Tag Archives: Facebook

Each Tooth Is Associated With An Organ In The Body – Pain In Each Tooth Can Predict Problems In Certain Organs! Each Tooth Is Associated With An Organ In The Body – Pain In Each Tooth Can Predict Problems In Certain Organs!

by in Health March 19, 2017

The world of acupuncture is vast, and not many people have explored within it. You probably didn’t even know that each one of your teeth are connected to a certain organ! Yes, every single tooth is connected to a separate part of the body! In fact, if the tooth becomes infected it is likely that […]

Dates Are The Healthiest Fruit and Also A Cure

by in Uncategorized March 15, 2017

Because of all of the artificial ingredients in our foods and chemicals in our water, millions of people in the United States are suffering from cardiovascular issues. While Pharma meds are just plain toxic, this natural ingredient is sure to increase your heart health. There are about 610,000 people diagnosed with heart disease every year […]

“Everyday is a battle” – Teenager’s Life Is Forever Ruined After Dangerously Ineffective HPV Vaccine. She Bravely Shares Her Story with The World

by in Health March 15, 2017

Vaccines seem to be showing more and more signs that they are not only ineffective but can cause some dangerous side effects. 12 year old, Chloe Brooke’s-Holder shares her saddening story about her experience with the HPV vaccine. Chloe was a normal, happy, and functional 12-year-old girl. She hoped to make her career dancing, as […]