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Lift Your Libido with These Sexy Scents

by March 21, 2017

When it comes to our sense of smell, we are easily influenced by scents. Did you know there were even scents that could get you going?

Of course, not all of these will work for you but some of them will. Essential oils for those of you who are not aware are highly concentrated and should always be diluted. They will make a huge difference in your sex lives whether you think they will initially or not.

Having a low libido is nothing to be worried about. It happens to everyone at least a time or two in their lives. This is not something you should be embarrassed about. Accepting that you have an issue is the first step in solving the problem.

A low libido can be caused by things like stress, hormone issues, alcohol, and even basic relationship issues. When you think your libido may be running a bit low try adding some of these essential oils to the mix. They will work wonders on your sex life.

Essential oils to boost your libido:


This is something that can be applied topically or even used as a massage oil. You don’t have to be a woman to use these either men can benefit from them as well. Jasmine is used widely by many people because of how fresh it smells.

Clary Sage

This one is balancing and soothing. It helps the most when your low libido has been caused by some sort of hormonal shift. It will bring on some form of relief. While this one, in my opinion, smells a bit more Earthy than the others it still does the trick well.

Ylang Ylang

This is something that has been widely used as an aphrodisiac and everyone loves its gentle floral scent. It is appealing to almost everyone. Most people overlook this scent because of the strange name but it is one to pay attention to.


Inhaling this one can actually relieve menopausal symptoms and even reduce blood pressure in women. This is an intense aroma that can be quite uplifting. Don’t forget to add this to your shopping list the very next chance you get.


This one is my favorite because it reduces anxiety and is, in general, calming to most people. It is something that is usually blended with other scents but I enjoy it just as it is. While it is usually a more pricey oil it is well worth it.

Men and women of all ages have dealt with this issue and they have worked to overcome it. There is no reason to be ashamed of yourself, seeking a solution is something you should have done long before. If you want to relieve the stresses of your everyday life and boost your libido, using these essential oils is your ticket to a better experience.

10 Body Signals That Point to Liver Damage

by March 21, 2017

The human body relies on the liver entirely; if it isn’t functioning well, the rest of your body isn’t either. The liver is arguably the most important part of the body, and if you have these symptoms your liver is in need of attention.

The liver is the largest internal organ in the body, coming in at about the size of a football. It is located in the upper right portion of your abdomen. It performs many essential tasks for the body. It filters the blood coming from the digestive tract. This is important because any foreign or dangerous chemical in your food will be caught before it is spread throughout the body. It also secretes the bile that is left over in the intestines. It makes proteins, cleans the blood, secretes bile, and needless to say, this thing is important.

However all of the hefty tasks performed by the liver it can become damaged over time. Especially considering all of the pharmaceuticals and toxic chemicals that are being pushed down our throats. Also, alcohol is literally poison for the liver. Excessive consumption can lead to a disease called Cirrhosis of the liver – and that is no fun. This can also be caused by viruses like Hepatitis A and B.

Thankfully, the liver will let us know if it isn’t feeling well. If you experience any of these symptoms, they are telling signs that your liver is suffering. If you’re a drinker you might need to lay off for a little while – at least to let the little guy recover.

  • Consistent Fatigue – If you are constantly fighting a snooze, then this is a telling sign. I’m not talking about being tired after a long day. I’m talking about being in a never ending state of restlessness. This can also be an indicator of many other health ailments, so consult with your doctor immediately.
  • Belly Pain – Stomach ache after stomach ache, do you relate? If you do, then it might be something more serious than some bad sushi. Typical liver pain is just below the ribcage.
  • Vomiting – vomiting is the body’s most natural way of telling us that something is not right. If you are finding yourself throwing your guts up on a regular basis then you should see a doctor.
  • Dark Urine – This is something we don’t usually pay too much attention to, however, the color of our urine matters. If you notice darker urine than usual there could be a serious issue going on inside your body.
  • Diarrhea – This is one of the first and most common symptoms associated with liver issues. Loose bowel movements are not something we should ignore. If you are dealing with this issue for more than a couple days you should see a doctor.
  • The Color Yellow – When waste builds up inside of your body and bile pigment begins moving into the bloodstream the whites of your eyes, as well as your skin, can become yellowish in color. This is a very serious sign of liver problems and should never be ignored.
  • Personality Changes – These toxins eventually can and will make their way to your brain. It will become more difficult to concentrate as this happens. You may have trouble remembering things or even notice a change in sleeping habits.
  • Bloated Ankles – Swelling will, of course, be in your stomach but it can occur in your ankles as well. This can be a sign of other health issues that are unrelated to your liver but still should involve a doctor visit. Only special testing will be able to determine if it is liver related or not.
  • Unexplainable Bruises – Your liver is something that produces the proteins needed for blood clotting. When it begins struggling to keep this up your protein levels will drop leaving you more susceptible to things like bruises and bleeding. You will bruise easily.
  • Swelling Of The Belly – As mentioned above your belly can swell. This is something that can be from liver issues. If you look and feel a few months pregnant but aren’t the issue is most likely your liver. If you notice pain that is a sign to get to a hospital as soon as possible. There is nothing to play about when it comes to your liver.

You don’t have to obsess over these things but it does pay to be aware of the things happening to your body. Liver issues are very serious and must be dealt with as soon as you notice them. A damaged liver doesn’t help anyone. We must do what it takes to keep our livers’ healthy and functioning properly. For information on how to maintain liver health please take the time to watch the video below.

