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17 Early Warning Signs of Cancer

by May 9, 2017

Cancer is a malicious disease and it claims the lives of thousands every year – maybe even millions. It is so common that anyone these days can become a victim, and these are the early warning signs.

There are many different types of cancer that Americans should be wary of. Breast cancer is the most common newly diagnosed cancer. It is also the second leading cancer cause of death in US women. It is needless to say that cancer is no disease to play around with. Not only is cancer nothing to play around with, but the treatment is a whole new level of side effects. In fact, many doctors and physicians are claiming that it is chemotherapy that kills people, not cancer. However, if you’re worried about acquiring cancer – which most Americans are – then these are 20 of the early warning signs.

  • Wheezing and Shortness of Breath – Signs of lung cancer.
  • Frequent Fevers or Infections
  • Difficulty swallowing – Most commonly associated with throat cancer, and is another indicator of lung cancer.
  • Unable to Eat – another indicator of ovarian cancer.
  • Anorexia – could be an early warning sign of pancreatic cancer.
  • Rectal Bleeding – Indicator of Colon cancer.
  • Lumps on Neck, Underarms, or Groin.
  • Excessive Bruising – Indicator of lung cancer.
  • Bloating – indicator of ovarian cancer.
  • Red, Sore, Swollen Breasts
  • Swelling of Face – this has been reported by many lung cancer patients. They Describe it as red, puffy, and sore.
  • Sore Lump in Skin – the bump will bleed too, and it is a sign of skin cancer. The skin cancers this could indicate is melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.
  • Heavy, Painful Periods – signs of ovarian cancer.
  • Chronic Cough, Chest Pain – indicator of lung cancer or lung tumors.
  • Abdominal Pain – Pain and cramps in the pelvis can be linked with the bloating signs of ovarian cancer.
  • Lower Back Pain, Lower Right Side – this can be an early sign of liver cancer. Breast cancer can also be found through this as a breast tumor.
  • Changes in Nails – Indicates Skin Cancer.

What You Never Knew About Castor Oil, But Should

by May 9, 2017

We all know castor oil can offer us some amazing health benefits. It can be used as tons of things ranging from laxative to a parasite remover.

Now, lots of people do simply deny the benefits of this amazing oil without even looking into it. I guess you could consider that Big Pharma’s fault because they hate all things natural. Castor oil packs which are applied topically can also affect your internal organs while taking care of your skin. For the most part using castor oil is a win-win situation all around.

For anyone who may have toxicity concerns know that the possible toxicity would be coming from ricin a toxic compound found in the castor bean. This is something that is eliminated with the cold press and filtering process being used to make the final product that is the castor oil we use in this day and age. Industrial castor oil is toxic medicinal castor oil is completely safe.

The only people who should avoid castor oil are those who suffer from ulcers, irritable bowels, hemorrhoids, prolapses and who are dealing with other things of that nature. Castor oil was originally used to help stimulate labor in healthy pregnant women. It really works like magic.

If you want to use castor oil as a laxative or a ‘flush’ just take a tablespoon of food grade castor oil before bed. I have no doubt in my mind that it will cure your constipation. It is best to use this a few nights in a row. For the ‘flush’ you’ll have to follow the recipe below.

Castor Oil Flush


  • Castor oil
  • Fresh orange juice
  • Hot water


  • Take 3 ounces of castor oil and three ounces of fresh orange juice and mix them together.
  • Drink this quickly.
  • Make sure you do this on an empty stomach and then start sipping on some hot water after about 30 minutes.
  • Drink about 4 cups of water every 15 minutes, this will stimulate the flushing.
  • Try eating light foods during this time, nothing too fatty or fried.
  • While this flush is intense it can eliminate all sorts of toxins and parasites including tapeworms.

When it comes to using castor oil for myself I like using it topically best. Because castor oil is both antiviral and anti-fungal it can help with anything from an infected toenail to acne. Take a look at the video below for more information.

This is How To Check Your Health In Under A Minute With Only A Spoon…

by May 9, 2017

Keeping your health in check is extremely important and can save your life depending on what you’re dealing with. If you want to give yourself a simple checkup without leaving your home I am here to tell you how.

Now, if you’re dealing with a serious issue, by all means, go see your doctor. But if you just want a quick and easy in between checkups checkup this is the method for you. It is quick and easy, plus all you need is a spoon and yourself.

