
FOX: USDA Kills Little Boy’s Dog and Almost Kills Him Too In Their Own Back Yard!

by in Animals, Environment, Health, Video March 21, 2017

Most people don’t have to worry about their families or their animals in their own backyard. However, this was not the case here, one families safe place, turned into their worst nightmare… You probably didn’t know that the government has been placing M44 devices in the wilderness to control animal populations. The M44 devices spray […]

Asia’s First-Ever Vertical Forest Will Produce 132 Pounds Of Oxygen Each Day

by in Environment, Health March 13, 2017

Deforestation has become something malevolent. Without trees and plants, we would have no oxygen to breathe, or food to eat. Thankfully, Asia has built the first-ever vertical forest! Deforestation is killing off species by the thousands every single year, and also drives climate change. Forest soils are moist, but without protection from sun-blocking tree cover, […]