
A Dirty Little Secret: Your “Organic” Strawberries Aren’t Really Organic

by in Environment, Food, Health, Other, Video August 14, 2016

While organic strawberries are much more expensive than non-organic ones it turns out they’re not actually organic. They are fumigated with toxic chemicals including methyl bromide in the early stages of their lives. Methyl bromide is used to sterilize the soil right before the strawberries are planted while it is not sprayed directly on the […]

Scientists in Europe Discover Bee Resurgence After Banning These Pesticides Still Used in The U.S.

by in Animals, Environment, Video August 8, 2016

Are you aware that the diversity of our crops lies mostly dependent on pollinators? These pollinators mostly being honey bees and even butterflies. It turns out that literally one-third of our diet directly relies on insect-pollinated plants. Back in 1976 a retired agriculturalist by the name of S.E. Mcgregor wrote a paper about this and […]

Replace GMOs, Fluoride, Allergies, Mercury and Chemicals With One Simple and Natural Ingredient!

by in Animals, DIY, Environment, Food, Health, Natural Cures, Video July 30, 2016

Diatoms are rarely given any thought. These lowly single-celled creatures are typically found in mass quantity in large bodies of water. When they die, their remains settle to the bottom and become fossilized as time passes. In this process, they become one of mother nature’s most healthful, and beneficial substances, diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth (DE) […]

Study Finds Salmon Caught Near Seattle Full of Cocaine and Antidepressants

by in Environment, Food, Health July 19, 2016

To me there are few things better than beautiful fresh, fish! That is unless it is loaded down with antidepressants and cocaine… Disturbing research has indicated that young salmon found in Puget, sound tested positive for more than 80 different drugs, including cocaine, antidepressants and dozens of medications like Valium, Darvon, OxyContin, etc. Jim Meador, […]