
This Common Houseplant Kills Children In One Minute And Adults In 15

by in Health, Home, Video February 14, 2017

As we all know having household plants is very important but which plants we choose can make a big difference in our lives. This plant is one you might want to avoid for a very good reason.

According to Good Medical Tips, this plant actually killed a small child. A young boy by the name of Esteban who was loved very much by his parents. He was five years old and died because he happened to put a piece of leaf in his mouth causing it to swell and suffocate him.

This plant is one that is quite common in many homes and offices all the while being poisonous and dangerous. Esteban began feeling sick and turned a strange color right before the breathing issues kicked in. An ambulance was called and he was quickly taken to the hospital and admitted as a poisoning emergency.

It only took about a half hour before the family was informed of the tragic news and a blood test was requested to determine what had poisoned the child. The results revealed that the child had a large amount of a chemical known as calcium oxalate in his body. This is something that can be found in a plant known as Dieffenbachia amoena. This is a plant that we need to be aware of.

The chemical is found in a plant known as Diefenbaker or better known as Amoena, which is a very common thing in our own them. According to Wikipedia:

The cells of the Dieffenbachia plant contain needle-shaped calcium oxalate crystals called raphides. If a leaf is chewed, these crystals can cause a temporary burning sensation and erythema. In rare cases, edema of tissues exposed to the plant has been reported. Mastication and ingestion generally result in only mild symptoms. With both children and pets, contact with dieffenbachia (typically from chewing) can cause a host of unpleasant symptoms, including intense numbing, oral irritation, excessive drooling, and localized swelling. However, these effects are rarely life-threatening. In most cases, symptoms are mild, and can be successfully treated with analgesic agents, antihistamines, or medical charcoal. Gastric evacuation or lavage is “seldom” indicated. In patients with exposure to toxic plants, 70% are children younger than 5 years.

People who have it indoors since it has great resistance/hardness to be in the shade without the need for sunlight, either at home or in offices, but one should be especially careful especially with children by Its high rate of poisoning if it is to be consumed.

Data from 2006 in the United States, which registered 64,250 cases of poisoning with plants, of which 75% were children under five years.

If someone suffered a poisoning Diefenbaker, the National Library of Medicine of the United States recommends that you clean the mouth with a cold, wet cloth, rinse your eyes if any contact with the plant had and gave to ingest milk. Then consult a care center.

If you or a loved one end up suffering from poisoning from this plant please clean your mouth with a cold wet cloth and rinse your eyes if they come into contact as well. This plant is very dangerous and can be life-threatening. Just because most people who come across it are fine does not mean the threat is no longer present. Please be aware of the things you have in your home or office.

It has killed small children as well as pets. It doesn’t take but a few minutes and is not easy to deal with. Please take the time to watch the video below for more information on this plant and other plants that can be life threatening.