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The Intravenous Vitamin Treatment That Destroys Cancer Cells

by June 29, 2017

Cancer has plagued the lives of millions. It is a disease that demands to be taken seriously, and the sudden increase in cases has many people worried. The truth of the matter is, we aren’t treating it properly.

Cancer research centers and hospitals make billions off of cancer treatment. They treat cancer to make money, not to cure it. We have been treating cancer patients with chemotherapy for way too long. It does hardly anything but damage the healthy cells in the body. However, researchers have found multiple different methods to treat cancer effectively. Like this vitamin for example, treats cancer effectively and leaves healthy cells undamaged. A study published in the Journal of Science Translational Medicine shows that the intravenous vitamin might be the key to actually curing cancer. What is it? Well, it’s extremely popular, and there is no patent available for it, which is why pharmaceutical companies and cancer research foundations aren’t interested in it; because they can’t make money off of it.

The powerful vitamin that the researchers studied is vitamin C The study involved injecting high doses of vitamin C into human ovarian cells in a group of 22 different subjects. The results showed that vitamin C can effectively defeat cancer and protects healthy cells in the process. Dr. Jeanne Drisko, a coauthor of the study explained that “Patients are looking for safe and low-cost choices in their management of cancer. Intravenous Vitamin C has that potential based on our basic science research and early clinical data.”

They need to conduct a large-scale human trial on the benefits of intravenous vitamin c on cancer cells, but they have little funding to do so. Qi Chen, the lead author of the study, said, “Because Vitamin C has no patent potential, its development will not be supported by pharmaceutical companies. We believe that the time has arrived for research agencies to vigorously support thoughtful and meticulous clinical trials with intravenous Vitamin C.”

Vitamin C has such an amazing effect on the body when it is administered in different ways other than orally, Heidi Ledford explains. She says, “Oral doses [of vitamin C] act as antioxidants, protecting cells from damage caused by reactive compounds that contain oxygen. But vitamin C given intravenously can have the opposite effect by promoting the formation of one of those compounds: hydrogen peroxide. Cancer cells are particularly susceptible to damage by such reactive oxygen-containing compounds.”

7 Dangerous Dish Soaps That Are Full Of Cancer-Causing Chemicals!

by June 29, 2017

In today’s society, you have to be extremely careful about the things you keep in your house. A lot of household items can cause serious health issues because of the dangerous chemicals they contain.

Some of the most dangerous products in our house might seem to be the most harmless. One of which is dish soap; dish soap contains some hefty chemicals that can cause a world of health issues for you and your family. They contain toxic fragrances, formaldehyde, silicate salts, sulfuric acid, and ammonium sulfate. Needless to say, these aren’t any kind of chemicals you want your family washing their hands with.

Some of the most popular dish soap brands are the most infamous. They contain ingredients like formaldehyde. This dangerous chemical is used in the embalming of human corpses and more. It’s toxic and is present in many different household cleaners. According to research conducted by the Environmental Working Group, it can cause skin irritations and even cancer. It is known to cause respiratory issues such as asthma too. Researchers have additionally found that the use of formaldehyde in cleaning products can cause skin burns, eye damage, allergies, and general systemic organ defects.

Another toxic ingredient we see in common dish soaps is silicate salts. Silicate salts are added in dish soaps such as Palmolive, and can cause eye and skin irritations when consumed or inhaled. According to the FDA, silicate salts are classified as generally recognized as safe if added in low amounts. Researchers have also found traces of sulfuric acid in dish soaps such as Palmolive and Ajax. the EWG confirms that it has dangerous side effects and has been linked to allergies, skin irritation, eye damage, and dermatitis.

The Most Notorious Dish Soap Brands:

  • Dawn
  • Cucina
  • Alax
  • Meyers
  • Legacy of Clean
  • Palmolive
  • Johnson & Johnson

One of the most dangerous chemicals in dish soaps are derived from the fragrances they use. The fragrances irritate skin and your eyes. The environmental working group says you should avoid them at all costs. Long term exposure to these toxins can cause a world of health problems, and it is a much better idea to buy safe dish soap or make your own naturally!

63-Year-Old Mom With Her 41, 40 And 36-Year-Old Daughters Stun The World With Their Youthful Looks

by June 29, 2017

People of Asian descent have always been known for retaining their youthful splendor. They don’t seem to age like the rest of the world, and it’s all thanks to their natural remedy secrets.

Recently, a photo went viral of a 63-year-old mother with her 42, 40, and 36-year-old daughters standing next to each other. They are a Taiwanese family and they look absolutely gorgeous, especially for their ages. Lisa Hsu (41) stunned people because of her youthful look. She is an interior designer and fashion blogger, and when she became famous because of her youthfulness, people realized that she wasn’t the only one. Her entire family looks extremely young and healthy! Her two sisters, Aharon (36) and Fayfay (40) both look like young students – and that’s just the daughters. The sixty-three-year-old mother, who is a retired dancer, looks like she has been frozen in time. In fact, many people refer to them as the ‘family of frozen ages’.

