
MIT: Scientist: You Are Being Lied to About Eating Wheat

by January 2, 2017

While some of us have been tricked into believing wheat is good for us. It is actually slowly poisoning us, this is because of the dangerous glyphosate used when growing it.

Monsanto’s Roundup has increased in use through the past 40 years or so. Researchers are finally beginning to believe that the use of glyphosate is the cause of a large amount of many modern diseases. Dr. Stephanie Seneff from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology glyphosate appears to be linked with the rise in gluten intolerance and even Celiac disease. Many people are aware that glyphosate is used on things like GMO corn, GMO soybeans and even GMO cotton crops but they are also used on non-GMO wheat crops. Wheat is the third most common crop to be sprayed with this deadly herbicide.

You would think it not being a GMO crop would be reason enough to not have to spray it with glyphosate, but it is being used before harvest for a couple different reasons. In doing this they are killing off the wheat before harvest so that they have less to clear. Exposing wheat to a toxic chemical like glyphosate causes the wheat to release more seeds as it dies. This gives farmers a higher yield. It appears glyphosate is one of the most common ingredients of our diets. This is causing serious health issues and something needs to be done. To hear what Dr. Seneff has to say about glyphosate please watch the video below.

This is What Happens to Your Kidneys, Skin and Brain When You Put on Too Much Makeup

by January 2, 2017

Makeup seems to be growing in popularity with each passing day. It is estimated that the market globally for beauty products will rise substantially throughout the next five years.

The beauty industry is taking over everything. If you take a look at YouTube you will notice tons and tons of people doing makeup tutorials and so forth. We are becoming a society filled with makeup junkies. Makeup has been used for many years now and of course, does its job at enhancing features we find attractive and hiding our ‘flaws.’ When we become psychologically dependent on makeup we have an issue.

Almost half of all women say that they feel unattractive without makeup. These people build their self-esteem based on what they look like with their makeup on. Makeup might enhance our appearance but is it okay for our physical health? Makeup products contain chemicals. Some chemicals that are not good for our health. Some chemicals can cause anything from dry skin to severe allergic reactions.

By applying these makeup products we are allowing these chemicals to penetrate deep into our skin. We are allowing them to seep into our pores. Realistically makeup has been a danger for quite some time now. One study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science found that the bones of Japanese children from the Edo period had high levels of toxic metals. Levels well over a dozen times higher than the safety threshold. This is said to have been because of the use white facial powder by breastfeeding mothers. The powders used in the Edo era were likely to have dangerous levels of mercury and lead.

Not all of the research found on makeup being dangerous is as old as that one, though. A more recent study released by the Breast Cancer Fund found that almost half of all children’s Halloween makeup products tested positive for banned harmful chemicals. Makeup can be bad for your skin. Makeup is known to clog pores and cause acne.

Sure makeup if fine sometimes but wearing it every single day is not good for your mental or physical health. You are beautiful just the way you are. Practicing makeup free days from time to time will reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals. Try to be aware of the companies you buy from as well and if you’re feeling up to the task try making some ‘natural’ makeup at home. To learn how please watch the videos below.

How to Get Rid of This Bacteria Causing You Bloating, Heartburn, Reflux, Diarrhea, and Other Symptoms

by January 2, 2017

If you experience ongoing stomach pain, this is for you. Ongoing stomach pain is often caused by a bacteria called Pylori. Here is how to treat it.

Stomach pain is not a stranger to most. However, experiencing constant stomach pain is not normal. Be sure to check with your doctor or physician about this issue. Before you fill those prescriptions he gives you, tries this natural remedy to solve your stomach pain. Pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) is a bacteria that causes pain in your stomach. In 1982 it was discovered that a majority of stomach pain and ulcers are caused by germs!

Pylori enters your body and lives in the digestive tract. Eventually, they cause painful ulcers. These ulcers are basically sores around the lining of your stomach. If you haven’t heard of this bacteria you’re not alone. Many people are unaware of H. Pylori and are unfamiliar with its effects. Although not everyone knows about it, it is rather common. In fact, H. Pylori affects about ⅔ of the world’s population! The bacteria tears down the lining of your stomach over time. It eventually diminishes your stomach lining, letting acid through the lining. This can cause infections, bleeding, or keep food from moving through the digestive tract. You can get the bacteria from silverware, food, or water. If you experience consistent stomach pains, you could be a host for this malevolent bacteria. Here are some natural remedies you can use to treat H. Pylori.

