When we do something we aren’t supposed to within reason, we get a surge of pleasure from having accomplished such. Our brain actually gives us a boost of dopamine in most cases and this makes doing something we are told not to do even more fulfilling. The video below is filled with information on this subject. Please do not take the time to watch it.
Did you know that about ten percent of the population ends up with appendicitis. This is a very serious condition that can be life-threatening if untreated.
While not every single case of appendicitis will lead to a burst it is something that can happen. The longer the condition goes unchecked the more at risk you will be of having it rupture. Luckily, there are several warning signs for this that we can look for. If you notice any of these things please do not hesitate to call your doctor or even visit the emergency room.
You don’t quite feel all ‘there.’
If you are feeling disoriented this can mean that your infection is becoming much worse and possibly entered your bloodstream. When this is happening the sooner you get help the better. This can be a sign of a stroke as well.
You’re going to the bathroom more than usual by a lot.
Appendicitis is something that is known for the severe pain it causes. This pain will extend from the belly button to the lower right side of the abdomen. Of course, severe pain does not mean it is about to burst but it is enough of a sign for you to see a doctor. If you’re experiencing pain when doing common everyday things like coughing, walking, or even going over a bump in the car your appendix is likely inflamed.
While this is not always severe it is something you should still pay attention to. If you have already been experiencing abdominal pain this is another red flag. You should see a doctor especially if you notice mucus in your poop.
Appendicitis is no joke, it can go from harmless to deadly overnight. Never make the mistake of leaving it untreated. If you are dealing with the symptoms above it is time to see your doctor. For more information on appendicitis please watch the video below.
We all have stretch marks whether they are on our breasts, butt, or tummies. There is no reason to be ashamed of these stretch marks.
Stretch marks are usually caused by gaining weight and then quickly losing it. For instance when you are pregnant and then give birth. The skin being stretched to such lengths causes the skin surface to break. You can get these marks in more places than listed above sometimes they show up on the upper arms and thighs as well.
When they first appear they will be a reddish or purplish color but over time they will become silver or gray. It is important that stretch marks are treated during their initial stage. Genetics are something that actually play a large role in stretch mark development. This is something most people are not aware of. If your mother has stretch marks it is very likely that you will develop them yourself.
Luckily these marks can be treated. If you want to remove them in a natural way these remedies can help tremendously. If you’ve ever wanted to say goodbye to your stretch marks now is the time to take action.
Casto oil is effective when it comes to reducing the appearance of stretch marks as well as being beneficial to the skin. You can also use it to get rid of or reduce the appearance of things like dark spots and moles. Simply apply the oil to the affected area and massage it into the skin. Once you have massaged it well wrap the area with a clean cloth and apply heat by using a heating pad for about thirty minutes each time.
Aloe Vera is great for a large number of things. When using this you will notice quick results. Extract the gel from a few smaller aloe vera leaves, apply the gel directly to the affected area and massage it in. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse the area with lukewarm water.
When it comes to our skin sugar is good for exfoliation. It being naturally coarse can help when it comes to eliminating dead skin cells. In order to use sugar on stretch marks follow this recipe.
2 tablespoons of sugar
Lemon juice, just a few drops
Almond oil, just a few drops
Take the sugar and place it into the bowl.
Add in the lemon juice as well as the almond oil.
Stir this thoroughly.
Rub the mixture all over the affected area of your skin.
Rinse this off with warm water and pat it dry.
Do this once a day for a whole month.
These remedies will work wonders on your stretch marks. If you notice any sort of skin irritations coming up which can happen depending on your skin stop using the remedy and try a different one. (Some people have much more sensitive skin than others and not every remedy is good for every person.) If you do this properly over time your stretch marks will be gone!
Sure, you can smoke marijuana but if you ever want to add a little bit more of something special to your morning coffee this may be the product for you. In the states where it is legal, you may want to keep an eye out for these.
A company known as Brewbudz is making some very interesting coffee pods. They are infused with marijuana. You can also get marijuana-infused tea and cocoa. These products some in different THC dosage options and will give you an uplifting effect. It will enhance your coffee more than you might think.
The main focus of this product is to provide an edible form of cannabis that can be used when it comes to supporting a wide range of medical conditions. To make these coffee pods even better they are one hundred percent compostable. According to their website, these pods can actually break down in a matter of about five weeks when done correctly.
What do you think about these interesting new coffee pods? Would you use them? I bet it is even more fantastic than the company intended.
Dentists these days use tons of dangerous chemicals in your mouth. We have well established that our body is not the place for fluoride, so instead of emptying out your wallet and getting poisoned, try this natural remedy!
We simply do not need dentists, or toxic product using ones anyways. Do not fret, for mother nature had us in her thoughts. There are many natural ways to clean your teeth, and they seem to work a whole lot better than average toothpaste…
Mix together baking soda, optional salt, and peppermint. Add a little water at a time, stirring after each addition, until paste reaches desired consistency.
Nightmares are never fun, they can plague us and make us unable to sleep. Have you ever woken up from a nightmare unable to go back to sleep?
It is important that we pay attention to our strange sometimes terrifying dreams and deal with them as needed. We can overcome our nightmares using home remedies with ease. This can be as easy as meditating before bed depending on the severity of your issues.
Remember that you cannot usually cure an issue like this overnight. it sometimes takes weeks or even months. Do not give up, if you are dealing with nightmares these things should work wonders for you. This is worth seeing through. You will be sleeping with ease as soon as possible. For a little information on what happening in your nightmares could mean when related back to your life please watch the video below.
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