Lead Contamination In Water Affects Over 18 million People by Marshall July 3, 2016 I’m sure most of you are all aware the Flint Water Crisis back in 2014 (result of aging pipes...
PMS is Not Normal, Your Body is Trying to Tell You Something! by Marshall July 3, 2016 Most women suffer from something known as PMS or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome a week or so before their pe...
For the First Time, an Elephant Has Received a Prosthetic Leg by Marshall July 3, 2016 A lovely Asian elephant tragically lost her right foreleg when she stepped on a landmine. In normal...
Can’t Fall Back Asleep? “Sleepy Dust”: An Unconventional Nutritional Remedy for Insomnia by Marshall July 3, 2016 Getting the right amount of sleep is important for our everyday functions. People who suffer from in...
You’re Poisoning Your Household With This Popular Cleaner! It Contains 146 Toxic chemicals That Can Cause Cancer by Marshall July 2, 2016 Did you know that commercial cleaners have been linked with many different health issues? Things lik...
Study Finds More Than 24,000 Chemicals in Bottled Water: Which Ones Are Harming You? by Marshall July 2, 2016 Many people believe that bottled water is the superior choice to tap water, but are those people cor...