Tag Archives: natural remedies

Eating Raw Weed Found To Prevent Certain Cancers, Fibromyalgia and Many Neurodegenerative Diseases

by in Food, Natural Cures May 9, 2017

Looks like we might need to get out some forks. Cannabis, while primarily being smoked around the world, has taken many different forms. It seems that eating marijuana has proven to have incredible non-psychoactive health benefits… Marijuana is described as a new type of superfood! Containing over 400 chemical compounds with beneficial vitamins, essential oils, and more. Experts like […]

How LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health

by in Health May 5, 2017

With growing technological advances, LED lights have taken the lead in light bulb selection. They are efficiently bright and last a long time, but they are actually compromising your health. Dr. Alexander Wunsch is a world class expert on photobiology. He has studied the effects of LED lights for some time now, and he is […]