do you have to do to lose weight by walking?

The good news is that weight loss by walking is possible! You can safely lose 1 pound per week depending on the amount of walking you are doing. This would mean that in just 5 short months you have the potential to shed 20 pounds simply by adding a walking routine into your schedule!

How Often Should You Be Walking?

walking, weight loss, lose weight walking

The results are going to vary slightly for each person, taking into considering your level of fitness, your weight, the speed in which you are walking and other factors. This means that while we can calculate an average to get an idea, some may walk less and lose the same weight, while others may have to push themselves a little harder.

A break down of the average American provides us with an idea of what dedication would be necessary. One mile of walking is approximately 2000 steps, and would burn 100 calories. To lose one pound you would need to burn 3,500 calories. If you are doing the math that means that you would need to burn 500 calories each day in order to lose 1 pound each week, which breaks down to 10,000 steps each week.

The average American can lose 1 pound each week by walking 10,000 steps!

Don’t let that intimidate you! Going back to the first point we discussed, 2000 steps is equal to walking one mile. So, that’s a grand total of 5 miles each week!

To see the best results from your efforts it is important to pay attention to your walking style. Just as there is ‘proper form’ with other workouts and activities, the right form while walking will allow you to maximize your calorie burn. Stand up straight, holding your chin up. Make a conscious effort to tighten your abs and squeeze your glutes as you are walking. This will activate more muscles, increasing the effectiveness of your workout!

5 Tips to Increase Your Weekly Step Count

walking, weight loss, lose weight walking

Are you one of the thousands of Americans currently wearing a pedometer? Whether it is a Fitbit, a Garmin, or a pedometer app on your phone, the American Medical Associate states that you are more likely to succeed when you can monitor and control your weight loss efforts.

Try wearing a pedometer for one week and look at just how many calories you are already burning in your daily activities! You are likely going to be surprised. Still not quite hitting your step goal? Try these tricks:

  1. When you are parking at the mall or the grocery store, choose the parking spot as far from the door as you can, forcing yourself to walk further to and from your vehicle.
  2. Challenge yourself at work – instead of heading to the nearest bathroom, water fountain or photocopier, take the extra steps to walk to the one that is furthest from your desk.
  3. Talk a walk on your lunch. Whether you ask a co-worker to join you, or head out on your own, it is a great way to break up the work day.
  4. Always choose the stairs. Elevators and escalators may be faster, but why waste the opportunity to get those extra steps in, moving yourself closer to your health goals?
  5. Set an alarm on your phone to go off every hour. This is your reminder to get up and walk around, just long enough to shake off the fact you have been sitting. Continue this not only at the office, but at home. Are you watching your favorite television show? Up the ante and get up to walk ever commercial!

Note: Before starting any new fitness routine it is important that you check with your doctor. If necessary, start with shorter walks, and allow yourself to work up to reaching your larger goals. This isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon!

Your Cough Syrup May Be Getting You Pregnant

by May 19, 2017

Women across the globe are having trouble conceiving children. This is a much more common issue than you would think.

There are many couples who do the unthinkable to get their baby makers going. However, the answer to getting knocked up might be a lot closer than we thought. Findings have shown that your cough syrup might be able to help get you pregnant.

The name of the ingredient believed to be responsible for this is guaifenesin. That meaning medicines like Mucinex, Robitussin, and Tylenol cold and flu might be able to help kick your mommy clock in gear. The reasoning behind this is that the Guaifenesin can create and thin cervical mucus down under and even help the body to produce a wetter cervical mucus.


For those who don’t already known cervical mucus is needed when trying to get pregnant because it helps the sperm make it through the female cervix. It provides the best mucus for the sperm to reach the egg. This is currently considered the least effective treatment when it comes to aiding conception but is without a doubt one of the most simple.

If you decide this is a route you want to try to make sure you know when you are ovulating and take two teaspoons of this medication three times per day during the expected ovulation time, and of course, get it on as much as possible. Be aware of the other ingredients of what you are taking and make sure you do proper research beforehand. Who knew that tickle you get in the back of your throat each time you take cough medicine could be the key to having the baby you always wanted?

