
Yellow Teeth? Try This Hack! It Actually Works!

by January 1, 2017

Your first impressions are the most important ones. Your smile reflects a lot on your image, if you have white teeth instead of yellow teeth it will have a positive effect on those around you.

Yellow teeth tend to look gross and seem unhygienic, to say the least. Yellow teeth can be caused by a large number of things like candy, nicotine, and coffee. You can resolve this issue by using those terrible chemical products at the supermarket or you can use a natural trick!

The trick is to use activated charcoal capsules to whiten your teeth, Yes, charcoal. Here’s how:

  • Things Needed:
    • Activated charcoal capsules
    • Toothbrush (an extra one)
  • Directions:
    • Wet the toothbrush with some water from the faucet.
    • Place the charcoal on the toothbrush by opening one of the capsules.
    • At first, this will taste a bit powdery but will only taste that way for a minute.
    • You can use normal toothpaste on top of the activated charcoal if you want to that is completely up to you.
    • Brush for about five whole minutes.
    • Do this twice a week.

No need in using all of those overpriced chemical whitening strips or agents. Activated charcoal will give you the results you desire in a short amount of time. For more on this please watch the video below.

Doctors Hide This, Learn How to Heal Your Thyroid Naturally

by January 1, 2017

Thyroid issues are all too common in this day and age; some people are actually not even aware that they’re dealing with a thyroid issue.

Your thyroid gland is responsible for all kinds of things. Every single cell in your body has receptors for the thyroid hormone. Thyroid gland issues can be treated with exercise, rest, stress reduction, and a proper diet.

Symptoms of a thyroid gland issue include things like:

  • Dry skin
  • Brittle nails
  • Tingling hands
  • Numbness
  • Constipation
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Chills
  • Excessive sweating
  • Anxiety
  • Neck swelling
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Hair loss
  • Feeling too cold or too hot often
  • Vision issues
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle weakness

If you are dealing with one or more of these symptoms you may have a thyroid issue. This is something quite serious that should be addressed as soon as possible. For natural ways to heal the thyroid follow the directions below.

  • Consume more vitamins A, D, and K2
  • Use coconut oil when cooking it will work to improve your metabolism and support immune health. Consume at least one tablespoon per day.
  • Drink bone broth daily, click here for the recipe.
  • Avoid gluten as it can result in an autoimmune response in some people.
  • Avoid peanuts and peanut butter as these things contain something known as goitrogens which are not good for thyroid health.
  • Relax, try any sort of relaxation techniques you think may work for you. (Yoga, meditation, etc.)
  • Eat more sea veggies. They are a great source for things like iodine and are known to support the thyroid.
  • Do not use your cell phone as much or lose it altogether. As you know cell phones are known for causing brain tumors and things of the sort. They are held quite close to our thyroids when in use and as you already know are constantly emitting radiation. Try using a headset when talking on the phone instead if you must.
  • Support your adrenals, the thyroid and adrenal glands work together. If you are having issues adrenal support could be something you need.

This small butterfly-shaped gland in our necks is extremely important. We should do our best to keep it healthy. If our thyroid is not doing good then neither are we. It is imperative to repair these sorts of things as soon as we notice an issue has occurred. Thyroid issues are no laughing matter. For more information on this as well as more remedies for thyroid issues please watch the video below.

Colon Cleansing: Complete Guide To Flush Out Pounds Of Old Fecal Waste

by January 1, 2017

Detoxing your system is something that should be done regularly. That is if you want your organs functioning properly.

Colon cleansing is something we often forget to do. We should not overlook things like this. Cleansing your colon needs to be done after overindulging in unhealthy things. This cleansing beverage can be made easily at home and actually doesn’t taste bad at all.

Major Symptoms of Colon Toxicity

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Stomach aches
  • Skin rashes
  • Weak immune system
  • Bladder problems
  • Vaginal infections
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Mood Swings
  • Brain fog
  • Poor memory
  • Depression
  • Joint pain
  • Sore muscles

Colon Cleanse Recipe with Maple Syrup

Stanley Burroughs is an alternative medicine health practitioner who invented this effective colon detox remedy. The complete colon cleansing process usually takes 10 to 16 days.


  • 2 tablespoons of grade B organic maple syrup
  • 12 oz of filtered water
  • ½ a teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • Fresh juice of 1 organic lemon


Just mix all ingredients together, and consume the mixture four times a day. Do this every day for two weeks.

How To Use:

While doing any kind of cleanse it is important to consume plenty of water; at least 1 ½ times your basic daily water intake.

For best results, consume this beverage for at least 2 weeks, up to 4 weeks. You will then take a break for 3 months and repeat if necessary. Consume 15 minutes before meal.

