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5 Things You Need to Know to Avoid Bed Bugs When Traveling or At Home

by April 13, 2017

Bedbugs are one of the worst things you can come across and definitely the last thing you want to be worrying about when on vacation. They are more than enough to ruin the whole trip.

The thought of having tiny bugs ride along with us is something that makes most people’s skin crawl. Spotting them may seem a bit difficult but with these tips, you will never miss one. How to avoid and deal with bed bugs is worth knowing. Have you ever encountered them?

For those who do not know bedbugs are tiny brown oval shaped insects that look similar to apple seeds. they feed on blood and can attach to any of your luggage with ease. They are difficult to spot if you aren’t sure what you’re looking for because of their size. Follow these tips and you will never have to deal with bed bugs for as long as you live.

1. Don’t bring a pillow or blanket from home on your trip.

We are all tempted to do this but should not, if you do this and happen to come across bedbugs they will follow you home. Be sure to pack a flashlight and inspect your room upon arrival. The lighter color your luggage is the better. Bedbugs are not fans of bright colors as it is easier for you to see them on bright colors.

2. When doing an inspection use a flashlight to check the corners of the closet and drawers, then run a credit card down all the bed sheets to be sure there are no bugs.

If you notice any tiny dark brown stains then it is likely you have bedbugs. Don’t forget to check behind the headboard and under the box spring for them as well with the flashlight, they like to hide in the most obvious places.

3. Pay attention to your body.

If you notice any bugs on your body or even bite marks you cannot explain you most likely have bedbugs. The red itchy bite mark will resemble a mosquito bite but is quite different.

4. Wash all of your clothes in hot water as soon as you get home from your trip, this will kill off any bedbugs that may have followed you home.

5. Do not bring your luggage directly into your home, leave everything in the garage until it can be washed. If there is something among your luggage that cannot be washed chuck it in the dryer and heat it on high for 30 minutes.

If you want to check your home for bedbugs in general or after a trip checks tight spaces. Bugs like these as I mentioned above love to hide in the most obvious places. They can be found in cracks and crevices as well since they are flat in shape.

In order to make your home less desirable for bugs like these ones vacuum the beds from time to time. If at all possible pull the bed from directly against the wall. The more isolated it is the fewer places they will have to hide. If you do these things when you go on a trip there is no doubt in my mind that you can avoid bedbugs. if you find bedbugs in your hotel room alert the front desk and ask to change rooms. Your blood will be safe as long as you know what to look for.

30 Signs You’re A Spiritual Healer

by April 12, 2017

Have you ever felt like you had an individual ability when it came to spiritual growing? You’re not quite able to identify it – not yet anyways, but you know it’s there. If you have, you’re not alone and you might have some intense healing abilities.

The human soul poses tons of mysteries for us. However, it is said that you can figure them all out along the journey of spiritual growth. The human soul has more powers than you think. We’re very special, and it’s not for just any reason either. If you find yourself becoming too involved in worldly things you end up with mountains of stress, anxiety, and pain. The world is a dark place, and you can absorb that darkness if you let yourself. It is easier than you think.

Each human soul is different. There are tons of theories, myths, ideology, and history that talks about powerful souls. Humans have found documents that are thousands of years old containing information regarding the human soul. Hell, we all know that. There are religions based off of this stuff. However, the history of the human soul, let’s talk about the present. Many people are forced to shut down their spiritual selves for the modern day world.

Because it is so easy to adjust and conform to the way society runs, however that doesn’t mean it’s the best idea. In fact, worrying about worldly things usually ends up with disaster, heartbreak even. Since the beginning of time, there have been individuals born with special abilities when it comes to the spiritual world. You might have them, and not even be able to identify the underlying route. However, you will have always felt it deep down.

I cannot tell you whether or not you have healing abilities, but I can share these signs that indicate your abilities. Don’t deny yourself of your spiritual powers. Even if you aren’t a healer, practicing mindful healing is beneficial to anyone.

