
“F*ck That” Is The Hilarious Guided Meditation Realists Everywhere Need

by December 18, 2016

If you are tired of looking at the world as if nothing is wrong this is the meditation guide for you. Who knew addressing things in this manner could end up being so positive?

“F*ck that” guided meditation is quite entertaining, to say the least. Meditating is something that we can all benefit from strongly. By meditating each day you can do things like:

  • Reduce depression
  • Improve self-confidence
  • Reduce stress
  • Improve your pain tolerance

If you want to meditate while still seeing the world as it is. Addressing all the things in your life without trying to ‘make the best of it’ I suggest trying out this guided meditation. This is easily going to be my new favorite. If you aren’t a fan of swear words this is not the meditation guide for you. Enjoy!

Say Bye to Your Glasses and Make Better Your Sight With The Usage of The Following Great Recipe!

by December 18, 2016

As you know there is a remedy for everything, even eyesight. Have you ever heard of Vladimir Petrovich Filatov?

He is a doctor who back in the sixties worked with traditional and alternative medicine helping people with poor eyesight.  He invented a recipe to help heal the eyes in every way possible. His recipe is quite effective and easy to follow.

Following this recipe can help prevent future eyesight loss as well as improving your eyesight in current times. Eyesight remedy:

Things needed:


  • Prepare the aloe vera juice.
  • Mix all of these things together. Quantities depend on how much you intend to make.
  • Refrigerate
  • Use this 30 minutes before eating at least three times a day. (eat it)

That’s it! It is that simple, why would you not try it? You have nothing to lose! Improve your eyesight today.

Toxic Teeth: How Root Canal Procedures Dramatically Increase Your Risk of Chronic Disease

by December 18, 2016

This common dental procedure that most consider safe is actually anything but! Root canals are actually very dangerous.

Thousands of root canals are done each day here in the United States. Well over 25 million are done every single year. The majority of the dentists carrying out these procedures are in the dark about the serious health threats they pose. 

There is no published data or research that can prove root canals as safe. Yet, for some reason, the American Dental Association claims they are proven safe. Dr. Price and Dr. Meinig did their best to research this procedure among others. Dr. Meinig working to complete Dr. Price’s work spent well over 2 years intensely studying Dr. Price’s research continuing on to publish a book known as Root Canal Cover-Up.

Diseases found to be linked with root canals include:

  • Heart disease
  • Arthritis
  • Joint pain
  • Neurological disease
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Kidney disease

There also may be a connection between root canals and cancer, specifically breast cancer. A Dr. Robert Jones has found that at least 93 percent of women with breast cancer have actually had root canals. We should avoid ever getting a root canal done.

We should never risk our health to preserve a tooth. Our health is worth more than that. To see how a root canal is done and learn more about how terrible they are please watch the videos below.

Hemp Seed Could Have Anti-Alzheimer’s Benefits, Study Reveals

by December 18, 2016

The seed of the Cannabis Sativa plant has been documented throughout world history. Would you try it?

One study that was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry spoke about the growing body of research that demonstrated the hemp seeds medicinal properties. It has high levels of fatty acids, insoluble fiber, protein, and vitamins. Hemp seed is overflowing with nutritional benefits as well as medicinal.

 Health benefits of hemp seed include things like:

  • Alleviating constipation
  • lowering cholesterol
  • Improving cardiovascular health
  • Acne reduction
  • Anti-aging effects
  • Improve impaired learning
  • Improve memory

Hemp seed extracts are filled with antioxidants. They are one of the perfect proteins this is because they not only contain all 20 of the amino acids we need but specifically they contain 9 of the essential amino acids that we cannot produce in our bodies. It can cleanse the colon and reduce sugar cravings. Hemp seed also contains a large amount of minerals including:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Zinc

Contains vitamins such as:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E

Hemp seed will help you tremendously whether you eat the seeds themselves or use an extract. For more information please watch the video below. Could hemp seed benefit you?

Love Garlic? Here’s How to Grow Your Own at Home

by December 17, 2016

Garlic could definitely be considered as a superfood, especially when it comes to enriching your health. However, its healthy properties are not the only thing that makes this amazing herb a must have staple, as it also provides a delectable taste and aroma to any dish.

