
Scientists Find Fluoride Causes Hypothyroidism Leading To Depression, Weight Gain, and Worse…

by in Health, Uncategorized September 20, 2016

As some of you may already know our perception on water fluoridation has been changing lately. Many adverse effects have been found to be caused by this chemical. Researchers from the University of Kent, United Kingdom were able to conduct a groundbreaking study on the health effects potentially caused by adding fluoride to the public’s […]

Why This Mineral Deficiency Causes Anxiety and How to Cure It

by in DIY, Food, Health, Natural Cures, Uncategorized, Video July 30, 2016

Magnesium often referred to as the “chill pill”, calms down the nervous system and regulates cortisol. When our cortisol levels become unregulated extreme anxiety, depression, weight gain, weakened immune system, and increased blood pressure can occur. So how do you correct this deficiency and protect yourself against public health enemy number one?  What is Magnesium? […]