  1. You are highly sensitive to energy.
  2. You feel other people’s emotions and physical ailments as your own (empath).
  3. You are intuitive and can read others very easily.
  4. You are a “big picture” thinker (and don’t concern yourself too much with the details).
  5. You have gone through bouts of existential depression.
  6. You have felt like an outcast for most of your life.
  7. You think differently from others.
  8. You get overwhelmed in public easily.
  9. You have struggled with anxiety or panic before.
  10. You are the natural peacemaker between people.
  11. You are the confidant that people turn to in times of need.
  12. You experience digestive issues, lower back pain or gain weight around the stomach (solar plexus Chakra disorders).
  13. You feel drained after spending too much time around people
  14. Sensitive beings like animals and children gravitate towards you.
  15. Other people tend to “dump” their emotional baggage onto you to deal with.
  16. You think in shades of grey rather than in black and white.
  17. You are very aware of the interconnectedness of life and deeply respect it.
  18. You believe in synchronicity more than coincidences.
  19. You have a history of healers in the family, e.g. nurses, psychologists, massage therapists
  20. You’ve experienced a major trauma in your life, e.g. loss of your family, life-threatening illness, near death experience, physical/sexual/emotional abuse, war, mental illness.
  21. You’ve gone through a spiritual awakening.
  22. You’ve experienced the dark night of the soul.
  23. You tend to use the right side thinker more than a left side thinker.
  24. You experience chronic pain in your body or an autoimmune disease (energetic blockages).
  25. You are EMF sensitive (electromagnetic hypersensitivity).
  26. You tend to attract people who need “fixing” but often get trapped in self-sacrificing roles.
  27. You’re an excellent and compassionate listener.
  28. You are naturally drawn towards healing professions that help others experience balance and wholeness.
  29. You can feel, distinguish between and alter the energy within and without yourself.
  30. You have had numerous mystical experiences.

This is How Headaches Reveal What is Wrong With Your Health

by April 12, 2017

Whether we get headaches every single day or we get them once in a blue moon, we all get them. It is without a doubt something we cannot completely avoid.

Now, different kinds of headaches are caused by different things. No two headaches are the same. The reason behind your headaches could be something as simple as dehydration or something as terrible as a serious illness. According to Dr. Sakib Qureshi, there are several red light warning signs we should be looking for when it comes to our headaches. In doing this we are able to determine if our headache is merely temporary or is something that could potentially be life threatening.

There are four main types of headaches and each one, if you take the time to look at your symptoms, could tell you what is going on in your body. The most common type of a headache is a tension headache. This will feel as if you have a constant pressure around your head mostly residing in the temple. Tension headaches are not as severe as migraines so they don’t usually cause things like nausea or vomiting.

When you are having a tension headache it in most cases was brought on by the contraction of your neck and scalp muscles, we contract them the most when we are stressed. When it comes to dealing with a tension headache I strongly suggest drinking ginger tea rather than jumping the gun and downing some aspirin. This will relax the muscles in your head and allow your mind to ease.

Migraines are the second most common form of headaches, they affect a ton of men and women here in the United States. No matter your age you can experience migraines. These are so much more than just a bad headache. Migraines are crippling, to say the least.

They start out as a severe intense throbbing pain on about one side of the head in some cases the whole head. After the ache reaches a certain point it becomes unbearable and results in visual disturbances, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, dizziness, vomiting, and nausea. When it comes to this type of a headache you may need to increase your vitamin B12 intake as well as your magnesium intake. One study was done back in 2011 actually showed that exercise could work as a proper medication for migraines in some cases.

Another type of headache is the sinus headache this kind of headache occurs when the sinus becomes inflamed. Headaches are caused by an infection and so they do often come with a fever, this kind will likely feel similar to intense pressure around the eyes. When this happens you will need to drink plenty of fluids as the inflammation will need to be reduced. Warm water is essential. Ginger tea is also a great method to ridding yourself of this type of headache.

I myself, generally tend to get something known as cluster headaches. They are recurring and often have a cycle they maintain. It can come on suddenly and be debilitating. When you experience this type of a headache it is often accompanied by watery eyes or a runny nose. This happens when a nerve pathway in the base of our brains has been activated. Applying a small amount of capsaicin cream to your nostril will help to block the nerve pain signals.

For more on this please take the time to watch the video below. Dr. Sakib Qureshi will tell you all you need to know about the red light warnings and what your headaches are telling you that you need to know. Enjoy!

This Is the Dirtiest Body Part! Here is How to Clean It from Germs and Bacteria to Prevent Diseases

by April 12, 2017

Personal hygiene plays a huge role in our overall health. When someone is not demonstrating proper hygiene, they are at higher risk of getting sick. This is because they are hoarding germs and bacteria.

