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5 Ways to Keep Your Lymphatic System Healthy

by February 28, 2017

When it comes to our overall health it is important that we have a fully functioning lymphatic system. However, this does not happen often as many people do not even know what the lymphatic system is.

The lymphatic system includes your tonsils, bone marrow, adenoids, spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, and lymphatic vessels. Lymphatic vessels are a web of extremely thin tubes that lie beneath your the surface of your skin. This system provides a wide variety of immune functions that ward off infections, viruses, injury, and even cancer.

The lymphatic system has no pumps of its own and has to rely on the movement of the bodies musculoskeletal system in order to circulate. This meaning when you move you are being used as the pump itself. The methods listed below are the best ways to activate your lymphatic system.

Deep Breathing

This type of breathing helps the lymph move through the bloodstream and increases the elimination of toxins.

  • Breathe deeply through your nose and hold for four to six counts.
  • Exhale through your mouth for two counts and increase the time as you get better.


This is simply vertical movements, like jumping up and down on a trampoline. These movements are particularly effective because of the continuous contraction and relaxation of muscles as well as the compression and release of the connective tissues.

  • Bounce gently, run in place, do jumping jacks, etc.
  • Start with just five minutes and work your way up to thirty.

Dry Skin Brushing

This should be the first thing you do each morning. It will release any toxins you have built up while sleeping.

  • get a natural bristled brush and brush your skin.
  • Begin with your feet and brush upward as you move up the legs.
  • This should only take about five to ten minutes.
  • Do this three to five times a week for the best results.


Any sort of movement of your musculoskeletal system will activate your lymphatic vessels.

Do any of the following:

  • Dance
  • Garden
  • Climb stairs
  • Walk
  • Run
  • Yoga
  • Tennis
  • Golf
  • Swimming
  • Weight Lifting
  • Rope jumping
  • Jumping Jacks

Alternate Hot and Cold in Your Shower

When exposed to cold these vessels contract and they dilate in response to heat. Alternating temperatures in your shower will move stagnant lymphatic fluid and increase circulation drastically. Do this after your dry skin brushing.

This information is priceless and will benefit you more than you know in the long run. Keeping your lymph moving doesn’t have to cost money. You can do all of these right at home.

New Vaccines Will Permanently Alter Human DNA

by February 27, 2017

These new vaccines are actually very different than our usual vaccines. They will be altering our DNA.

Yes, you read that correctly, these new vaccines will be altering our DNA. They have been created by scientists at Scripps Research Institute and are considered to be an artificial antibody. One that once in the blood grab hold of the virus (depending on which one it is being aimed at) and inactivate it. This sounds neat, right? Not so much. This is being called Immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer or I.G.T for short. Human trials for this are already underway.

This type of ‘vaccine’ isn’t really considered a vaccine at all. It is being referred to as a type of gene therapy and is where scientists isolate the genes that will produce powerful antibodies against certain diseases and then they synthesize and artificial version. These genes are then placed into viruses and injected into human tissue. The virus then invades human cells with their DNA payloads and the synthetic gene then incorporates itself into the recipient’s own DNA. If you have a working brain this is something that will cause alarm, would you allow something in your body that is going to alter your DNA?

Could you imagine all of the terrible things we would be injected with if this actually becomes legal for use? We would be the ultimate guinea pigs for whatever the government wants to do to us. With vaccines that permanently alter human genetics well on their way and the secrecy, we deal with on a daily basis from our government we have reason to be on edge. For more information on these Frankenstein synthetic DNA vaccines please watch the video below.

The Real Truth About Microwaves Everyone Ignores

by February 27, 2017

Studies have shown that microwaves are harmful towards our health, why are we still using them?

Microwaves are able to heat our food because they alternate currents and force atoms to reverse their magnetic charge. They produce friction and vibrate the water within the food molecules in order to make it warmer. Inside of any microwave oven, there are about 2.45 billion hertz, this is all fine and dandy as long as your microwave oven is properly sealed and not leaking. It only takes 10 hertz to harm a person’s body. You will not know you are being damaged until long after it has been done.

Microwave ovens can cause:

  • Cancer
  • Cataracts
  • Lowered resistance to bacterial and viral infections
  • Birth defects
  • Weakened immune system

Microwaves break down chemicals and molecular bonds in our foods. They deplete our meals of the nutrients we need and radiation from the microwave deforms the food’s molecules. In a study from 1992, the effects of participants that consume microwaved veggies were assessed and they experienced things like rapidly increasing cholesterol levels, a decrease in white blood cells, and a decrease in hemoglobin. This doesn’t stop there, though, they also found that microwaved breast milk loses around 96 percent of its antibodies. 

Now you may be thinking your safe as long as your microwave is sealed properly, wrong. You are safe from the hertz (allegedly) but not from the harmful levels of the electromagnetic fields. EMF can be absorbed by human bodies. According to the EPA, we should limit our exposure to EMF to anywhere from .5mG to 2.5mG, however, if you stand even four inches away from your microwave oven while using it you are being exposed to 100-500mG of EMF. Microwaves are extremely dangerous and should not be in our homes. It is scary how long they have been allowed. I suggest you either get rid of yours or try not to use it often.

If you think microwaves are not dangerous even after reading this information please take the time to watch the video below it will go into much more detail on these things. Please be aware of this very real threat. Your health is important, don’t let convenience kill you.

Why Rabbits Need Your Help More Than any Other Animal

by February 27, 2017

Rabbits are easily the most abused animals on the planet. These cute little balls of fluff are more than mistreated.

