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When Was The Last Time You Drained Your Lymph Fluids?

by August 12, 2016

Your body contains more lymph than it does blood, lymph however, does not have a pump. Your lymph system acts as a sewer in a sense.

Lymph nodes can become infected leading to swollen glands; a condition that occurs when your glands end up being clogged like a sewer line. This happens when the lymph does not move out of the small lymph nodes through their ducts into the liver and kidneys. The build up of intoxicated lymph fluids can result in many different kinds of health issues. Some of which are very serious. Luckily though there are many ways we can move this lymph fluid through our bodies and out. Stimulating this movement is actually pretty easy to do.

Methods for moving your lymph fluid:

  • Buy a mini trampoline and bounce on it. (roughly 4 feet in diameter.) Jump on it for at least fifteen minutes at a time.
  • Any athletic activity that requires jumping or running will stimulate movement of lymph fluid (Jumping jacks, jogging, swimming, etc.)
  • Walking (can also help with prevention of onset Alzheimer’s)

Doctors: Stop Feeding Your Kids Hot Dogs Immediately!

by August 12, 2016

Doctors are now advising parents to stop feeding their children hot dogs. This is something especially hard to do considering hot dogs are one of our favorite foods here in America being sold just about everywhere.

Research has shown that on the fourth of July alone each year Americans consume more than one hundred and fifty-five million hot dogs. Hot dogs are served at almost all sporting events and festivals. There are many reasons as to why doctors are against giving children hot dogs.

Research shows that children who consume more than one dozen hot dogs a month have at least a nine percent increased risk of developing leukemia. It goes so far as to even increasing the child’s risk of cancer if the father frequently eats hot dogs before conceiving a child. It has also been shown that if the mother eats more than one hot dog a week during her pregnancy it increases the risk of the child developing a brain tumor.

Why are hot dogs so dangerous?

All of these things happen due to the nitrite additives that are put into hot dogs to prevent botulism. These nitrates are added into the meet with amines during the cooking process and they create a dangerous cancer causing compound known as N-nitroso. So, if you can’t live without hot dogs you should definitely limit your portions or try to find some that are nitrite-free.

2-Second At Home Tests To Determine Your pH Level

by August 12, 2016

If you ask someone what their pH level is most of them won’t be able to tell you. Actually, some of them might not even know what a pH level is.

Knowing your pH level is very important and can give you insight on things going on in your life. Maybe you are chronically tired, have weight issues, or joint pain. These things can occur when your pH level is not where it is supposed to be. Luckily, though, pH testing is inexpensive and can be done at home with immediate results.

What is pH?

pH stands for the potential of hydrogen. pH measures the amount of hydrogen ions in a solution. The higher the amount of ions present the higher the acidity level. The fewer that are present  the more alkaline the solution is. Zero represents the most acidic and fourteen the most alkaline. Seven is a neutral point.

How to test your urine/saliva pH levels

Things needed:

  • pH strips (drugstore, online, pharmacy.)

These strips change color when they come in contact with alkaline or acidic substances.


Place the stick in the flow of urine for at least two seconds. The acidity or alkalinity of your urine will change the color of the stick. You will then compare it to the chart. In order to get an average on this level you will need to test a couple times a day.

If doing this test with saliva you will need to spit into a clear container and dip the test strip into it. Let it sit for a couple seconds and you will see the strip change colors. Compare to the chart.

Normal urine pH averages range from 6.5 to 7.25 and normal saliva pH averages range from 7.0 to 7.5.

Denmark Intends to Become the World’s First 100% Organic Nation

by August 12, 2016

The Danish government has announced that it will be converting the entire country’s agriculture into organic and sustainable farming. This will make Denmark the first country ever in the world to become one hundred percent organic.

The government has already been able to raise over fifty-three million euros in an effort to turn the country into an organic powerhouse one hundred percent. Since Denmark seems to have quite the love for organic food this goal doesn’t seem too out of reach. Their government has two main angles for implementing this:

  • One is to turn traditional farmland into organic.
  • The other is to stimulate an increase in demand for organic product.

This is planned to have the numbers of agricultural land cultivated with organic methods doubled by the year 2020. Not only will government land be using organic methods but the government will also finance and support those working and investing in this sector to promote growth. This isn’t just or fruit and veggies but livestock as well. How amazing is that?

The first target is food that will be served to the public places like schools, hospitals, and cafeterias. National public institutions serve over 800,000 meals each day this will be increasingly green. If only we could get every country on this page.

If You Eat Garlic and Honey On an Empty Stomach For 7 Days, This is What Happens to Your Body

by August 11, 2016

Honey and Garlic are both very well-known staples that can found in almost every typical household. Although they are mostly used in cooking, they are both gaining steadfast popularity as medicinal agents as well.

If you mix them together and eat the mixture daily, you will see your health improve in ways you never imagined, and we have provided the why and the how below.

Garlic has a wide spectrum of health benefits. It is believed to prevent and treat almost all diseases. Garlic can help lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol, work at an anti-bacterial, contains anti-viral properties, and is also anti-fungal. Garlic is also wonderful for increasing your immune system’s productivity, which can aid in preventing a variety of ailments.

