
6 Useful Remedies Hidden in a Tea Bag

by in DIY, Health February 14, 2017

A cup of tea can sometimes be all you need depending on how your day is going. However, you should not be throwing your used tea bags out.

There are tons of things you can reuse old tea bags for that you would never think of. I was amazed at this list. Who knew something we have been taught to throw away could do so much for our bodies?

Ways To Reuse Your Tea Bags

Treat your sunburn effectively- Yes, you can use a tea bag or multiple tea bags to get rid of the itchiness and flaky skin from sunburn. Black tea is abundant in acids that aid in the reduction of excess heat due to sunburn.

Treat mouth inflammations and ulcers- Sure this may look a bit odd but it really works. Just refrigerate a few tea bags and put them in your mouth.


Get rid of smelly feet- Sometimes we have smelly feet and cannot find the cause. This can be super embarrassing and of course, smelly. Place a tea bag in each of your shoes and allow them to absorb the bad odors and moisture.


Remove warts- Place a green tea bag on the affected area and secure it with a bandage. The antioxidants present in the green tea will prevent the wart’s from growing and reduce its size. This tea bag must be replaced every twenty minutes.


Get rid of dandruff- Dandruff is something we deal with at least a few times in our lives. Some people deal with this more than others if you are tired of spending money on anti-dandruff products that don’t work try tea bags. Steep your favorite tea for an hour and rinse your hair with it. Massage it in well and it will leave you will shiny dandruff free hair.

tea rinse

Soothe minor burns- Black tea is loaded down with something called tannins these are great for soothing inflammation especially ones caused by high temperatures. This amazing remedy will also keep your skin from flaking and relieve your pain. Place a few refrigerated wet tea bags on your burn and hold them in place with a bandage.


Reduce eye puffiness- Sometimes we don’t get enough sleep and end up looking puffy and zombie-like. The tannins in black tea are also great for this. Put some refrigerated tea bags over your eyes and you will notice a big difference.


While these things don’t seem very important right now, having refrigerated tea bags could benefit you greatly given the correct timing. if you have a child come home needing sunburn relief and you’re out of aloe vera gel this is the next best thing. Don’t just throw these away, they can come in handy!