Tag Archives: nutrients

These Diseases Are All Caused By Microwave Ovens, And You’ve Probably Ignored Them!

by in Food, Health, Video August 13, 2016

Back in world war II, a couple scientists invented something very special; a tube that produced microwave power called the magnetron. When this was combined with Britain’s radar system these microwaves were able to locate nazi and even managed to foil a bombing attempt. Quite a few years later one Percy LeBaron Spencer (of the infamous Raytheon […]

The Most Dangerous Consequences of the S-A-D Diet

by in Food, Health May 17, 2016

Decades ago, the food available was mostly fresh and locally grown; today, the majority of foods consumed are highly processed, high in sugar and fat. The truth is, we are literally eating ourselves to death. First off, what is the SAD diet? Standard. American. Diet. Obesity rates have skyrocketed, and one in five American deaths […]