Tag Archives: treatment

My 3-Year-Long Migraine Without The Headache

by in Health July 31, 2017

Headaches are awful and awfully common. The pain can typically be sufficed by taking a few Tylenol. But not if you suffer from vestibular migraines. Headaches are a horrible thing to experience, especially regularly. I’m sure we’ve all had at least one headache before, and we can all agree that we wouldn’t want to have […]

Your Cough Syrup May Be Getting You Pregnant

by in Other May 19, 2017

Women across the globe are having trouble conceiving children. This is a much more common issue than you would think. There are many couples who do the unthinkable to get their baby makers going. However, the answer to getting knocked up might be a lot closer than we thought. Findings have shown that your cough […]

11 True Causes of Fibromyalgia That Your Doctor Will Never Tell You About

by in Health, Natural Cures February 21, 2017

Fibromyalgia has been estimated to affect around six million people, that is one in fifty. Do you have Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is usually characterized by chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, cognitive impairment, depression, and sleep disturbances. Conventional medicine has not yet concluded as to what the cause for this is. They only offer means of managing the […]