
She Thought The Pain in Her Skull was a Headache But She Was Actually in For Something Terrifying!

by in Animals, Video February 9, 2017

Headaches are awful and can really be a big issue in the lives of a lot of people. A headache, however, was the least of this woman’s problems!

After waking up suddenly in the middle of the night this woman decided that the pain in her head could not be just any normal headache. She had been silently suffering for awhile now and could no longer deal with the itchy scratchy pains in her skull. As it turns out making a trip to the hospital might have been one of the best things she has ever done in her whole life.

This woman’s lives in a village outside of Chennai India and is 42 years old. Her name is Selvi. She was complaining at the hospital with having breathing issues and a severe migraine. After assessing the situation one doctor conducted an endoscopy in hopes of easing her pain. In doing this he at first saw nothing but quickly noticed a leg, the leg of some sort of creature.

The doctors at Stanley Medical College were unaware of what exactly was inside her head but knew that they had to get it out. The creature inside of this woman’s head actually turned out to be a cockroach! The cockroach was alive and well living his life inside her skull. To watch the cockroach be extracted from this woman’s head please take the time to watch the video below.