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Dairy Farm Worker Arrested After Being Caught Beating a Cow With a Metal Pipe

by February 14, 2017

Terrible things happen on factory farms every single day. Usually, these things go on without consequence but luckily this man was caught!

A dairy factory farm worker was arrested this past Friday after being seen physically abusing an animal in his work environment according to the Fresno Bee. He was caught on video surveillance as well as a supervisor who told authorities he had seen the employee hitting a cow with a metal pipe.

This employee’s name was Pablo Carcamo and in the surveillance footage was seen hitting the cow with the metal pipe while loading her into the milking station. He has been arrested on animal abuse charges and will be facing a judge on Tuesday. His bail is set at $50,000. Incidents like this are all too common in factory farms. Most of the time these things go without punishment which should never happen.

Horrific evidence of animal cruelty in factory farms can be found all over the internet. For more information on the terrible things that are done to these poor animals and see for yourself just how awful it really is please take the time to watch the video below. whether these animals are for food or not they deserve to be treated humanely.

6 Useful Remedies Hidden in a Tea Bag

by February 14, 2017

A cup of tea can sometimes be all you need depending on how your day is going. However, you should not be throwing your used tea bags out.

There are tons of things you can reuse old tea bags for that you would never think of. I was amazed at this list. Who knew something we have been taught to throw away could do so much for our bodies?

Ways To Reuse Your Tea Bags

Treat your sunburn effectively- Yes, you can use a tea bag or multiple tea bags to get rid of the itchiness and flaky skin from sunburn. Black tea is abundant in acids that aid in the reduction of excess heat due to sunburn.

Treat mouth inflammations and ulcers- Sure this may look a bit odd but it really works. Just refrigerate a few tea bags and put them in your mouth.


Get rid of smelly feet- Sometimes we have smelly feet and cannot find the cause. This can be super embarrassing and of course, smelly. Place a tea bag in each of your shoes and allow them to absorb the bad odors and moisture.


Remove warts- Place a green tea bag on the affected area and secure it with a bandage. The antioxidants present in the green tea will prevent the wart’s from growing and reduce its size. This tea bag must be replaced every twenty minutes.


Get rid of dandruff- Dandruff is something we deal with at least a few times in our lives. Some people deal with this more than others if you are tired of spending money on anti-dandruff products that don’t work try tea bags. Steep your favorite tea for an hour and rinse your hair with it. Massage it in well and it will leave you will shiny dandruff free hair.

tea rinse

Soothe minor burns- Black tea is loaded down with something called tannins these are great for soothing inflammation especially ones caused by high temperatures. This amazing remedy will also keep your skin from flaking and relieve your pain. Place a few refrigerated wet tea bags on your burn and hold them in place with a bandage.


Reduce eye puffiness- Sometimes we don’t get enough sleep and end up looking puffy and zombie-like. The tannins in black tea are also great for this. Put some refrigerated tea bags over your eyes and you will notice a big difference.


While these things don’t seem very important right now, having refrigerated tea bags could benefit you greatly given the correct timing. if you have a child come home needing sunburn relief and you’re out of aloe vera gel this is the next best thing. Don’t just throw these away, they can come in handy!

This Common Houseplant Kills Children In One Minute And Adults In 15

by February 14, 2017

As we all know having household plants is very important but which plants we choose can make a big difference in our lives. This plant is one you might want to avoid for a very good reason.

According to Good Medical Tips, this plant actually killed a small child. A young boy by the name of Esteban who was loved very much by his parents. He was five years old and died because he happened to put a piece of leaf in his mouth causing it to swell and suffocate him.

This plant is one that is quite common in many homes and offices all the while being poisonous and dangerous. Esteban began feeling sick and turned a strange color right before the breathing issues kicked in. An ambulance was called and he was quickly taken to the hospital and admitted as a poisoning emergency.