How to check your health using only a spoon:

1. Take the spoon and scrape it down the entire surface of your tongue. Make sure to wet it with your saliva.

2. Put the spoon into a clear plastic bag and place it under a desk lamp or something of that sort.

3. Wait 2 whole minutes and check the spoon.


Check the spoon and if you don’t notice any stains or unpleasant odors you should be healthy when it comes to your internal organs. Now, if you do notice an odor or stain it is important to pay attention to what kind of odor or stain it is.

If there is odor:

  • Sweet – Possibly diabetes.
  • Ammonia – Kidney issues.

If there are stains:

  • White or yellow – Thyroid issues.
  • Purple – Poor blood circulation or high cholesterol.
  • White – RI.
  • Orange – Kidney issues.

When you do this if you notice any of the things above let your doctor know and check for the issue listed. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Keep your health in check anyway that you can. How did your tongue scrapping turn out?

The Oldest Self-healing Method In The World: It Only Takes 10 Minutes A Day!

by May 9, 2017

There are tons of different health issues that people suffer with today. As many medical advances we have made, you’d think we wouldn’t have that many health issues – but we do, and a lot of them too.

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, and not for just any reason either. We are as unhealthy as we ever have been. This is because corporations and money hungry CEO’s run and control all of our food supply. They are much more concerned with saving a dollar or two, than investing any money into the health of the public. They are not only the ones responsible for our health issues, but they are also responsible for making them worse. They control all of the dangerous pharmaceuticals that we go to for help, but they only make everything worse. However, there are much better ways to solve your health issues.

If you suffer with, well basically anything, the best approach is to heal yourself naturally. Natural healing is much easier to use than pharmaceuticals too. Natural healing is also significantly less expensive than pharmaceuticals too. These are the oldest, and most effective natural healing process. Performing these daily will cause you to peak in health. Not to mention the fact that these remedies only take 10 minutes!

Clean your Tongue

Cleaning your tongue can increase your health by a lot more than you think. Tons of bacteria love to vacation there before attacking the body, however brushing your tongue more often can ensure that you get rid of what you can before it enters the body.

Use Sesame Oil

Because sesame oil has so many antibacterial properties, washing your mouth out with it for two minutes after brushing will transform the health of your mouth, and increase your overall health. Like I said before, bacteria love staying on the tongue – sesame oil also helps get rid of them.

Get a Massage

A massage can do more than release the tension from your muscles. According to ancient Chinese medicine, your negative energy is stored all throughout your body. Giving yourself a massage every now and then can seriously release tons of stress. You’ll feel better mentally, and who doesn’t enjoy a good back rub?

Drink Hot Water

Be sure to use purified water because boiling water that is contaminated with fluoride can make everything worse. However, drinking warm or hot water can release toxins all throughout your body. Hot water is good for everything. Just like it gets stains out of your clothes, it’ll help get some of that stuff cold water misses on the way down.

Mindful Breathing

Mindful breathing can be such an aid when it comes to stressful day. Simply close your eyes and focus your mind on your breathing. At first it will be kind of hard to get your mind to settle down, but once you get it, you’ll experience a reduction in stress and you’ll feel so much better. The longer you do it, the easier it gets. People typically do this for maybe 2 minutes a day and still experience benefits.

9 Best Exercises To Get Rid of Cellulite For Good

by May 9, 2017

While every single human soul is beautiful, and no person should ever try and change their bodies for the judgement of others. However, there are a few beauty flaws that drive people crazy – and cellulite is one of the worst.

Cellulite is horrible. It makes you feel extremely insecure over the parts of your body that are affected, and can ruin summer fun! Nobody is really comfortable with wearing a bikini when you have cellulite, however there are ways to get rid of it! Before you start to question it, no this is no ad for some anti-cellulite cream. This is the real deal, the natural way to finally eliminate cellulite.

These are the 9 best exercises for getting rid of cellulite. Do these everyday, and you can kiss your cellulite thighs goodbye. You’ll be looking better than ever!

Clockwork Lunge

Apart from growing your butt, these lunges can also help in getting rid of the cellulite from your booty. Stand straight with hands on your hips and feet slightly kept apart. Now, stretch your right leg forward, with left leg touching the ground flat. Return to basic standing position and switch the leg.