It Turns out Some Conspiracy Theories About Monsanto and Roundup Are True

by March 21, 2017

We all know about Monsanto and the dangers of Roundup, it is a cancer causing powerhouse of toxic things that will literally kill you. This information is something we all assumed was happening from the beginning.

For years Monsanto has done their best to make people think their weed killing product was safe without a doubt but it is not. Monsanto even touted the approval of the chemical by the EPA! Recently unsealed court documents have revealed that when it comes to Monsanto as well as the EPA they have been for quite some time working together to kill and discredit all independent or inconvenient cancer research. Specifically research done by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

For a bit more on the work they have put into to make the public believe that roundup was safe please continue reading and play close attention. The EPA found Roundup to be safe without even conducting any sort of testing on the actual formulation of it. They relied on industry research on only one of the product’s many active ingredients. Donna Farmer who happens to be Monsanto’s lead toxicologist has admitted that she cannot say Roundup does not cause cancer! This should be seen as the icing on the cake.

On top of all that, back in 2015 once IARC made it known they were working on their own independent study of Roundup, Monsanto sprang into action. They launched efforts to try and discredit any of the results that may make the product look bad. They actually took to ghostwriting for their report and plotted to have the independent scientists literally just sign their names to the work.

As if that wasn’t enough to make Monsanto sound like someone desperate for a ticket out of hell they went one step further. According to ZeroHedge, They called in a special favor. They had Jess Rowland the EPA’s Deputy Division Director for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention to kill any remaining potentially damaging research. See the image below for more on that.

“EPA’s minimal standards do not require human health data submissions related to the formulated product – here, Roundup. Instead, EPA regulations require only studies and data that relate to the active ingredient, which in the case of Roundup is glyphosate. As a result, the body of scientific literature EPA has reviewed is not only primarily provided by the industry, but it also only considers one part of the chemical ingredients that make up Roundup.”

This is completely disgusting, when it comes to our health we should not have to deal with things like this. Our government should not be allowing this kind of thing to go on. What do you think about this? How has this sort of thing gone unpunished? What do you think should happen next?

For more information on this please take the time to watch the video below. This is enough to make a person’s blood boil. Roundup is without a doubt carcinogenic. Please be careful with the things you allow in and around your home. Glyphosate is not safe!

30% of Deaths From Heart Disease Could be Prevented if Everyone did These 6 Things

by March 20, 2017

One out of three deaths here in the United States is due to cardiovascular disease. While the death rate for this has seen a bit of a decline it is still a huge issue.

Lots of these deaths could have been prevented. When it comes to maintaining cardiovascular health all you need is a simple lifestyle change. We need to take better control of our health. When it comes to controlling our blood pressure we need to be aggressive. There is no need to be smoking and we should without a doubt be exercising.

You can avoid dying from heart disease if you do the following:

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid anything that could stress you unnecessarily
  • Manage your blood pressure and diabetes
  • Reduce your salt consumption
  • Stop smoking

Reducing chronic inflammation in your body will work wonders on your cardiovascular health. You don’t need to go overboard but you do need to do what it takes to stay healthy. Avoid eating lots of sugars and try cutting oxidized cholesterol completely out of your life. Maintaining a proper diet is a big part of keeping yourself safe and healthy.

If you want to learn more about how to promote cardiovascular health please take the time to watch the video below. Keeping your heart healthy is one of the most important things you can do. Not doing right by your heart can literally kill you. There is no need in making your body suffer because your mind wants to do unhealthy things. Take control of your life.

How to Remove Facial Hair Permanently With This Home Remedy

by March 20, 2017

Facial hair is something we all deal with, our bodies determine just how severe ours is. It is something that we often see as embarrassing and we do our best to keep it away.

If you are dealing with unwanted facial hair this is the remedy for you. It will remove all of that annoying hair and leave your face feeling smooth. You won’t ever have to deal with hair issues again if you do this and it is not unhealthy like a lot of those commercial hair removing products.

Facial Hair Removing Remedy


  • 2 egg whites
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of cornflour


  • Put the sugar and cornflower into the egg whites, mix them well.
  • Place this on your face and then allow it to dry.
  • Once it dries you will need to let it sit for a few minutes before removing it.
  • Pull the egg mask with firm hands in order to remove the hair that comes off with it.
  • Pull firmly but do not hurt yourself.

Doing this will improve your facial hair issue dramatically. It may seem a bit odd but it really does the trick. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose but your facial hair.

10 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Having Sex

by March 20, 2017

Having sex is something we without a doubt just about all enjoy. It is something that takes a lot out of us but leaves us feeling much better than we did before.

When you finish having sex do you feel calm and relaxed? Like a weight has been lifted? Having sex is a great workout and can benefit both your mental and physical health. When we choose to stop having sex there are many different things that happen to our bodies.

When you stop having sex your stress levels are bound to go up and you will be dealing with a host of issues. While not all of these issues are dangerous or life threatening they are all things we would like to avoid. You could even end up damaging your cardiovascular health in the long run.

To learn the 10 things that happen to your body when you stop having sex please take the time to watch the video below. Are you someone who has sex regularly or do you need to be spending more time in the sack? Sex is normal for our everyday lives, don’t be ashamed to enjoy it.

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