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Baking Soda And Castor Oil Can Treat More Than 20 Health Problems!

by August 26, 2016

natural medicine is becoming increasingly popular and as it seems the vast amount of natural remedies cannot be denied. There is a remedy for just about everything.

Many studies have shown that theses recipes are even more effective than most conventional medical treatments. One of these recipes being the simple mixture of baking soda and castor oil. These two are very special and can provide one with potent medicinal properties depending on the health condition.

What is baking soda?

Primarily used in baking this is an agent that reacts with acidic components. This is something very cost effective that can do things like reduce heartburn and indigestion much easier than Tums.

What is castor oil?

Castor oil is an oil that we get from castor beans it is used medically and as a lubricant. This oil is great for oral care, hair care, skin care, and menstrual disorders to name a few.

Here are some of the best uses for this mixture:

  • Removing dark spots on the face
  • Using as a compress
  • Treating cataracts
  • Reduce alcohol addiction
  • Help prevent/reduce some cancers
  • Stop snoring
  • Treating fungal infections
  • Treat diarrhea
  • Relieve skin injuries
  • Relieve swelling and itching
  • Remove warts
  • Constipation
  • Lactation issues
  • Sooth rashes
  • Reduce stretch marks
  • Treat vocal cords
  • Rid one of pilonidal cysts
  • Treat allergies

And that is just naming off a few. As you can see there is no way around it. This mixture is a miracle worker. For more information on the benefits of castor oil and baking soda watch the videos below as you can see these two work great together and apart and it is very obvious why!


Put Ice On This Point Two Times Daily And See Amazing Results!

by August 26, 2016

For as long as man has existed on earth he has been searching for the Fountain of Youth. The world has been searched over in the hunt for some secret, powerful, life-enhancing elixir that could make humans healthy and ageless.

Today there are areas of medicine and science devoted to studying and searching for the right chemicals, plant extracts, and other combinations that can enhance beauty, turn back the effects of aging, and cure us of any and all illnesses.

By now we should all know that chemicals are never the answer, they do nothing but harm the body. And although many people buy expensive creams, have plastic surgery or do dangerous crash diets it is important for people to realize that this is not healthy for the body.

And as it turns out, an ice cube and a few moments of your time do wonders! The ice cube methods stems from ancient Chinese medicine, our body is an energy system in which the energy (chi or qi) flows through special pathways called meridians.

The point where you place the ice is known as Feng Fu and acupuncturists believe the stimulation of this point promotes total well-being.  Many people report feeling younger, energized, and full of life after doing this every day

How to Do it:

Either sit or rest on your stomach and put one cube of ice on the Feng Fu point. You will want to hold it there for twenty minutes, or secure it with a headband, scarf, or bandage. The cold will feel unpleasant for the first few moments, however, with 60 seconds, you should be able to feel the influx of heat to the point on your neck.

You can repeat this technique in the morning and before bed to stimulate the release of endorphin’s into the blood stream and create energy. This practice can bring back and maintain physiological balance, while  invigorating, strengthening and stimulating the body.

Routine activation of the point is also thought to:

  • Improve the quality of sleep
  • Enhance the digestion system
  • Stop frequent colds
  • Reduction in headache, toothache, and joint discomfort
  • Enhance breathing
  • Treat gastrointestinal issues
  • Manage thyroid disorders
  • Assist with asthma
  • Help in the relief of arthritis
  • Manage menstrual conditions
  • Assist handle tension, tiredness, and depression

The Oil That Can Cure Migraines, Depression, Anxiety, & Even Cancer!

by August 25, 2016

Frankincense oil is said to be the king of oils and it definitely deserves this title. This oil has a very long history of being used as a prized essential oil.

This oil was used historically by many in religious ceremonies. Frankincense is taken from Boswellias by extracting through the bark of the tree. The white sap hardens to a resin and is then is scraped off of the tree in pear shaped droplets. the quality and even color of the resin varies from the highest quality being clear and silvery to the lowest being brown or yellow mostly.

This oil is widely used today as an essential oil and is useful for many different things. You can use Frankincense for things like;

  • Help heal wounds (things like cuts and scrapes)
  • Neurological support (this oil can help with the function of the central nervous system and allow you to think more clearly)
  • Fade and reduce scars ( apply directly to your skin mixed with coconut oil)
  • Reduce stress ( rub a few drops on the back of your neck when you feel stressed)
  • Aging skin
  • Congestion ( Put this oil in a sink or bowl filled with hot water and under a towel contain the steam and breathe it in)
  • Head tension
  • Joint pain and swelling ( rub this oil on aching joints to reduce pain and swelling)
  • Promote sleep
  • Oral health (using this oil can prevent bad breathe toothaches and cavities)

For more on the benefits of this amazing oil watch the video below. You will be blown away!

How To Stop Serious Bleeding In Less Than 10 Seconds

by August 25, 2016

We have all been there, you know, you cut your finger and just cannot get it to stop bleeding. You will never have to worry about that problem again, because in less than 10 seconds, this remedy will become the answer to all your bleeding problems.

Cayenne has been used by Native Americans as food and medicine for over nine thousand years. Many cultivators or these peppers can be found around the world.

Cayenne pepper is made by grinding the dried red skins of many different types of hot chili peppers. This pepper is hot because of it’s most active compound Capsaicin. The hotter the pepper the more capsaicin it contains. Most of the capsaicin is found in the ribs of the pepper and not in the seeds as most people assume.

Why You Should Make Sure Cayenne Pepper Is In Your Medicine Cabinet.

