
You Can Actually Use Coca Cola And Pepsi As A Pesticide, So Why Are We Still Drinking This Stuff?!

by December 5, 2016

Someone has recently brought forth information stating that Coca-Cola and Pepsi products are being used as pesticides in India by the farmers. Could this help to show just how terrible these sodas are for our health?

The Center for Science and Environment is one of the main agencies in India claiming that the soft drinks being produced there contain extremely high pesticide levels. So high that they decided to use them as just that. In some third world countries, it is actually cheaper to buy Coke than to get clean water. How awful does that sound?

The farmers who have used Coke and Pepsi products as pesticides have actually successfully protected their rice plantations. This replacement is said to have become so popular that the sale of the drink itself increased tremendously in almost all villages. Replacing pesticides with soda appeared to work quite well.

While some argue that the sugar and syrup in the sodas will attract red ants and these red ants will feed on the insects meaning that the sodas work in a different way than pesticides it is clear that these farmers are thriving. If you look at it from that point of view then the sodas here in the United States would be far more effective if used as pesticides. This is because sodas here in the US have a much higher fructose corn syrup amount than those of India.

For more information on this please watch the video below. Maybe this summer you should try putting Coke on your plants rather than seven dust? Who knows, could come out with a nice garden and a little more cash in your pocket. Should we really be drinking soda?

Start Doing This And Your Face Will Be 10 Years younger! (You Will Notice The Results Right Away)

by December 5, 2016

Japanese women are considered beautiful looking and youthful even when they are on up there in age, have you ever wondered why this is? The Japanese claim that rice is the answer to their youthfulness.

It is true that rice is filled with many healthy nutrients. It even contains several powerful antioxidants that are known to stimulate collagen productions. This reduces the appearance of wrinkles in the skin.

Did you know you could reap the benefits of rice without eating it? This homemade rice based face mask will work quickly to smooth your wrinkles and have you looking younger in no time. Why not give it  a try?

Rice-Based Face Mask

  • Ingredients:
    • 2 Tablespoons of honey
    • 6 Tablespoons of rice
    • 2 Tablespoons of milk
  • Directions:
    • Put the rice in a bowl and pour 2 cups of water over it
    • Boil the rice and let it sit for three minutes simmering
    • Remove this from the heat after, let it cool
    • Strain the mixture
    • Store it in a glass container and add the honey and warm milk into the rice
    • Mix these well until you have a paste
    • Wash your face and apply the paste all over
    • Massage it in circular movements and leave it for fifteen to thirty minutes
    • Wash off with warm water

Doing this once a week will hydrate your skin and leave you looking at least ten years younger! You will be amazed by the results. This is something very simple that can and will change your life if you will allow it.

Kill Almost Any Infection: DIY Natural Antibiotic Remedy

by December 5, 2016

Medicines you buy over the counter are generally not very effective in treating your illnesses. Did you know that natural remedies almost always come out on top?

The cleansing tonic I am going to be telling you about is loaded with antiviral properties as well as anti-fungal. It will work to increase blood flow to all parts of your body which is important for your health overall. This tonic has killed many parasitic, viral, fungal, and bacterial diseases throughout the years. If you feel an illness coming on or think you may need a health boost this is the tonic for you.

Natural Cleansing Tonic

Things Needed:

  • 4 tablespoons of turmeric powder or 4 pieces of turmeric root
  • 48 ounces of apple cider vinegar (organic)
  • 1/2 cup of finely chopped garlic
  • 1/2 cup of finely chopped onion
  • 4 fresh peppers the hottest ones you can find
  • 1/2 cup of grated ginger
  • 4 tablespoons of grated horseradish


  • Put all of the ingredients together in a bowl except the vinegar
  • Once mixed well transfer everything into a mason jar
  • Pour the vinegar in on top
  • Close the mason jar and shake well
  • Place the jar in a cool dry place for two weeks
  • Be sure to shake the jar a few times each day
  • After two weeks strain the liquid
  • You can consume this liquid as needed and do not have to refrigerate it
  • This mixture is very hot and has a very strong taste you can eat a lemon after taking a tablespoon of the tonic
  • One tablespoon is the ideal amount per day

Taking this will help prevent infections in your body and overall leave you feeling much better. Next time you think you need a boost try this. What have you got to lose?

*Remember for best results use organic ingredients.

Alcohol Is Worse for Mental Health than Psychedelics

by December 5, 2016

A recent study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology observed 19,000 psychedelic-using Americans and identified no link between psychedelics and mental health problems. “We failed to find evidence that psychedelic use is an independent risk factor for mental health problems,” the report reads. “Psychedelics are not known to harm the brain or other body organs or to cause addiction or compulsive use.” “Overall, it is difficult to see how prohibition of psychedelics can be justified as a public health measure,” the report concluded.

There are reasons why researchers believe psychedelics are safer than alcohol. Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways and can affect the way the brain looks and works. These disruptions can change mood and behavior, and make it harder to think clearly and move with coordination. Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that can eventually lead to pancreatitis, a dangerous inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels in the pancreas that prevents proper digestion.

As information is allowed to run free through the internet, it has become openly apparent that many psychedelic drugs are not the danger the profit-driven media had portrayed them to be.  Often, they are one of the greatest medicines to overcome addiction. There are several different international facilities that treat addiction patients with psychedelics. We see constant negative effects of alcohol in humans, yet we are discovering one positive factor after the other when it comes to psychedelics. You wouldn’t assume that alcohol is the only one of the two that is legal.

