Tag Archives: meat

Got Meat? Due to USDA, it Might be Rotten

by in Food July 17, 2017

Food and medicine are two of the most corrupt businesses and industries there are. The USDA and FDA are being sued by ranchers who are taking an action alert on rotten meat. The ranchers suing the USDA are doing so in hopes that they can reinstate labeling what country our meat came from. The USDA […]

The Most Dangerous Consequences of the S-A-D Diet

by in Food, Health May 17, 2016

Decades ago, the food available was mostly fresh and locally grown; today, the majority of foods consumed are highly processed, high in sugar and fat. The truth is, we are literally eating ourselves to death. First off, what is the SAD diet? Standard. American. Diet. Obesity rates have skyrocketed, and one in five American deaths […]