Cayenne pepper should be considered a great part of an emergency first aid kit. It is the go-to herb when you need to stop severe bleeding within seconds. Research has revealed that cayenne pepper can also stop a heart attack cold within just a few minutes of ingestion.

Have you ever heard of Dr. Raymond Christopher? He was a herbalist who lived throughout 1909-1983, he did not hold any sort of doctorate but was known for many of his publications on herbs and natural healing. If you take the time to follow this link you can learn all about his remarkable studies here.

How To Use Cayenne For External Wounds.


  • Relax!
  • Take some cayenne pepper or tincture and apply it directly into the bleeding cut or laceration.
  • Wait about ten to fifteen seconds and the bleeding should stop.
  • If you’re using cayenne tincture use the dropper to directly flood the wound with tincture.

Be sure to only use cayenne tincture with smaller wounds like cuts and scrapes. For anything large or dangerous be sure to call 9-1-1 while packing the wound with lots of cayenne pepper powder and drink  some of it as well in a glass of water.

Cayenne is a  very powerful styptic. This is something that is capable of stopping bleeding when applied to a wound. It is able to do this because it quickly equalizes the blood pressure and triggers coagulation or what we call blood clotting. It also works to disinfect the cut so no need to worry about possible infections.

Where Do I Buy Cayenne Pepper?

Avoid buying cayenne at the grocery store as those are overly processed and have lost some if not all of their healing abilities. Instead, try to find a powder that is organic and has a SHU (Scoville heat units) of 90,000. You can order this online.

How To Use Cayenne For Internal Wounds.

This is used for things like lung hemorrhage, stomach, uterus, or nose. As well as, gunshot wounds and heart attacks.

  • Mix a teaspoon of cayenne powder into warm water.
  • Drink the mixture all at once.
  • Do this as much as possible every fifteen minutes.

30 Reasons To Never Put Another M&M In Your Mouth Ever Again

by August 25, 2016

Sure, M&M’s are delicious but are they good for us? As it turns out they are not safe at all!

No one really expects a chocolate candy to be healthy but we do expect it to be safe for consumption. M&M’s though, have a dreadfully long history of including many questionable ingredients in their chocolate. You see, back in 1976 red dye number two was banned from the use of food. This was because it was found to be carcinogenic. That was not good for the M&M’s however because red dye number two was the key food color used to make these colorful snacks.

The use of this red dye number two was reintroduced to food products in 1983 where the M&M company jumped right back into using it. Ignoring many requests that they switch to a safer alternative. This is ridiculous considering the amount of options available to them. They have also ignored the CSPI’s recommendation that they add a warning label to their products containing artificial coloring’s like red dye number two.


Risky Ingredients Used:

Red dye number two isn’t the  only unsafe ingredient causing an uproar being used by M&M. There are actually quite a few others as well.

Things like Soy Lecithin, a chemical commonly used in the western food industry to make products have a longer shelf life is based off of ninety-three percent genetically modified soybeans. Genetic modification is one of the major issues we are dealing with today. These genetically modified soybeans they’re using are full of toxic chemicals and can increase a risk of breast cancer.

There are also a large number of artificial colors things other then red dye number two. Blue dye number one which is linked to malignant tumor growth is another favorite that this company refuses to rid themselves of as well as blue dye number two, red dye number forty, yellow dye number five, and yellow dye number six. All of which are linked with serious health issues. Things like cancer, hyperactivity, DNA damage, behavioral issues, asthma, hives, and many more.

There are an over abundance of danger associated with these artificial food coloring’s. Watch the video below for more info on that matter.

If you think M&M’s should stop using artificial dyes please follow this link to sign the petition.

But even without all of these artificial dyes and colors the main ingredients left by themselves will still cause you issues. You see milk and refined sugar are known for causing inflammation in your body and you cannot make milk chocolate without those two ingredients. Some people react differently than others to dairy products but in the long term a serious toll is still taken on your digestive tract. You may suffer from things like leaky gut, cancer, depression, and such.

Eating organic chocolate on the other hand will not cause these terrible things. It will instead have the opposite effect. Organic chocolate is rich in antioxidants and can help your body to fight off the damage caused by inflammation. It has been proven to boost moods and still taste pretty great. Watch the videos below if you’re interested in eating or making organic chocolate.

They Told You That Drinking Hot Water With Lemon Was Good, But They Didn’t Tell You This

by August 24, 2016

Lots of health experts say that drinking lemon water before your breakfast is very beneficial. It can help keep your body hydrated as well as helping you get rid of toxins.

Lemons are jam packed with lots of healthy things like calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and many different types of vitamins. the citric acid in lemons provides us with a strong antibacterial and boosts immunity. This is great for our overall health.

All you need to do is juice a lemon and add it into a glass of water. If the flavor isn’t bearable for you try adding some honey to the mixture. Here are some of the health benefits of consuming lemon water  before your breakfast:

  • It can improve digestion- Lemon is able to stimulate the bile secretion which helps with digestion.
  • It can help with weight loss- Lemon can help to suppress your appetite.
  • Stimulate your immune system- Drinking this regularly can increase the ability of your body to assimilate iron that helps promote a stronger immune system.
  • Can balance pH levels- This helps to reduce your risk of inflammation.
  • Cure throat infections- Great remedy for tonsillitis and sore throat infections because of its antibacterial properties.

After learning all of this why would you not drink lemon water every day? You will be more healthy and feel much better in the long run. Lemon water can work wonders.

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