Honey could be considered just as wonderful for you and your health. Known as nature’s energy booster, honey provides a great natural source of carbohydrates providing strength and energy, as well as boosting your daily performance and endurance. Honey also contains carcinogen preventing properties, as well as anti-tumor properties which make honey a wonderful cancer preventative. Honey is also well known its ability to enhance the immune system, and can help cure a wide variety of sickness.

Make sure that when using these ingredients for health, that you take them raw, and on an empty stomach, as a full stomach cannot absorb all of the nutrients. Consume these ingredients daily for the best results, and make sure you prepare the mixture based on the following outline.

Honey And Raw Garlic

Take 2-3 garlic cloves, and mince them finely. Add a tablespoon of raw honey.
Consume daily for an energy and immunity booster.
Garlic Flu Tonic (Bye, bye flu shot!)


  • 5 garlic cloves, chopped coarsely
  • 1 tablespoon ginger, chopped
  • Raw, organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • 1 lemon juiced
  • 2 red chili peppers, chopped coarsely


Wear gloves during preparation, to protect the skin. In a 350-500 ml mason jar add the chopped onion to one layer, next add the chopped garlic, hot peppers (with seeds), layering each ingredient like the first. Now, add the ginger, and pour the lemon juice into the jar, following with the vinegar at the end. Seal tightly, leaving 1cm of space from the rim. Store in the pantry, and consume regularly to prevent ailments or use until your symptoms disappear.

Using health packed, raw and organic ingredients like garlic, and honey can help to improve your health. By understanding how to correctly combine or consume these ingredients, you can use them as powerful tools of natural healing that are unbeatable. Begin consuming these ingredients today to see results that will leave you in awe of nature and her healing powers!

7 Easy & Super Effective Ways to Get Beautiful Breasts

by August 11, 2016

Many women are insecure about the size and shape of their breasts. Some of these women even go as far as to have plastic surgery but did you know that you could firm up your breasts without plastic surgery?

There are tons of yoga poses that can help to improve the shape and fullness of your breasts as well as helping to increase the volume of your lungs. These exercises will leave you feeling strong, confident, sexy, and healthy. what do you have to lose? Give these breast-firming yoga poses a try.

Breast-Firming Yoga Poses:

1 . Warrior Pose

warrior pose

  • place your feet wide apart but still parallel to one another
  • turn your left foot to a ninety-degree angle and then turn your right foot to the inside
  • exhale and bend your knees
  • keep your right leg straight while raising your arms and putting them in line with your shoulders
  • turn your head to the left while looking at your wrist
  • do this for at least ten times in a row the do it ten more times to the right side

2 . Cobra Pose

cobra pose

  • lie on your tummy and inhale deeply
  • slowly raise your torso while keeping your lower body on the floor
  • balance on your arms and legs while raising your head to look up
  • exhale slowly and return to the starting position
  • try to increase the length of time you hold the pose each time you do it

3 . Triangle Pose

triangle pose

  • place your feet wide apart and turn your left foot to a ninety-degree angle and the right foot fifteen
  • touch your left ankle with your left hand and stretch your right arm upward so that your arms are making a straight line
  • keep your knees and spine straight
  • turn your face up and look at your fingers
  • repeat this exercise on both sides

4 . Wheel Pose

wheel pose

  • lie on your back and place your feet apart a bit wider than your shoulder width
  • put your hands behind your head with your palms down and your fingers pointing to your back
  • exhale and raise your breasts and hips as high as you possibly can
  • try to straighten your arms completely and hold this position for at least thirty seconds

5 . Bow Pose

bow pose

  • Lie on your tummy and exhale
  • bend your knees and raise them behind you towards your head
  • hold your ankles with your hands and exhale
  • pull your legs and arms upwards as far as you can
  • your hips and breasts should lift from the floor and you should be balancing on your tummy
  • hold this position for at least thirty seconds

6 . Camel Pose

camel pose

  • sit on your knees and pull your feet together
  • slowly bend backward and put your hands on your heels
  • arch your back and stretch your ribs
  • pull your head to the floor and hold the position for thirty seconds before returning to the start position

7 . One Leg King Pigeon Pose


  • begin on all fours with your knees directly below your hips and your hands slightly ahead of your shoulders
  • slide your right knee forward to the back of your wrist at the same time angle your right shin under your torso and bring your right foot to the front of your left knee
  • the outside of your right shin should now be resting on the floor slowly slide your left leg back straighten your knee and descend your thigh to the floor
  • lower your right buttocks to the floor and position the right heel in front of your hip
  • look back at your left leg it should be extending straight out of the hip and rotated slightly inward mildly pressing against the floor now
  • exhale and lay your torso down on the inner right thigh for several breaths and stretch your arms forward
  • slide your hands towards your front shin and push your fingertips to the floor then lift your torso away from the thigh press your tailbone down and forward at the same time while lifting your pubis toward your navel
  • if you can maintain this position bring your hands to the top rim of your pelvis and push down heavily drop your head back and lift your chest stay in this position for a minute then back to start position

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