Butt Bridge

Lie flat on the floor with the hands on your sides and knees slightly bent. Make sure that your feet are placed around the shoulder width. Next, pushing with your heels, try to lift up your hips from the ground. While doing so, you should keep your back straight. Breathe out while lifting up and breathe in as you return to the lying position.

Clamshell Exercise

While lying on your side on the floor, put your other hand on the hip and raise basin and buttocks, by holding the ankles together. Spread your legs and hold in that position for 10 seconds (or as long as you can) and return to the initial position.

Single Leg Squat

Stand with your back straight and stretch your hands in front of your chest area. Now, raise your left leg at 30 degrees and try to bring down your buttocks to the floor slowly. Return back to the initial position at the same pace. Try to perform at least 3 sets of 10 exercises each, on both the legs.

Squat Jumps

Keeping your back straight, sit with hands on your head & feet kept apart. Then, jump up and get back to the starting position. Perform this at least 3 sets of fifteen exercises.

Cardiovascular Training

Cardio exercises are excellent for getting rid of cellulite. They increase your heart rate and metabolism. Try to practice cardio routine for at least 3 weeks continuously to see noticeable results. Step aerobics are specifically excellent in this area.

Step Ups

To do this properly, throw together an aerobic step or create your own. Just make sure you are stepping up at least 1-2 feet in the air. Holding 10-20 pound dumbbells at your sides, keep your chest out, back straight and step up with your right foot. Bring your left foot to meet the right then step down and repeat.

Scissor Press

Lie on your back and loosely tie your band just above your knees. Extend both legs straight up in the air, over your hips. Spread your legs wide enough that the band becomes taut. From this position, slowly open your legs wider until the tension of the band becomes too strong to continue doing so. Pause for 3 seconds at this point, then release and repeat.


Jump up, softly land on your feet and deep squat down until you can touch the ground with your hands. At this point, you will jump your feet back into a plank position. Give yourself a quick push up then jump your feet back in towards your hands and spring upwards. Just be aware of your back when you jump down into your plank, you want to keep it strong and straight. Repeat 3 sets of 15 burpees.

7 Simple Homemade Pregnancy Tests & When to Take Them

by May 9, 2017

If for whatever reason you are unable to buy a pregnancy test, and you think you might be pregnant, you do not have to worry. There are many other ways to tell whether or not you’re pregnant.

Pregnancy tests are expensive, and it’s nothing but a red alarm having that baby in the trash can. It’s just a game to find out who finds it first. However, mother nature has her own way of determining maternity. In fact, believe it or not, women figured out they were pregnant for thousands of years before pregnancy tests were ever invented! Pregnancy tests detect pregnancy hormones in your urine. It nourishes the egg once it is attached to the uterine wall and can be found between 11 and 14 days after conception.

However pregnancy tests are extremely effective and accurate, you might not be able to get your hands on one. If this is the case, here are 7 effective ways to determine your pregnancy.

Morning Sickness

Pregnant women will experience morning sickness as one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. If you arise out of bed, get extremely nauseated, and lunge for the toilet to puke your guts out, you might be pregnant.


After putting three tablespoons of sugar in a bowl, pour your urine over it. If the sugar dissolves, you’re pregnant. If it doesn’t, you’re not.


Carefully place bleach into a container with your urine. If the liquid makes small changes such a foams, and disappears, you are not pregnant. However, if it fizzes and creates a foam, you are.


Vinegar can be used for so many things, even for pregnancy. Urinate in a jar first thing in the morning and add a tablespoon of vinegar. Let it stand still for 20 minutes. The result is positive if the mixture creates a soapy lather and changes color. It’s negative if there’s no change in density or color.


Put some toothpaste on a clean plate and add a few drops of urine. If the paste reacts (such as foaming, bubbling or changing color), you’re pregnant. It nothing happens, you’re not pregnant!


Mix a little bit of cooking oil with your urine. If the oil and urine merge into one big drop, you’re preggo. If the oil divides into small drops, you’re not pregnant.

Pine Sol

add a cup of pine sol floor cleaner in a bowl. Urinate in the bowl, and pay attention to the color. If it changes your pregnant, if it doesn’t, you’re not.

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