15 Signs You Have a Toxic Tooth Infection and How to Treat it Without Going to The Dentist

by May 19, 2017

Chances are you have dealt with an abscessed tooth at one point or another. This is an infection in the root of the tooth where the gum lie meets the tooth and for those who do not know it hurts really fucking bad!

This is something that leads to tooth decay and is caused by bacteria seeping into any cracks or chips you may have in your tooth. This bacteria makes its way down into the root and if left untreated it causes severe inflammation and tremendous pain of the tooth and gum. Unfortunately for the people who deal with this their tooth loses its ability to fight off infection and it is no longer able to defend itself.

At this point, the pulp in the root dies and then the pain may subside a bit. This does not mean the infection is gone. It will continue to spread and make its way into the tissue around the tooth. If you avoid treatment for your abscessed tooth it will eventually infect the bone that keeps the tooth supported and lead to some terrible life-threatening problems.

15 signs you are probably dealing with an abscessed tooth:

1. Swollen lymph nodes
2. Red gums
3. Swollen gums
4. Pain when chewing food
5. Bad breath
6. Sharp throbbing pain
7. Difficulty swallowing
8. Fever
9. Discomfort in the pained area
10. Bitter taste in the mouth
11. Heat or cold sensitivity
12. Swollen jaws
13. Open draining sore on the gum
14. Continuous pain
15. Obvious visible infection in the tooth (if broken)

Of course, you should one hundred percent see a doctor and get this sorted out. Abscessed are not something to play about and are best dealt with as soon as possible, however, you can also use this natural remedy if going to the dentist is not an option or if you would prefer the natural route as it will be able to help as well.

Remedy for Abscessed Tooth:

Begin with doing a quick salt water rinse in your mouth, this is really important be sure to do this each and every time you do this treatment.

Things Needed:


  • Pour 2 teaspoons of coconut oil into your mouth and swish the oil inside for about twenty minutes.
  • Spit it out once the time is up and rinse your mouth out with warm water.
  • Do this three times a day especially in the morning and afternoon.

Extra Tip:

  • You can also try eating garlic cloves (make sure you chew them) to help as well.

Apparently I’ve Been Peeling Oranges Wrong My Entire Life

by May 19, 2017

Oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the worlds. This sweet and juicy fruit is known for packing a powerful punch of vitamin C. The only downfall is the sticky mess that comes from peeling this delicious citrus fruit! We now have the secret!


This simple trick will allow you to peel your next orange in less than sixty seconds, with minimal mess! Once you see this once you will never go back to wrestling another sticky mess! You won’t believe it took you this long to learn it!

  1. Begin by placing the orange on a flat, secure surface. Using a sharp knife carefully cut both ends of the orange off.
  2. Carefully cut a slit down the middle of the orange, cutting only through to the center. This is the trick that makes it all work!
  3. Take hold of each side of the slit in the peel and pull down sideways to split the orange open. At this point it should begin to unfold to reveal the fruit inside! At this stage, if you wish to, you can remove the pith (the white part of the orange) and any seeds. What’s left? Neat pieces of orange that you can peel off the rind and enjoy!

Watch this video to see the process in action! You’re welcome!

Eye-Opening Evidence: Baking Soda & Coconut Oil Can Kill Cancer

by May 19, 2017

As we learn more about the causes behind the various types of cancer, the quest for a natural treatment has intensified, with both scientists and cancer patients spending more time than ever researching and testing the different theories that exist. From turmeric to cannabis oil, the time and effort being put into these natural alternatives has intensified drastically in recent years.

One of these theories that has shown miraculous results has been the use of baking soda. Cancer tumors grow and thrive in acidic environments, so the use of a highly alkaline option for treatment creates an unwelcome environment where they are unable to prosper.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil – A Success Story!

One great success story is that of Kyneret Azizo’s mother. Azizo is a well known, and respected, writer and advocate of the use natural remedies. Her mother was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma, a skin cancer, with the lesions located upon the crown of her head.