Garlic is loaded to the gills with essential vitamins and minerals. It is also extremely low in calories while being high in Vitamin C, manganese, calcium, potassium, and selenium. Due to these extraordinary amounts of nutrients, garlic is a powerful way to enhance your health.

1. It Promotes Heart Health

Garlic consumption will decrease the risk of heart disease, and also assist your body with cholesterol processing. It also reduces high blood pressure.

2. It Strengthens the Immune System

Garlic’s immune system enhancing properties help your body to fight off disease and sicknesses including the flu, stomach viruses, and the common cold. If you consume garlic on a regular basis it reduces the risk of illness by an astounding 62%.

3. It Fights Cancer

Studies have shown that garlic aids in the prevention of various cancers, including stomach, colon, pancreas, and breast.

In order to receive the benefits of garlic most effectively, it is best to consume it in its organic form. Thankfully, it is extremely easy to grow your own organic garlic at home. Here’s how:

Break a bulb down into cloves and then place them in dampened soil, just a few inches deep. Face the pointed side outwards. Water your cloves on a regular basis, and watch for sprouting. Do not over water your garlic, because garlic does not need much water at all.

As it grows, cut off blooming flowers. This will preserve the distinct taste that garlic provides to your food.

Other than that, just make sure that you wait until it reaches up to 5-6 leaves before oiling it.

Once your garlic has reached its peak growth point, harvest and enjoy. Enjoying the amazing health benefits of garlic has never been so simple or as delicious as it is when you grow your own. Furthermore, you will enjoy the full range of its health benefits due to consuming it in its most organic form.

The 3-ingredient Elixir That Can Clear Mucus From the Lungs and Strengthen the Immune System

by December 17, 2016

The winter months are here! Along with them, they have brought the dreaded Cold and Flu season. If you don’t have it, you probably know someone who does!

Medication after medication, and still no results? You’re not alone if you’re struggling with this issue. If you are getting no results from all of that toxic medicine, try this 3 ingredient elixir to strengthen your immune system and clear mucus from your lungs!

This recipe is made of three powerful cold-fighting ingredients. Lemon, Ginger, and Honey. Each one of these ingredients packs a powerful punch when it comes to getting rid of the common cold. They can each alleviate symptoms from sore throats, chest congestion, and sinus congestion. The recipe creates 2-3 servings too! It is an easy do it yourself, and it only takes 15 minutes to make.

All the ingredients are amazing for giving your immune system a boost, but Lemon works especially well alone. Lemons are acidic to the taste but are alkaline-forming in the body. In fact, they are one of the most alkaline-forming foods; this makes them great for balancing a highly acidic condition in the body. Also, Lemons are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids that work against infections like the flu and colds. Lemons treat your liver especially well too. It dissolves uric acid from your liver and gets rid of other toxins. Additionally, Lemons liquefy bile. They’re all around amazing for your body.

Ginger is useful in more ways than just healthy living. It can be used to get rid of acne, conserve hair color, minimize wrinkles, and get rid of aches and pains. It is loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain. Ginger has a very long history of use in various forms of traditional/alternative medicine. It has been used to help digestion, reduce nausea and help fight the flu and common cold, to name a few.

Lastly, we have Honey. Honey is not only incredibly healthy, but it tastes amazing! Honey is packed full of antibacterial compounds and antioxidants. Honey can be used to prevent cancer and heart disease, Antibacterial and Anti-fungal, increase athletic performance, and much more. Honey has been used in Ayurvedic medicine in India for at least 4,000 years and is considered to affect all three of the body’s primitive material imbalances positively. It is also said to be useful in improving eyesight, weight loss, urinary tract disorders, bronchial asthma, diarrhea, and nausea.

Here is the recipe:


  • 100 grams of honey
  • 100 ml of water
  • 4 tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 inch of ground ginger


1.) Mix the ground ginger and water.

2.) Boil the mixture for ten minutes.

3.) Once it has cooled, add the honey and lemon juice, then leave overnight.

4.) Store the drink in the fridge; you can use it for up to a week.

Consume 30-40 mL of the drink on an empty stomach every morning. Once consumed for 40 days, your immune system will be boosted. Take a break for two weeks, and then continue the treatment for an additional 40 days.

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