Tag Archives: poison

Infant Twins Die Simultaneously After 1st Vaccinations

by in Health, Video June 14, 2017

Vaccines have been a growing controversy lately. There have been more and more incidents where vaccines have caused some serious adverse side effects. There were two studied recently released that were led by Anthony Mawson, an interdisciplinary epidemiologist. The first one was published in the peer reviewed open access journal of Transnational Science. It was […]

What Causes Cancer and What is it Really?

by in Health March 27, 2017

When it comes to explaining the cause of cancer there is no easy answer. Just about everything we come in contact with these days has something dangerous in it. We are often told that things like low oxygen, an acidic pH level, and emotional stress are the main causes but that is not entirely true. […]

Water Fluoridation Chemicals Now Officially Linked to Brain Harm & Cognitive Deficits

by in Health January 16, 2017

Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was served with a Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) petition from a group of medical, environmental, and health groups. The notice demands the agency to completely ban water fluoridation chemicals that are added to public water supplies. Included in the report are over 2,500 pages of scientific documents that […]