
Breakthrough! Berry From Rainforest Destroys Almost Ever Cancer Cell in 24 Hours

by December 25, 2016

Organizers have spent over $109 million dollars on research on cures for cancer. However, researchers might have just found the cure! Through extractions of a rare berry from a rare Australian tree might be the key to curing millions of cancer patients. It could also be the end of the profiteering cancer treatment facilities too!

Australian scientists discovered the healing abilities of the Blushwood Berry. The are on the verge of a cancer cure with the seed of this amazing berry. It contains many different antioxidants and compounds that are cancer fighting. It has even shown to reduce the size of solid tumors! The tree only grows in north areas of Queensland Australia. Researchers are using an experimental drug that is sourced from the seed of the blushwood berry. The drug prototype is called EBC-46.

Qbiotics are the discoverers of the drug. They say that it is a small molecule with anticancer activity. It has been used as a local treatment of tumors of humans and companion animals such as dogs, cats, and horses. QBiotics plans to develop EBC-46 as a human pharmaceutical to Clinical Phase II and then seek a development partner for final development and marketing of the drug. They have demonstrated compelling proof to a concept of the efficiency of the drug. They successfully treated animals with tumors that were considered the be untreatable. They showed outstanding results and is likely to do the same in humans.

They treated different cancers with the drug. The drugs include skin cancers, head and neck cancers, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer. Before it can be studied in humans, it has to be evaluated. They have to test it for safety measures. It is currently in this process. This could certainly be the discovery of the century. Millions of people suffer from cancer across the globe, and modern treatment is almost as bad as the disease itself. The most common form of cancer treatment is chemotherapy. It has horrible side effects, that should be considered direct effects. We need EBC-46!

Tyson Foods Now Listed as Bigger Polluter than US Department of Defense, Koch Industries, and Exxon Mobile

by December 25, 2016

Tyson Foods has quite the reputation for the animal abuse that transpires within its facilities that are used to provide chicken, eggs, and other products. However, the madness doesn’t stop there either, as they have now been deemed the worst corporate polluter on the planet.

For years, Tyson’s atrocious practices have been revealed in numerous investigations. In these investigations, they have been caught torturing hens for eggs, beating pigs while holding them inside of disgusting, tiny pens, and then forcing chickens and their babies to dwell in pens that are so covered in their own excrement that many of them die due to the ammonia fumes.

Now, new research has shown that not only is Tyson responsible for the hideous treatment of innocent creatures, but they are also responsible for contaminating America’s waterways too. Their contamination spreads throughout from the Chesapeake Bay to the Gulf of Mexico, and its reach has even found our drinking water.

It is the farm operations that contribute to the destruction of our water supply by the use of petroleum and chemical fertilizer, a fertilizer that is run-off from genetically modified grain used to feed their livestock.

When questioned about their use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) they stated,

“We have systematically genetically modified all the foods, the vegetables and the animals that we have eaten ever since we cultivated them.


They have to report on its farm and fertilizer use to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency as well as other corporate entities, who then distribute a report.

According to the TRI (Toxic Release Inventory) report Tyson has already dumped 104 million pounds of toxins into our waterways between the years of 2010-2014.

Sadly, most petitions and protests against the company have focused almost entirely on just their treatment of animals. Due to the information found in the TRI report, it would appear that maybe we should add a second petition focus to the list, and request that they stop their contamination of our water supply. If they continue to pollute our water with no one stepping in and stopping them, it could set a new precedent for other companies, one which says it is okay to destroy the environment as long as you are a corporate giant.

Microwave Ovens ‘Fluke” Your Heart While They ‘Nuke’ Your Food- Alarming Studies Reveal Microwave Frequency Radiation Can Affect Heart and Blood

by December 24, 2016

Most people who are trying to live a healthy lifestyle have either cut back on microwave use or eliminated it altogether. This is because microwaves eliminate nutritional value from food and have a negative impact on our hearts.

Frequencies produced by microwave ovens mess with our heart rates as well as many other things. According to Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University if someone is exposed to radiation for just a few short minutes they can experience severe reactions when it comes to their heart rate. It can also cause an alarmed reaction to stress known as electrohypersensitivity (EHS). The study of this sort of thing has been studied for quite some time now. Responses include heart palpitations as well as clumping of red blood cells.

Microwave ovens can lead to severe blood sugar spikes that are linked with diabetes. This is something that happens when people stand just a couple feet from the microwave oven while it is running. This means those people who sit in front of the microwave watching their food heat up are getting the most radiation exposure.

Dr. Harvas’ peer reviewed study states the following:

“This is the first study that documents immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability caused by an approved device that generates microwaves at levels well below (0.3 percent) federal guidelines in both Canada and the United States.”

“Nukers” produce about 2.450 megaHertz (MHz), equivalent to 2.4 gigaHertz (GHz), causing dielectric heating, meaning the water molecules in the food vibrate violently at extremely high frequencies (millions of times per second), creating molecular friction, destroying nutrients and affecting the heart rate and variability of any person that stands near the oven. This is why it’s extremely dangerous to cook meat, because the blood is affected also, like the molecules in the water in food. Structures of those molecules are ripped apart and forcefully deformed. Some people call it “electric whiplash.”

