
10 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Having Sex

by in Health, Video March 20, 2017

Having sex is something we without a doubt just about all enjoy. It is something that takes a lot out of us but leaves us feeling much better than we did before.

When you finish having sex do you feel calm and relaxed? Like a weight has been lifted? Having sex is a great workout and can benefit both your mental and physical health. When we choose to stop having sex there are many different things that happen to our bodies.

When you stop having sex your stress levels are bound to go up and you will be dealing with a host of issues. While not all of these issues are dangerous or life threatening they are all things we would like to avoid. You could even end up damaging your cardiovascular health in the long run.

To learn the 10 things that happen to your body when you stop having sex please take the time to watch the video below. Are you someone who has sex regularly or do you need to be spending more time in the sack? Sex is normal for our everyday lives, don’t be ashamed to enjoy it.