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How to Make Natural Viagra Using Only 2 Ingredients

by February 10, 2017

Sure, store-bought viagra may work for a lot of people but is it working for you? Would you like to try a natural alternative that will get you up and ready just as easily?

Not very many people know about this very useful remedy. Whether you’ve tried viagra before or not this will work well. It only consists of two ingredients and is quite tasty.

When making this remedy you should not add anything extra to it. No sugar, salt, spices of any kind. These things can reduce the power of the two main ingredients and cause the effects to either not work or work as well. This remedy works so well because of the different nutrients found in each of these things. Watermelon is actually overflowing with natural aphrodisiacs. On top of this helping down there you will also get all the benefits that these two foods have to offer.

Natural Viagra



  • Cut the watermelon into small pieces and put these pieces into a juicer.
  • This will give you one liter of watermelon juice. Juice the white stuff on the inside of the rind as well because it is full of concentrated citrulline.
  • Pour the juice into a pot and allow it to boil for a few short minutes.
  • Squeeze the lemons over the top allowing the juice into the pot.
  • Mix this well and allow it to boil until about half of the liquid evaporates. Once this is done leave the mixture to cool.
  • Once cooled transfer the mixture into a glass bottle or jar and store it in the fridge.
  • Take one-third of a cup on an empty stomach in the morning and before dinner.

This amazing mixture is safe for people of all ages and genders. It will give you exactly what you’re looking for and enhance your love life. Enjoy!

Common Hair Dyes Found to be Full of Cancer-Causing Chemicals! Here’s What to Use Instead…

by February 9, 2017

Millions of people both men and women use hair dye, these hair dyes contain chemicals we should be avoiding! Whether you dye your hair at home or get it done in a salon the risks are still there!

British scientists have warned us about these chemicals and taken the time to let us know that these chemicals can react with things like tobacco smoke in the air to form one of the most powerful cancer-causing compounds known. This is disastrous considering the amount of men and women who dye their hair regularly. This is a serious risk that has needed to be dealt with for quite some time now.

Of course, the cosmetic industry has done their best to dispute the claim. They don’t care about our health or the fact that they are loading us down with cancer. As long as all the high ups are paid they are content. This warning comes from scientists at Leeds-based company Green Chemicals. They conducted a review of the chemistry surrounding hair dye and connected the necessary dots.

According to these scientists chemicals known as secondary amines found in all permanent hair dyes and can penetrate the skin and stay on the hair for weeks (or longer) when applied. Over time these secondary amines can react with things like exhaust fumes and tobacco smoke (as mentioned above), when this happens the two together form a deadly chemical called N-nitrosamines.

They can still be generated even with a simple reaction. Hair dye has been linked to a wide range of cancers. Concerns with allergies and even fatal results have been increasing dramatically over the past few years. When it comes to dying our hair we may not often think that there is a natural solution, however, there is.

Sure you can’t get platinum blonde hair from deep brown in a short amount of time using a natural method but you can add a bit of a highlight or darken your hair without using chemical hair dyes easily. There are also some vegan hair dye brands for those who like to do funky colors.

Using Coffee To Dye Your Hair

This mixture will darken your hair and even promote hair growth.


  • Strong organic coffee
  • Leave in natural conditioner
  • Organic coffee grounds


  • Make a pot of strong organic coffee (anything non-organic almost without a doubt contains some added chemicals.)
  • Wait for the coffee to cool.
  • Mix in four cups of leave in all natural conditioner with four tablespoons of organic coffee grounds.
  • Now add in two cups of cold brewed coffee.
  • Mix well and then apply the mixture to your hair and leave it in for an hour and a half (longer if desired.)
  • This will give you a beautiful chocolate hair color without damaging your hair.

Using ACV To Give Yourself Highlights


  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Spray bottle
  • Sunlight


  • Put some Apple Cider Vinegar into a spray bottle.
  • Spray this onto your hair as much as you would like the more you spray the more of a highlight you will achieve.
  • Once you have sprayed your hair go outside and spend some time in the sun. (at least 30 minutes)
  • Once you’re back inside you can wash your hair if you’d like. Do this a few times a day for at least one whole month.
  • If for some reason you would prefer all over lightening rather than highlights drench your hair and do the same thing but also sleep with the Apple Cider Vinegar in your hair.

Now if these natural options aren’t what you’re looking for here is a list of natural (vegan) hair dye brands:

Now, I am not saying all dyes are bad as the ones I mentioned above are fine anything natural is fine. These dyes that are overflowing with dangerous chemicals, however, are obviously a problem. If you dye your hair or intend to dye your hair I suggest you take the things these scientists have told us and decide against commercial box dyes or salon dyes. (You can still go to a salon just request natural dyes be used instead of chemically infested ones.)

Avoid This Beverage to Reduce Your Risk of Having a Stroke!

by February 9, 2017

If you care about your health then there are lots of things you already know to avoid and many things that you should never ingest, right? If you haven’t already stopped drinking this you should do so now!