Sicknesses from the effects of microwaves appear to date back quite far. You see, microwave ovens are a form of electromagnetic radiation that emit radiation in high and low energies. The wavelengths are around five inches and are generated by a magnetron. Microwaves are even used to alter genes and weaken cell membranes this is something that causes sickness. Have you been suffering from unexplainable headaches, nervousness, dizziness, depression, or thirst?

These are things that can occur from overexposure to microwaves. Sure it is easy and convenient but the microwave is not good for your health at all. It can and will cause brain damage and heart damage. If you happen to have a toaster oven I highly suggest using it instead. Microwave ovens do no good.

This Breakfast Will Make You Lose Weight so Fast, You’ll Feel Guilty About It

by December 24, 2016

Skipping breakfast is not the way to lose weight. While you may want to cut back on food eating something good in the morning is essential to being able to lose weight.

Several university studies have even confirmed this. Eating a breakfast that is high in protein can help cut more calories throughout your day. A study done by a group of scientists published in the International Journal of Obesity studied overweight teens for around 12 weeks. The first group did not eat breakfast, the second group ate 13 grams of protein with a 350 calorie breakfast, and the last group ate 35 grams of protein with a 350 calorie breakfast. The first two groups did not experience any sort of weight loss while the third did.

They had improved their glycemic index,  and ate around 400 fewer calories each day. This resulted in them burning more fat overall. The protein group has more stable blood sugar levels, and has reduced their desire to eat. This has worked on their behalf and improved their body composition. Protein rich meals take more time to digest which means that you won’t be hungry as frequently. Try this for yourself. You will lose weight much quicker if you implement this into your daily routine. A high protein breakfast will have those calories cut back in no time.

Bone Broth Recipe to Nourish Your Cells and Accelerate Healing

by December 24, 2016

There happens to be a large number of illnesses that can be treated via bone broth. It is something that can be used time and time again.

Bone broth can be used when treating things like osteoporosis, digestive issues, systematic nerve dysfunction, joint pain. as well as muscle cramping. Bone broth is overflowing with minerals like calcium, silicon, and sulfur. This works to help ensure you are getting the correct nourishment and function when it comes to your musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

Bone broth is also a fantastic way to prevent the dreaded leaky gut syndrome. Ingesting bone broth as needed will work wonders for your health.

Bone Broth:

Things Needed:

  • 3 handfuls of bone (preferably from an organically raised animal)
  • 6 ribs celery chopped
  • 8 yellow onions (outer skins peeled)
  • 6 carrots chopped
  • 2 bunches of parsley
  • 2 bunches of cilantro
  • 2 large pieces of dah shi ma (optional)
  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar


  • Fill a large pot with cold water roughly six to eight liters works best.
  • Add all of the ingredients together into the pot.
  • Remove any impurities from the broth that come to the surface within the first twenty minutes.
  • Let the broth simmer for 4-6 hours and then allow it to cool for an hour.
  • The thicker the bones you use are then the longer you will need to simmer.
  • Fish bones only need about three hours.
  • Chicken bones only need about five hours.
  • Beef bones only need around six hours.
  • Use a strainer to scoop the solids out of the broth and use a slotted spatula to squeeze out as much liquid as possible.
  • Pour the broth into an airtight canister and store it in the fridge.
  • Add this to soups and stews or sip it like tea from time to time.

Bone broth is very nutrient dense and can do great things. The gelatin in bone broth makes it extremely beneficial to your joints and gut. This broth is easy to make and will benefit you greatly!

The Reason Why You Should Never Keep Your Eggs in the Refrigerator-Something You Need to Know

by December 24, 2016

More likely than not, you probably store your eggs in the refrigerator and have never thought of storing them any other way. However, you may be unknowingly handling your favorite breakfast food incorrectly.

Eggs are one of the most nutritionally rich foods that you can eat. Held inside it’s cracking shell is a plethora of valuable diet necessities including protein, and 18 vitamins and minerals. Due to their versatility and how easily they are prepared, it is likely that eggs are a staple in your home.

While almost all eggs are consumable, the most popular are the hen’s egg. Other available varieties include eggs from ducks, geese, and quail. Of course, they differentiate based on size, color, and flavors.

Most of us purchase our eggs by the dozen, if not in larger quantity, and because of this we keep them stored in the fridge or at room temperature. As of lately, people have begun debating the exact method for the storage of their eggs and to be more specific, whether to keep them in the fridge.

Across the world, different countries have different habits and with those habits come opinions. Most people who live in North America, Australia, or Japan keep their cooled in their household refrigerator. Other nations opt for room temperature storage.

According to the Journal of Food Protection, in order to remove the risk of Salmonella infection, eggs should be kept in cold temperatures. They state that salmonella is more prominent in eggs that are kept at room temperature. However, the National Public Radio says that eggs should not be kept in the fridge. They maintain that due to egg handling procedures in the U.S, refrigeration is unnecessary. Europeans vaccinate chickens against bacteria, and because of this refrigeration is actually unnecessary.

If your eggs are in fact infected with bacteria which would induce food poisoning, it would be impossible to tell in most cases, as the flavor is not affected. Oftentimes, the appearance and aroma aren’t either, so if your egg is infected with salmonella, it’s likely you won’t know until its too late. As of now, with so much conflicting information, you as a consumer will have to make the decision. To refrigerate, or not to refrigerate? Keep in mind that somethimes it is better to be cautious and prevent illness than to be negligent and suffer the consquence.

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