  • Day One: Drink once a day
  • Day Two: Drink twice a day
  • Day 3 and over: Consume 3 times a day

Sunscreen is Killing the Coral, Sea Life & is Causing Skin Cancer, NOT the Sun! (Video)

by January 1, 2017

A famous doctor and author guest starred on The Richie Allen Show. She talks about the horrific bleaching of the coral reefs along the Hawaiian Island’s coast, and what might be causing it!


Dr. Elizabeth Plourde guest starred on the Richie Allen Show, talking about the discovery of the dangers of sunscreen. She says that sunscreen is killing coral, sea life, and causing skin cancer! Dr.  Plourde is a certified Menopause Technician and She specializes in women’s hormone treatments. She explains that she used to scuba dive about 50 years ago. She says that she used to fall in love with the beautiful coral reefs in the ocean. However, Dr. Plourde says she can’t go scuba diving now. She says, “it is hard to cry with a scuba mask on. Because when she looks at the coral beds she used to think were so beautiful, are blank white now.” She says that the coral is “dead and sterile”.

Before and After Coral Bleaching

Before and After Coral Bleaching


Dr. Plourde had been swimming in Hawaiian waters for about 40 years. She is speaking truths about the coral in Hawaii. Hawaiian coral is greatly admired for its deep colorization and lively formations.  However, Dr. Plourde is not lying about the reminisce of the coral. It is said that global warming is the cause of the death of the coral, but the doctor disagrees. Upon her discovery of the coral, she remembers that the water was cooler than ever! This led her to do more research on the coral. She found that sunscreen is the cause of this and many other issues! The chemicals from sunscreen are dissolved in the water and cause the coral to die within 6-8 hours. She says that it also might be causing skin cancer and killing sea life! Watch her appearance on the show below!

Prepare it Before The Pharmacists Erase it! 4 Tablespoons of This And You Can Say Goodbye to High Blood Pressure and Clogged Arteries

by December 31, 2016

It wouldn’t take long for this mixture to put the pharmacy companies out of business, so you can expect to see it disappear at some point. This mixture will cure your high blood pressure and clogged arteries, and you can stop taking those pills forever.

This mixture contains natural ingredients that are particularly helpful for your cardiovascular system. It contains three main ingredients that can fight the common cold, flu, infections, and cardiovascular issues. All of the ingredients are 100% natural! This remedy originated in Germany as a folk remedy. It has been used for centuries to fight the common cold and the flu!

The recipe is an easy do it yourself. Here is the recipe:


  • 67.6 oz purified water
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 4 unpeeled lemons
  • 1.5 inches of ginger


Wash and cut the garlic cloves and lemons in slices and then put all the ingredients in a food processor or blender and mix well. Pour the homogenous texture in a pan and then heat it by slowly adding the water. Heat and stir until it finally boils. Remove and let it cool down. Strain and transfer the mixture into glass bottle and store it in the fridge.


Consume this miracle every day, 2 hours before meal, 2 times per day. The ginger may remain on the bottom so shake the bottle before use. Due to the presence of ginger and lemon, you will neutralize the smell of garlic.

Improve Your Posture and Get Rid of Back Pain with This Simple Exercise

by December 31, 2016

Everyone experiences back pain at one point or another. Back pain is the worst, and you might have it because of your bad posture! Read below to find out how to fix it!

There are many reasons to improve your posture. It is very important to the functioning of your body, and bad posture can have some serious side effects. Did you know, that you might be lying awake all night due to the immense back pain you experience! Back pain can make your entire day miserable. You should improve your posture because it can decrease the risk of back pain, poor circulation, and tightness in the chest. Proper posture helps digestion and many other processes that happen in the body. Improved posture can provide a clear mental state, enhance breathing, hormonal balances, and reduce stress!

Correcting your posture can significantly lower back and shoulder pain. It literally improves your overall health! Going to a chiropractor can be super expensive and you often find yourself there again within a week or two. However, there is a simple exercise that you can do to fix that posture! It’s super easy, effective, and not very time consuming. Better yet, it’s free!

The locust position has been practiced by yoga instructors and muscle physicians for decades. It can effectively correct your bad posture and relieve you of great pains. The exercise is a lying position exercise, so make sure you have plenty of room. Always stretch before exercising. Ask your doctor/chiropractor/physician if this exercise is safe for you to do.

Step By Step Instructions:

Step One – Lie face down on your stomach, with your forehead touching the floor.

Step Two – Extend your legs and spread them about hip-width apart. Be sure to equally distribute your weight on the tops of your feet.

Step Three – Lift your upper body with your head up as high as possible.

Step Four – As you raise your head up, breathe in slowly. Lift your hands and fingers as you breathe out. Be sure to have your hands close to your body and your palms are facing downward.

Final Step – Using your thigh muscles, raise your legs. Your weight need to rely on your pelvis, abdomen, and lower ribs. Do this exercise about 5 to 10 times a day. Remain in the position for up to 60 seconds. You will strengthen your legs, torso, and back. Strengthening all these muscles can significantly improve your posture, You should notice results in about a week’s time.

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