Tag Archives: chlorine

The Scary Reason You Need To Skip The Baby Carrots

by in Food June 23, 2017

Carrots are awesome, and not only because they taste good either. Carrots are fantastic for our health, but you have to make sure that you’re eating the correct ones. We have probably all been told by our parents that carrots will make or eyes stronger and healthier. While we probably hated hearing this, we scarfed […]

More Than 65 Percent Of The U.S. Has Unsafe Levels Of Toxic Chemicals In Drinking Water

by in Health, Video September 14, 2016

In literally thirty three states here in the United States there have been levels found of industrial chemicals linked with things like developmental issues, tumor growth, hormonal disruption and liver damage in amounts that actually exceed the federally recommended safety levels. Waters here are filled with things like chlorine and fluoride. There are more than 80,000 […]