It only took about a half hour before the family was informed of the tragic news and a blood test was requested to determine what had poisoned the child. The results revealed that the child had a large amount of a chemical known as calcium oxalate in his body. This is something that can be found in a plant known as Dieffenbachia amoena. This is a plant that we need to be aware of.

The chemical is found in a plant known as Diefenbaker or better known as Amoena, which is a very common thing in our own them. According to Wikipedia:

The cells of the Dieffenbachia plant contain needle-shaped calcium oxalate crystals called raphides. If a leaf is chewed, these crystals can cause a temporary burning sensation and erythema. In rare cases, edema of tissues exposed to the plant has been reported. Mastication and ingestion generally result in only mild symptoms. With both children and pets, contact with dieffenbachia (typically from chewing) can cause a host of unpleasant symptoms, including intense numbing, oral irritation, excessive drooling, and localized swelling. However, these effects are rarely life-threatening. In most cases, symptoms are mild, and can be successfully treated with analgesic agents, antihistamines, or medical charcoal. Gastric evacuation or lavage is “seldom” indicated. In patients with exposure to toxic plants, 70% are children younger than 5 years.

People who have it indoors since it has great resistance/hardness to be in the shade without the need for sunlight, either at home or in offices, but one should be especially careful especially with children by Its high rate of poisoning if it is to be consumed.

Data from 2006 in the United States, which registered 64,250 cases of poisoning with plants, of which 75% were children under five years.

If someone suffered a poisoning Diefenbaker, the National Library of Medicine of the United States recommends that you clean the mouth with a cold, wet cloth, rinse your eyes if any contact with the plant had and gave to ingest milk. Then consult a care center.

If you or a loved one end up suffering from poisoning from this plant please clean your mouth with a cold wet cloth and rinse your eyes if they come into contact as well. This plant is very dangerous and can be life-threatening. Just because most people who come across it are fine does not mean the threat is no longer present. Please be aware of the things you have in your home or office.

It has killed small children as well as pets. It doesn’t take but a few minutes and is not easy to deal with. Please take the time to watch the video below for more information on this plant and other plants that can be life threatening.

How to Inhale Himalayan Pink Salt to Help Remove Mucus, Bacteria, and Toxins From Your Lungs

by February 14, 2017

Tons of people are beginning to realize just how unhealthy table salt really is and how Himalayan salt is the best alternative, while this is fantastic Himalayan salt is good for much more than just adding a bit of flavor to your fries. When it comes to Himalayan salt it can do more things than you’d think.

Himalayan salt contains the same 84 natural elements and minerals we all have in out human bodies. These minerals are the reason why we are able to live and stay healthy. Now, the minerals found in Himalayan salt are in an ionic state meaning they are extremely tiny. This makes them easy for the body to absorb. This is something that is relatively new here in the United States but has been taking other places by storm for quite some time.

Here in the United States, we are becoming more aware of the things around us and salt therapy is becoming a big hit. This salt is an anti-aging, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial. We should always be safe on the amounts while still taking in these amazing benefits.

Himalayan salt can be obtained in store or online depending on your preference and comes in the form of blocks, lamps, slabs, and ground salt. You can even use this salt as an inhaler. Salt inhalers are actually working quite well when it comes to things like reducing mucus and swelling of the nasal passages. You can use a salt inhaler to cleanse the body of harmful organisms.

Here’s how it works:

Himalayan Salt Inhaler

Things Needed:

  • Ceramic inhaler (Do not even attempt this with a plastic one.)
  • Himalayan salt (rock form)


  • Place the rocks inside of your ceramic inhaler and put the mouthpiece into your mouth.
  • Breathe as you do normally through your mouth and exhale through the nose.
  • Do not add water to this as this is for dry therapy only.
  • When inhaling do so with long deep slow breaths as this will ensure the salt ions get to your lungs.

This method can reduce inflammation and reduce lung pain if that is an issue. For more information on this amazing salt inhaler please take the time to watch the video below. I am in awe!