Just one can of Red Bull can increase your risk of a heart attack or a stroke. This is not something that only happens to old people the risks still increase no matter what your age is. This is because Red Bull causes your blood to become sticky, when this happens we are at a higher increased risk of these things.

Within an hour of drinking a Red Bull, your blood system has already become abnormal. Red Bull is actually banned in some countries like Uruguay, Denmark, and Norway because of the risks associated with it. Sure energy drinks are everywhere and they seem convenient but we should not put ourselves at risk over a small boost of energy we can obtain in other ways.

Some energy drinks are dressed up and passed off as being healthier than others because of vitamin content but I assure you the caffeine and sugar content outweigh the vitamins by far. If you are a child, pregnant, suffer from anxiety, have a caffeine sensitivity, high blood pressure, or anything of the sort you should avoid this beverage like the plague! Red Bull can actually be deadly when combined with stress or HBP.

For more information on this please take the time to watch the video below. Try drinking coffee instead of energy drinks, it is much healthier. Remember to always research the things you are putting into your body. This is what happens to your body after drinking Red Bull.

Common Methods of Cooking Rice can Leave Traces of Arsenic in Food, Scientists Warn

by February 9, 2017

Could the way you cook your rice be hurting those you love? Scientists say you should never cook rice this way!

Experiments done recently have shown that simply boiling rice in a pan until the water has steamed out can expose those who eat it to traces of arsenic. Arsenic contaminates rice while it is growing thanks to pesticides and toxins the growing industry overuses. This chemical has been linked to a wide range of health issues including cancer and heart disease.

Most people think that any trace of arsenic would be expelled when the rice is cooked, however, that is not the case. This only happens when the rice is soaked overnight in water. Andy Meharg, professor of biological sciences at Queens University Belfast found this by testing three methods of cooking rice for the BBC programme ‘Trust Me, I’m a Doctor.’ 

During the first method, Meharg used a ratio of 2 parts water to 1 part rice and steamed the water out during cooking. This is the method that I have always used until learning this. He found that this method was the one that left the most traces of arsenic. After using 5 parts water and 1 part rice then rinsing off excess when done cooking he noticed that the levels of arsenic were cut in half.

The safest method found was soaking the rice overnight, rinsing and washing it until the water being used ran clear then boiling it with the 5 parts water to 1 part rice ratio. This is mindblowing. We are constantly learning more and more, I will always cook my rice this way from now on and I hope that you do the same.

She Thought The Pain in Her Skull was a Headache But She Was Actually in For Something Terrifying!

by February 9, 2017

Headaches are awful and can really be a big issue in the lives of a lot of people. A headache, however, was the least of this woman’s problems!

After waking up suddenly in the middle of the night this woman decided that the pain in her head could not be just any normal headache. She had been silently suffering for awhile now and could no longer deal with the itchy scratchy pains in her skull. As it turns out making a trip to the hospital might have been one of the best things she has ever done in her whole life.

This woman’s lives in a village outside of Chennai India and is 42 years old. Her name is Selvi. She was complaining at the hospital with having breathing issues and a severe migraine. After assessing the situation one doctor conducted an endoscopy in hopes of easing her pain. In doing this he at first saw nothing but quickly noticed a leg, the leg of some sort of creature.

The doctors at Stanley Medical College were unaware of what exactly was inside her head but knew that they had to get it out. The creature inside of this woman’s head actually turned out to be a cockroach! The cockroach was alive and well living his life inside her skull. To watch the cockroach be extracted from this woman’s head please take the time to watch the video below.

Telomeres, The Key to Longevity, Show Food May be The Best Anti-Aging Treatment

by February 9, 2017

Anti-aging products sell like hotcakes! The global anti-aging market will actually be worth about two hundred billion dollars in 2019.

Sure, there are tons of products on how to keep our skin from aging but what about our organs or our bones? What about keeping our bodies young not just our skin? Is there a way to do this? We actually might! We are constantly learning more and more each and every day. The things we eat can affect the way our ‘clock of aging’ ticks.

Telomeres are a key part of the aging process. They protect our DNA by acting as buffers at the ends of all of our chromosomes. These can be compared to the little plastic caps on the ends of our shoelaces. Studies have actually shown that people with long telomeres live healthier longer lives than those with short telomeres.


We also have something known as telomerase which is an enzyme. It is able to rebuild telomeres and keep DNA from fraying. One study done, published in the European Journal of Nutrition looked at diets rich in carotenoids and telomere length. The study concluded that the food rich in carotenoids were linked with longer telomeres. This meaning what you eat determines the length of your telomeres. Plant-based diets have proven to be most effective when hoping to achieve longer telomeres. 

By implementing the proper diet we can also slow down our TOR. This is another enzyme that suppressed the immune system and when it comes to aging makes you age much quicker than you should. All of the information we have in this world is enough to keep everyone alive and well for a long time. If you want to look and feel younger on the inside and outside then I highly suggest a diet change. Plant-based foods will do more good for you and your health than I could ever hope to explain.

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