Monthly Archives: August 2016

Easy DIY Blackhead Removing Peel Off Mask

by in Beauty, DIY August 9, 2016

Who knew removing blackheads, and cleansing toxins from your skin could be so easy? This simple, two ingredient mask is not only cheap to make but also works similar to the way a pore strip does, but for your entire face. Revitalize the vitality your skin needs today by following the easy instructions included in […]

Scientists in Europe Discover Bee Resurgence After Banning These Pesticides Still Used in The U.S.

by in Animals, Environment, Video August 8, 2016

Are you aware that the diversity of our crops lies mostly dependent on pollinators? These pollinators mostly being honey bees and even butterflies. It turns out that literally one-third of our diet directly relies on insect-pollinated plants. Back in 1976 a retired agriculturalist by the name of S.E. Mcgregor wrote a paper about this and […]

Easy Turmeric Face Mask for Aging Skin

by in Beauty, DIY August 8, 2016

Turmeric is a super-spice that is typically used in Asian cooking, but also has been used in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine as a healing herb. It has been used for cancer, fibromyalgia, depression, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, liver problems, and also for various skin ailments including the signs of aging. When applied to the skin, the […]