They don’t look so young just because they are lucky either. They have tons of effective beauty treatments! In an interview with Taiwan’s Friday Magazine, Lure revealed they the key to looking youthful is to drink water and eat vegetables. She also stresses that we need to use enough moisturizer on our skin, and not the toxic chemical kind either. According to Lure, “once your skin has enough water, you don’t even need to worry about aging and wrinkles.” Her sister Fayfay additionally recommended that you need to drink lots of water. Hydration is super important when it comes to skin care because over time, it starts to lose its elasticity. Adequate moisture ensures that our skin remains resilient and doesn’t lose its shape.

Fayfay has been drinking a large glass of lukewarm water every morning.  “I have been doing that for more than a decade,” Fayfay said. “I drink 350ml to 500ml.” Some other Korean beauty secrets are to massage your face in a steamy shower. Skin clinics are everywhere in South Korea, and all they do is give you a facial massage. You can easily increase the health of your skin and prevent wrinkles, frown lines, and crow’s feet simply by massaging your face in the shower. Get it really steamy and hot and rub all the stress away in your face!

Koreans are also known for using charcoal masks on their face. Charcoal is known to detoxify the skin an all you have to do is let it sit there. Let a charcoal sheet sit on your face for 10-20 minutes a week. All you gotta do is slap that baby on there and relax for a little while. Doing this on a regular basis will do wonders for the elasticity in your skin. You’ll really see a difference after about 4 weeks.

Another ancient Korean remedy for keeping your face youthful is drinking barley tea. Roasted barley tea is very popular in Korea and is served in tons of different restaurants. Barley tea is also served to Korean babies from birth to fortify their skin and overall well-being. It is packed full of antioxidants that are amazing for our skin. One study showed that drinking it can even improve blood circulation, which extremely rejuvenates your skin.

7 Natural Remedies For Treating Dark Under Eye Circles

by June 28, 2017

Dark circles under your eyes are not a very appealing feature to have. No matter how many naps you take it seems like you can never get rested enough, or get rid of them! They can be caused by tons of different things too.

Dark circles can be caused by lack of sleep, stress, simple aging, and a few other things. There are literally thousands of creams, gels, medications, ointments, and other pharma concoctions that are advertised to be the solution to all your bag issues, but be weary – none of them work, and they’re super expensive.

Dark circles make you appear to be tired, prolonged crying, lack of sleep, and an unhealthy diet. Although all those expensive eye creams broke you, don’t worry – there are tons of natural remedies that are inexpensive and are effective! The best natural ingredients to use when treating dark circles are cucumbers, almond oil. Raw potato, rosewater, tomato, lemon juice, coconut oil, tea bags, cold compression, and of course, turmeric.

Almond oil is fantastic for dark circles because it is packed full of vitamin E. Regular use of almond oil will help fade away the dark circles under your eyes. It is fantastic to combine vitamin E oil and almond oil together. Your dark circles will soon vanish! Every wondered why people always have cucumbers over their eyes at the spa? Well turns out that cucumbers are great for rehydrating the circles around our eyes. They have mild astringent properties that exterminate the dark circles. They are also great for getting rid of acne breakouts. Raw potatoes have mild and natural bleaching agents. They can help lighten dark circles and get rid of the puffiness that comes alongside.

There are many other natural ingredients that can reduce the effects of dark eye circles. Some of these can even make them disappear completely. You can use these natural remedies to solve dark eye circles without having to spend so much money on an expensive cream. They work better too!

Vitamin C

Vitamin c plays a key role in collagen production. It improves skin quality and effectively gets rid of dark eye circles.


Avocado is famous because of its natural occurring ingredients that block the enzyme known as tyrosinase. It stops melatonin production that leads to discoloration.


Cucumbers at the spa aren’t just relaxing, they are great for the skin.

Tea Bags

Tea bags can also get rid of dark eye circles. Just save the bags after brewing, cool them off, and place them on your eyes will they are still damp.

Ice Cubes

Ice cubes can also be used to reduce dark circles. Wrap it in a paper towel and place over each eye, compress for 15 seconds.

Cold Spoons

Cold spoons are an ancient remedy to get rid of discoloration. Just make it cold and compress the puffy and dark skin.

Bladderwrack Extract

Bladderwrack is a type of seaweed, and the extract is clinically proven to get rid of dark spots.

15 Vegetarian Foods That Have More Iron Than Meat!

by June 28, 2017

Iron is an extremely supplement necessary for the body. Without it, you can form iron deficiency anemia and have very little energy!

Our bodies need iron because it is responsible for carrying oxygen in your red blood cells and transmitting nerve impulses. It is a mineral that is essential for good health and many people believe that you can only receive this nutrient by eating red meat. However, this is wrong because there are many plants that contain way more iron than meat! If you consume too much iron, it is stored for later use in fat cells.