Recall Alert: Company Recalls Dog Food After Dog Dies

by February 14, 2017

Dog food is something we do not pay enough attention to. Just because the puppy on the package looks cute and happy and is surrounded by pictures of fresh meat and veggies doesn’t always mean it has been properly inspected or is safe.

Dogs live very short lives in comparison to ours and we should do whatever we can to ensure their lives are fantastic and lived out to the fullest. A Washington resident was doing just that for her dogs or so she thought. She actually had one of her dogs, a pug pass away because of the dog food she had fed him. All four of her dogs were victims in this as they became violently sick after ingesting a can of wet dog food.

This incident has rightfully lead to a very extensive investigation by the company that produced the dog food She had used, Evanger, an Illinois-based producer that is behind the “Hunk of Beef Au Jus” brand. While she had braced herself for the answers she was going to get from this investigation She never expected this. This wet dog food that was designed to nourish beloved family pets contained something called pentobarbital. For those who do not know pentobarbital is a drug used to euthanize animals of all kinds.

This is what she had to say describing the events that occurred after her pets consumed this food:

“I fed them one can and within 15 minutes, they were acting drunk, walking around, they couldn’t… they were falling over. So, I grabbed them all and I took them to the emergency vet and when I got them there when they were limp. They weren’t moving or anything.”

This is a tragedy no one should have to endure. For most people, our pets are big parts of our family and in some cases are considered our children. Talula the pug did not make it through the night. A massive recall was issued by the company, this being the very first recall issued in 82 whole years. This recall is considered applicable to all Hunk of Beef products dated during the same week as the poisoned can.

There are 15 states being affected by this as follows:

  • Washington
  • California
  • Minnesota
  • Indiana
  • Illinois
  • Wisconsin
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • New York
  • Massachusetts
  • South Carolina
  • Mary Land
  • Florida
  • Georgia

The lot numbers believed to be affected (contaminated) are as follows:

  • 1816E13HB
  • 1816E07HB
  • 1816E06HB
  • 1816E04HB
  • 1816E03HB

All tainted products are suspected to have been manufactured in June of 2016. If you would like a little more information on this recall I suggest watching the video below. Please be sure to avoid this brand until the issue is resolved. Our dogs are very important if we are the ones feeding them we need to be feeding them something safe and healthy.

This company is doing the right thing by putting this voluntary recall out there and making things right with the owners of these dogs. They have fully-funded the vet bills and are making a donation to the local shelter in Talula’s honor. Please monitor your animals when something like this is going on. Other brands can have the same thing happen. We must be careful when we live in a overprocessed world.

Alzheimer’s Disease Fueled by Gut Bacteria New Study Finds

by February 13, 2017

A link has been found between intestinal bacteria and Alzheimer’s disease. What does this mean exactly?

Well, Swedish researchers from Lund University have found that some types of gut bacteria were the cause of accelerating the onset of Alzheimer’s. These researchers studied both healthy mice and mice who had Alzheimer’s. They put both gut bacteria from the healthy and diseased mice into rodents who contained no bacteria and the mice who had received the bacteria from diseased rodents developed more beta-amyloid plaques in the brain than the mice who had received the healthy bacteria.

When it comes to Alzheimer’s beta-amyloid plaques are something that build up between nerve cells in the brain. The presence of these plaques is one of the main signs of the disease actually. These researchers consider their findings a major breakthrough and hope to be able to use it in finding some type of symptom-relieving drug. As many as five million people were living with this disease back in 2013 and it is the most common form of dementia.

As many as five million people were living with this disease back in 2013 and it is the most common form of dementia. We can only hope that this information will bring about something fantastic. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could reverse the symptoms of our family members who deal with Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease that takes all of the things we love about our loved ones away before they pass. It is something a person should never have to go through or see someone go through. For a little more information on how Alzheimer’s disease works please watch the video below.

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