There are certain parts of our bodies that are typically dirtier than others. Our armpits are a great example. Because of the perspiration, the armpits will start to smell bad without being cleaned. However, the armpits aren’t what you need to address. Have you ever thought about what might be hiding inside your belly button?

The Navel – The Dirtiest Body Part

One of the most disgusting parts of our bodies is the Navel; why? Because most of us forget to clean it. The Belly button is full of germs and bacteria. Mainly due to its shape, the navel is more susceptible to collecting clothes fibers, dead skin, sweat, lotion, and soap. As a result, it is the perfect place for microorganisms to develop – leading to unpleasant odors, health issues and infections.

According to research performed at North Carolina State university, the belly button is home to over 67 different kinds of bacteria. If you don’t regularly clean your belly button, you can easily get sick. Your belly button can even get a yeast infection! Symptoms of belly button yeast infections include redness, itching, and a foul smell. Gross, I know, but we have to address the importance of cleaning your belly button.

How to Clean the Navel

If you’re looking to get some spring cleaning done in your belly button, look no further. There are tons of different ways to clean your belly button, but not all of them will properly eliminate all the bacteria that’s lodged in there. Saltwater works great! Just mix a tablespoon of salt with a cup of warm water! Rub it around in the belly button, and rinse it out.

Another great way to clean the navel is by using rubbing alcohol. Just take a cotton ball, dab it in some rubbing alcohol, and dab the insides of your belly button! If you regularly clean your belly button, you might even feel better!

Hungarians Just Destroyed All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields

by April 12, 2017

Monsanto is one of the evilest faces of industry – and people are starting to fight back. Monsanto has ruined the environment, poisoned the people, and we aren’t going to stand for it – and neither are the Hungarians.

Monsanto has ruined the environment in more ways than one. Whether it was spraying glyphosate on all our food, or dumping chemical waste into people’s drinking water, they have done something in an offense to everyone. Many believe they are the root of all cancer, disease, and modern day health issues. The only thing they’re modifying is food into poison.

People all over the world are standing up against the evil Monsanto. Hungary is a great example. Citizens from Hungary are standing up against Monsanto fierce, and it might just be big enough to revolutionize the people against Monsanto. Hungarians have recently destroyed over 1000 acres of Monsanto’s corn fields. They corn was being grown using genetically modified organisms, and in Hungary, those are banned.

“Almost 1000 acres of maize found to have been planted with genetically modified seeds have been destroyed throughout Hungary”, deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar said. “The GMO corn has been plowed under, said Lajos Bognar, but pollen has not spread”, he added. “Unlike several other EU members, GMO seeds are banned in Hungary. The inspections will continue despite the fact that traders are obliged to make sure that their products are GMO-free”, Bognar said.

Ikea To Use Mushroom Based Packaging That Will Decompose In A Garden Within Weeks…

by April 12, 2017

Pollution – we’ve all heard about it, we all know it’s serious, yet we have yet to really do something about it. Luckily some major corporations are taking an environmental leap for a change.

It is not often that you see a corporation doing something for the greater good of the Earth, public, or anyone else other than themselves. In fact, some corporations such as Monsanto, are the prime reason that the earth is in environmental peril. However the cruelty of the other corporations, Ikea is trying to make up for it. They are to be using biodegradable mushroom packaging! The packaging will break down and decompose in a garden in just 4 weeks!

The furniture store Ikea is looking to use a mycelium fungi packaging as part of its efforts to increase recycling. The mycelium packaging will grow much like roots – it will branch out and attach itself to the toil or whatever surface it’s growing on. The packaging will serve as an alternative to styrofoam and was created by an environmental company, Ecovative. They call it ‘Mushroom Packaging’.

The packaging can simply be disposed of by throwing it in the garden. The head of sustainability from Ikea stated to the press that Ikea is looking to introduce the mycelium packaging because a lot of products that traditionally come in polystyrene cannot be recycled properly. Polystyrene packaging often finds its way into the sea killing marine life, and even land animals. If it isn’t killing animals then it is ruining the environment because it is 0% biodegradable.

“The great thing about mycelium is you can grow it into a mold that then fits exactly. You can create bespoke packaging,” said Yarrow, Ikea head of sustainability. 

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