Iron deficiency anemia is caused when there is not enough iron in your red blood cells. It is the most common form of anemia in the United States, ranking in at about five million diagnosed cases. While most people get their iron supplements completely from food, you might need to add in some iron supplements too. Symptoms include dizziness, weakness, difficulty concentrating. These days many people are deciding to cut meat from their diet because of the linked health issues to it. It just seems to be better to consume only nutritious and natural food rather than all of the processed ‘meat’ on the market today.

Many people believe that you cannot get an adequate amount of iron from just eating vegetables, but this isn’t true. In fact, there are some veggies that contain even more iron than meat does!


Dark leafy greens like spinach are notorious for containing iron. Three cups of spinach equal out to be about 18MG of iron! That’s more than an eight-ounce steak!


Another dark green, broccoli also contains lots of iron. It also contains essential nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, and Vitamin K.


Only one cup of lentils can provide more iron than an eight-ounce steak too! It also has loads of potassium, protein, and dietary fiber.


Kale has so much iron in it, that it can effectively fight Anemia.

Bok Choy

This Chinese cabbage contains 1.8 MG of iron.

Baked Potato

A delicious baked potato is also an efficient source of iron. In fact, a baked potato has 3 times more iron than a 3 ounce serving of chicken.

Sesame Seeds

1 tablespoon of sesame seeds 1.3MG of iron.


Cashews are a tasty nut that is rich in protein. They are highly recommended for vegetarians because of their high iron content. ¼ cup of cashews equals 2 grams of iron.


Soybeans are a great source of protein, soybeans are efficient for vegetarians. They contain 8.9 MG of iron!


Chickpeas are tasty and an excellent snack for vegetarians. They also contain 4.7 MG of iron.

Dark chocolate

Chocolate actually has more benefits than you think it would. Dark chocolate especially has a significant amount of protein. An ounce of dark chocolate contains over 2-3 MG of protein. That’s more than beef.

Swiss Chard

Chard is a great source of iron, folates, folic acid, vitamins A, C, and K.


Tofu is a vegetarian’s best friend. It contains 3 mg of Iron.

Kidney beans

Kidney beans contain up to 3-4 MG of iron per cup!


Cabbage is also known for containing high amounts of iron.

Here’s A 7-Day No-Added-Sugar Meal Plan That’s Actually Doable

by June 27, 2017

There are lots of reasons you might be looking to eat healthier. There are also tons of reasons you should do so. Eating healthier can have a tremendous impact on the way we feel, look, and age.

Getting in shape is often perceived to be a hard thing to do. These days, people are so extreme about everything. Getting in shape now requires the gym, and protein shakes, and muscle supplements, and daily intense workouts. This has caused people to believe that getting into shape is impossible, but it really isn’t. People are getting more and more unhealthy as we go along because of all the processed foods we are consuming. Processed foods are literally everywhere, and they can cause a wave of health complications. The bad thing is, we often consume processed foods unknowingly. The key to getting into shape is just cutting out the bad stuff.

There are tons of different diet plans and meal schedules, but they can be really complicated. Some diet plans are so complex you have a hard time understanding them and especially following one. Not only that, but they consist of very expensive foods. It doesn’t have to be that way. This diet will revolutionize your health, and it is budget friendly. The meals are made with whole foods, not processed foods. They also contain no added sugar. Some brands add sugar in products such as rice and bread, not the naturally occurring sugar in fruits.  

The foods in this diet aim for a trio of protein, fats, and carbs. It consists of colorful foods that are nutrient rich. You also see some plant based and animal based proteins. The diet was additionally designed to be affordable and easy. It doesn’t take up time and anyone can do it. The meal plan will make you cut down on expenses, prep time, and cleanup too! It only takes one week, what are you waiting for?

Week One

Week one includes seven breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. You can get it all for about $60-65 dollars! You can see the printable grocery list here.

Day 1 

Taylor Miller / Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

Strawberry balsamic breakfast toast, a veggie-loaded frittata; and a Thai-inspired rice bowl.

Day 2

Taylor Miller / Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

Oatmeal with fruit and peanut butter; a hearty vegetarian pita; and spiced turkey tossed with fresh greens, crunchy carrots, and brown rice.

Day 3  

Taylor Miller / Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

Peanut butter and banana toast; leftover veggie frittata; and black bean tacos stuffed with roasted sweet potatoes, pico de gallo, and Greek yogurt crema

Day 4

Taylor Miller / Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

Fried egg breakfast tacos; veggie-loaded pita with homemade tzatziki sauce; and a colorful banh mi bowl.

Day 5

Taylor Miller / Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

Breakfast quinoa bowl; power salad with fiber-rich sweet potatoes, spinach, and balsamic; and whole wheat pasta with lemon kale chicken.

Day 6

Taylor Miller / Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

Fried egg breakfast tacos; Southwestern quinoa bowl with homemade Pico de gallo; and one-pan chicken and kale hash.

Day 7

Taylor Miller / Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

Almond milk oatmeal with fruit; leftover chicken and kale hash; and chilled Thai-style noodles.

Here is a step by step meal prep routine to help you on your journey.

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