Renowned author, Sam Harris, discusses the virtues of some specific psychedelic drugs:

At Risk Youth, Mental Illness, and Addiction

by December 5, 2016

It is not out of the norm for teenagers and young adults to experience the blues every now and then. However, clinically diagnosed depression is reaching all time highs when it comes to the affected youth.

20% of youth from ages 13-18 live with a mental health condition. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in ages 10-24.

Unrealistic academic, social, or family expectations can create a strong sense of rejection and can lead to deep disappointment. When things go wrong at school or at home, teens often overreact. Many young people feel that life is not fair or that things “never go their way.” They feel “stressed out” and confused. To make matters worse, teens are bombarded by conflicting messages from parents, friends, and society. Today’s teens see more of what life has to offer — both good and bad — on television, at school, in magazines, and on the Internet. They are also forced to learn about the threat of AIDS, even if they are not sexually active or using drugs.

The future is dependent on the health of our young, as they will inherit the economics of the world. Teens need adult guidance more than ever to understand all the emotional and physical changes they are experiencing. When teens’ moods disrupt their ability to function on a day-to-day basis, it may indicate a serious emotional or mental disorder that needs attention — adolescent depression. Parents or caregivers must take action.

If you have a teenager suffering from depression, it can help to schedule a visit with a professional therapist. Try and avoid anti-depressants as they can contain harsh chemicals that might make symptoms worse. Instead, try and make sure your teen is getting plentiful sleep, a healthy diet, and encouragement. Always be sure to watch for worsening symptoms, as teenagers are often reluctant to seek help.

10 Foods From China That Are Filled With Pesticides, Plastic, and Cancer-Causing Chemicals

by December 5, 2016

We are well aware of the fake plastic rice being made by China and added to real rice yet for some reason they are still being allowed to do it. Why is that?

In case you did not know even tiny amounts of plastic can be terrible for our digestive system as well as our hormones. You see, the chemical in plastic known as BPA mimics the hormone estrogen which reaches sky high levels when we ingest BPA. Eating this plastic rice is like asking for death from breast cancer.

There are lots of things to take into consideration when purchasing food that comes from China. Firstly, you do not know what is happening to the product during shipping, China is on the other side of the world. We also are well aware of the fact that Chinese companies make things as cheap and as ‘fake’ as possible which is very dangerous.

Rice is not the only ‘fake’ or ‘toxic’ food we get from China. Below is a list of foods you should without a doubt avoid that come from China:

Tilapia Fish

China fish-farms tilapia and this is one of the most toxic unhealthy fish you could possibly ingest. They live in small pools of waste water. Tilapia is easily one of the worst types of fish to eat. However, here in the United States this is a common meal choice.

Chinese Apple Juice

Apple juice from China makes up at least fifty percent of all apple juice sold in the United States. This is not good as China has not addressed the use of pesticides or chemicals on foods and does nothing to remove or prevent the residue.

Cod Fish

Fish farms are awful no matter how you look at them. Cod fish are almost on the same level as tilapia. They also live in their own waste in small pools. Sadly, Chinese cod fish make up around fifty percent of the cod fish sold here in the United States.

Chinese Garlic

This is one of the foods found contaminated frequently by the US inspectors. These garlic’s coming from China are sprayed with many different chemicals and leave quite the aftertaste.

Processed Chinese Mushrooms

Some Chinese companies go so far as to label these mushrooms organic in order to get a better market on them. Some mushrooms coming from China are even one hundred percent fake. These are often referred to as mystery mushrooms. Be sure to check the source of the mushroom before buying or ingesting.

Plastic Rice

As I mentioned above fake rice coming in from China is a big issue. This fake rice is said to be made from synthetic resin and potatoes. You cannot cook this fake rice like you do real rice and it stays hard overall. This can and will cause cancer if something is not done about it now.

Chinese Chicken

The quality of chicken coming from China is questionable at best. There are a lot of common food-borne illnesses in China and it is itself highly polluted.

Industrial Chinese Salt

Industrial salt is not adequate for eating yet it is being sold as table salt. This has been going on for thirteen years or longer. Ingesting industrial salt can lead to things like reproductive system issues and mental issues.

Chinese Black Pepper (MUD!)

Yes, Chinese companies sell mud as black pepper. They also sell flour as white pepper.

Chinese Green Peas

Discovered back in 2005 it came to light that some manufacturers were using soy beans, snow peas, and green dye (as well as chemicals) to make fake green peas. The green dye that was and still could be being used is banned from use here and is considered a cancer-causing ingredient. It prevents your body from being able to absorb calcium.

Chinese Baby Formula

While not as common as the others listed above even baby formula from China is not safe. They lack essential nutrients and are made with chalk. Formula from China has been linked with a disease known as ‘big head disease,’ something that causes the baby’s head to grow quicker than its body at an accelerated rate.

However, this nightmare doesn’t stop. There are many other foods and products coming from China that are not safe. You, your family, and your pets are at risk when ingesting Chinese products. Recently many pets here in the United States have even been affected to the point of dying due to toxins found in treats and toys. Something needs to be done. If China is not going to clean up their products we do not need to allow the presence of their products to remain in our country.

If you cannot find the source of something chances are it came from China. Don’t risk it, your body deserves better than that. For a little more information and even more examples of fake foods coming from china please watch the video below.

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