
How To Stop Serious Bleeding In Less Than 10 Seconds

by in Health, Natural Cures, Other, Video August 25, 2016

We have all been there, you know, you cut your finger and just cannot get it to stop bleeding. You will never have to worry about that problem again, because in less than 10 seconds, this remedy will become the answer to all your bleeding problems.

Cayenne has been used by Native Americans as food and medicine for over nine thousand years. Many cultivators or these peppers can be found around the world.

Cayenne pepper is made by grinding the dried red skins of many different types of hot chili peppers. This pepper is hot because of it’s most active compound Capsaicin. The hotter the pepper the more capsaicin it contains. Most of the capsaicin is found in the ribs of the pepper and not in the seeds as most people assume.

Why You Should Make Sure Cayenne Pepper Is In Your Medicine Cabinet.

Cayenne pepper should be considered a great part of an emergency first aid kit. It is the go-to herb when you need to stop severe bleeding within seconds. Research has revealed that cayenne pepper can also stop a heart attack cold within just a few minutes of ingestion.

Have you ever heard of Dr. Raymond Christopher? He was a herbalist who lived throughout 1909-1983, he did not hold any sort of doctorate but was known for many of his publications on herbs and natural healing. If you take the time to follow this link you can learn all about his remarkable studies here.

How To Use Cayenne For External Wounds.


  • Relax!
  • Take some cayenne pepper or tincture and apply it directly into the bleeding cut or laceration.
  • Wait about ten to fifteen seconds and the bleeding should stop.
  • If you’re using cayenne tincture use the dropper to directly flood the wound with tincture.

Be sure to only use cayenne tincture with smaller wounds like cuts and scrapes. For anything large or dangerous be sure to call 9-1-1 while packing the wound with lots of cayenne pepper powder and drink  some of it as well in a glass of water.

Cayenne is a  very powerful styptic. This is something that is capable of stopping bleeding when applied to a wound. It is able to do this because it quickly equalizes the blood pressure and triggers coagulation or what we call blood clotting. It also works to disinfect the cut so no need to worry about possible infections.

Where Do I Buy Cayenne Pepper?

Avoid buying cayenne at the grocery store as those are overly processed and have lost some if not all of their healing abilities. Instead, try to find a powder that is organic and has a SHU (Scoville heat units) of 90,000. You can order this online.

How To Use Cayenne For Internal Wounds.

This is used for things like lung hemorrhage, stomach, uterus, or nose. As well as, gunshot wounds and heart attacks.

  • Mix a teaspoon of cayenne powder into warm water.
  • Drink the mixture all at once.
  • Do this as much as possible every fifteen minutes.