Azizo’s mother initially went with the surgical treatment options, having 3 separate surgical procedures to remove the cancerous cells. Each time the cancer returned, stronger than it had been prior to the procedure. Frustrated, and running out of options, she agreed to listen to Azizo’s advice and implement a natural option with the use of baking soda.

It is important to note that this is baking soda, not baking powder being used. Often confused, baking powder contains aluminum, unless otherwise noted upon the packaging.

Azizo’s mother had read about the skin cellular regenerative powers associated with coconut oil, and decided to make one change to the recommended baking soda/water paste, mixing the oil with baking soda instead. She would make the paste and apply it directly to the cancerous lesions, without rubbing it in, and allow it to sit. After the wound closed she would also tape a cotton ball soaked in vinegar to the spot, which helped the baking soda to penetrate to the roots of the basal cell carcinoma, deep below the skin’s surface. She carried out this regiment for 38 days.

During this time the only pharmaceutical that she would use was an antibiotic ointment – Polysporin Triple 3 Antibiotics – which she would apply at night. This was used to prevent any chance to bacterial infection that may occur from the open wound that she initially had. This is only required until such time that the wound itself closes, at which point she continued the baking soda/coconut oil paste.

As shown in this picture, the results speak for themselves!

cancer fighting, baking soda, baking soda cancer cure

Vernon Johnston’s Dramatic Story

Five years after his own battle with cancer, Vernon Johnston wrote a book sharing his personal account of how he was able to beat cancer using a series of natural treatment options. He employed a combination of a baking soda treatment protocol coupled with breathing exercises designed to increase oxygen deliver to the cancerous cells, exposure to a lot of sunlight, and a healthy plant based diet.


You can read Johnston’s story in his own words, as well as learn more about his ebook “Vernon’s Dance with Cancer: After the Jolt” here.

Originally diagnosed with stage III prostate cancer through the Veteran’s Administration (VA) system, his cancer soon metastasized in this hip area, qualifying the disease as stage IV. He was still in the middle of the doctor and specialist appointments that follow an initial diagnosis, determining his next steps for treatment, when one of his sons recommended that he look into the research regarding the use of alkaline substances that would impact the cancer on a cellular level.

Short in cash, and equally short in time with his disease still spreading, Johnston used a mixture of baking soda and black-strap molasses. The molasses acted as the Trojan Horse sugar bait, opening the cancer cells to the alkaline properties of the baking soda, which would alkalize the environment, in turn killing off the cells.

Less than two weeks after beginning this treatment Johnston was scheduled for his next bone scan. The scan showed that there was no evidence of spreading cancer within his body. His PSA dropped from 22 to 5, and then down to 0.1 over the course of the treatment.

Johnston is now in good health and cancer free, and spends his time delivering lectures and sharing his story for all who wish to hear it.

Why Does it Work?

The key to the success of the baking soda regiment is the ability of the substance to produce alkalinity within the body’s acid-alkaline buffer. There are only a select number of alkaline substance that have this ability, meaning that you can’t rely on just any alkaline substance, such as alkalized water, to poos the body’s inner PH. Baking soda is both an alkaline substance, and alkaline producing.


Dr. Mark Sircus has written a book, “Sodium Bicarbonate –  Full Medical Review”, on the use of baking soda for cancer and other ailments. This former physician changed his focus form that of the pharmaceutical world to studying and practicing natural alternative health.

His use of baking soda differs slightly from those listed above. Instead of applying a paste topically, he flushes a baking soda solution directly into the blood vessels that feed the cancerous tumors.

His study of the use of baking soda focuses on the substance’s anti-fungal properties. He subscribes to the controversial claim that cancer is produced by fungal colonies. This believe led to the removal of his physician certification in Italy.

While this study is still new, and often questioned in the medical community, it deserves serious study and consideration in order to fully understand the effects that baking soda has on cancer cells. Further testing, and a large case study, should be completed to obtain a deeper understanding of its impact.

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