I say this for several different reasons. Rabbits are mistreated in many different ways, all of which are generally quite gruesome. When you think of bunnies you often think of a cute and cuddly pet but this is the reality of what most fluff balls endure. The following information is in no specific order.

Rabbits are abused for …

For Entertainment

While this is not one of the worst things a rabbit can be forced to endure it is still cruel. Many rabbits are used as props in magic shows and even abused as gifts for the Easter holiday. These rabbits are usually done away with soon after the person becomes bored with them and they sometimes end up in worse situations than they were in, to begin with. For instance, this no-kill sanctuary that looks to be more like a rabbit hoarding facility.


For Their Fur

Rabbits are literally torn apart for their fur, the angora fur industry is cruel and disgusting. The video below will go over their dangerous and heart-wrenching practices. Please be aware that it is quite intense and upsetting.

For Their Flesh

You may not think about people eating rabbits but it does happen. The fate of some rabbits is much different than those who are hunted in the wild for their meat. Some rabbits actually endure something much worse. The rabbit below is waiting to be slaughtered, he/she has witnessed the deaths of others he/she is terrified and confused.


These rabbits like many factory farmed animals are hung upside down then have their throats slit. This is done in order to allow the blood to drain.


We are not talking about the slaughter of a few or even twenty rabbits at a time but thousands if not more. No life is spared in these slaughter houses.


The lives they live are short and sad. These animals are thrown around, slaughtered and turned into unnecessary meals. These cute little bunnies end up as dinner for many people who do not think twice about where they came from.


For Experimentation

Every single year more than 241,000 rabbits are tortured in animal studies. These rabbits are forced to endure having toxic chemicals put in their eyes and other places, this causes swelling and discharge. They are experimented on as if they were merely toys with no meaning. They are used as tools instead of living creatures. Does this look like a happy bunny to you?

Rabbits are often used for this because unlike people and some other animals they do not have tear ducts. Rabbits cannot cry out the harmful chemicals being put into them, they are easy to handle, and breed quickly. These amazing creatures are used as tools instead of being treated like living creatures. Does this look like a happy bunny to you?





rabbit with a shaved back and wearing an Elizabethan collar in a cage





Rabbits deserve better than this. They are not toys to give your children to play with till they get bored, they are not tools to force into experiments, they are not here for us to mistreat. Now when you think about bunnies which one will come to mind?



Or This…


New Cannabis Milk to Treat Anxiety Coming To Stores Near You

by February 27, 2017

There is now a completely legal way to enjoy the benfits of CBD in a refreshing drink. Relax by Rawlington is made from 100% organic hemp milk that contains CBD oil.

Looking for a way to wind down and relax after a long and stressful day? Well, look no further, because this anti-anxiety cannabis milk will be available soon! What could be more relaxing than cannabis infused milk?


Relax by Rawlington is made from 100% hemp milk laced with CBD oil. With claims of the ability to soothe anxiety, provide pain relief, ease stress and provide a restful nights sleep; this handy beverage does it all.

Including ingredients such as cannabis oil, hemp seeds, cashews, dates, coconut oil and water, Relax milk is sure to be loaded with deliciousness as well.

Michael Isted is a psychotherapist and development consultant for the plant-based food company, and he told that he wanted to develop a CBD-based drink because of the medicinal benefits it would provide.

CBD oil is made from hemp, without all of the psychoactive properties found in typical cannabis compounds like THC, so you won’t get stoned by drinking Relax.


CBD oil reacts to the body’s cannabinoid system, and that is how you obtain the benefits of better mood, regulated sleep, hormonal balance, immune response and pain relief. So while you won’t feel high, you will receive benefits of plenty.

The good news? CBD will soon become recognized medicine as of November 1st, due to new legislation.

And it works. According to Rawlington’s founder, John Taba, customers have reported feeling calm and soothed after drinking Relax. Taba also encourages caution when consuming the drink, so that you are able to obtain the maximum benefits.

“It’s subtle, but so far all who have consumed the drink mindfully have felt the desired effect. I don’t mean to use the word mindfully in a hipster way, just more a case of someone actually paying attention to how they feel before hand, during drinking and afterwards instead of having it as a drink to wash down a meal with!”

According to he isn’t boasting or tooting his own horn either because the product works.

“‘I didn’t feel significantly more relaxed but my shoulder definitely felt better that evening and I was very sleepy,’ she says, after swigging the stuff in the office.”

“‘I think it’s magical in terms of pain reduction and sleepiness.’”


This all natural, organic drink should have widespread availability soon, thanks to the new legislation that is taking place, so you can see for yourself when it hits your local grocery store. With a beautiful variety of included tastes and health benefits, it is safe to say it will become a staple among the health conscious. Just remember to heed the words of the company’s founder, and drink it with awareness to your current state of mind, so that you can reap maximum benefits.

If You Snore at Night This All Natural and Simple Remedy Will Stop it For Good

by February 26, 2017

If you or your partner snore, you are more than aware of how problematic it can be. Not only does it affect your sleep but it can also affect the sleep of those around you.

Snoring happens when the muscles in the roof of your mouth, tongue, and throat relax as you are going to sleep. The muscle tissue becomes so relaxed that it begins partially blocking your airway causing it to vibrate with each breath of air. The louder a person is snoring the more constricted their airway is.

Sleep position, nasal congestion, sleep deprivation, and obesity can all contribute to snoring. However, regardless of the cause, this home remedy will stop your snoring issue for good. You will feel relief and those who are around you will too.

Snoring Relief Remedy



  • Combine these things in a juicer or blender.
  • Mix them until they are blended well.
  • Drink up.

Drink this about an hour before bed every night. This will decongest and clear your nasal passages. To make things even better it is delicious! Enjoy!

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