  • Raw Honey – Manuka honey has been researched extensively in the use of fighting this bacteria. It shows to effectively kill all of the infesting bacteria in your stomach. Try one teaspoon of Manuka honey on a piece of toast 3 times a day.
  • Cranberry Juice A clinical study involving humans in China tested the effects of cranberry juice fighting H. pylori. They found that cranberry juice reduced the infected by 14%!
  • Probiotics – Individuals who had taken probiotics with the triple therapy had a much higher success rate in treating the H. pylori overgrowth and experienced fewer adverse events. In fact, it helped people who had already done the antibiotic course unsuccessfully.
  • Other Natural Remedies – Organic Licorice is a traditional ulcer treatment in Indian, Chinese,  And Kampo medicine. It effectively works to treat H. pylori too. Green tea and red wine have also shown effective in treatment. They have natural antibacterial properties that kill H. Pylori.

Scientists Have Finally Discovered Why Consuming Red Meat Causes Cancer

by January 2, 2017

This breakthrough changes everything, we now know why red meat causes cancer. How did it take so long for us to realize this?

According to quite a few studies consuming red meat is linked with increased cancer risks as well as things like heart disease, stroke, type two diabetes, and alzheimer’s. We did not understand why these links existed until now. Several scientists from the University of California say that it has something to do with sugar.

Neu5Gc is the sugar found in mammals (except for humans) and it triggers an immune response that causes inflammation. There is evidence linking the sugar in red meats was found through a study done on mice. Feeding them sugars in experimental setups and finding that the sugar was causing an increase in spontaneous cancer in the mice. You can find this sugar in cow’s milk, some cheeses, pork, beef, and other livestock. The human body is not capable of producing this sugar naturally and so when it is absorbed into our tissue we perceive it as a foreign invader.

This causes an immune system response that over time can become chronic inflammation and lead to cancer. People who consume red meat on a daily basis are likely to suffer a much stronger reaction than those who only ingest red meats occasionally. We are lucky because now that we know this we can look towards another direction and ingest one of the many alternatives to red meat. Why not try a veggie burger?

Limiting your intake of red meat will help you to live a much better life. Your health is extremely important. In a place where cancer is one of the biggest money makers, we need to be aware of the things we ingest.

Use Turmeric Before Ever Swallowing Another Ibuprofen Again

by January 2, 2017

Turmeric has proven itself more to be more than just effective in cooking, but as a natural pain reliever as well! Turmeric has been proven recently in a study to beat ibuprofen for arthritis of the knee!

If you are one of the many Americans that suffer from constant back or neck pain, then this is good news for you! This tea is made from the powerful turmeric can. It can alleviate your pain! It is a completely natural remedy and contains no harsh ingredients. Unlike other pain relief medications, turmeric tea has no negative side effects. Pain relief medications such as Aleve, Ibuprofen, or Advil, are also known as NSAIDs. NSAIDs have horrible side effects and are horrible for your body.

It is urgent that you switch your pain relief methods to this turmeric tea, NSAIDs like Ibuprofen cause liver damage! They deplete cell-protecting antioxidants while increasing specific liver enzymes that cause damage! They also cause heart problems, intestinal issues, and toxicity in your kidneys. You could choose to use those, or you could try this recipe.

Turmeric is an ancient spice from India and Asia that dates back to as far as 2000 B.C. It belongs to the ginger family; it promotes a balanced mood, helps heal wounds, soothes aches and discomfort, and even encourages balanced blood sugar! Those taking turmeric reported significantly fewer side effects than those taking NSAIDs. Most importantly among the list is pain relief! It heals aches and pains in the joints and muscles! The recipe is an easy do-it-yourself, and only takes minutes! Get the recipe below.


  • 4 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons grated fresh turmeric root
  • Fresh lemon/honey to taste


Boil some water on the stove and once it starts bubbling throw in the turmeric. If you are using fresh grated turmeric, boil for 15 – 20 minutes. Strain tea properly, then add the lemon and spice it up with honey to your taste. Enjoy!

Here’s How to Flush Fluoride Out of Your System

by January 2, 2017

It seems like Fluoride, a poisonous neurotoxin, has been incorporated into a large portion of our remaining natural resources! Fluoride is horrible for your body, so here is how to flush it out of your system!

High contents of fluoride have been found in America’s drinking water. It can also be found in many other foods, drinks, or even natural resources. Fluoride is most commonly used in dental hygiene such as toothpaste and mouthwashes. Regardless of where we are accumulating fluoride, studies have shown that humans are ingesting dangerous levels of it.

Fluoride bio-accumulates in the body, which means the more of it you take in, the more you accumulate. Fluoride damage is particularly bad for the thyroid because its store of iodine is depleted. Iodine deficiency can affect the thyroid’s metabolic and immune functions, leading to hypothyroidism and lowered immunity.

Fluoride exposure can be extremely dangerous. You can experience some severe side effects from it too, it is a horrible neurotoxin. Exposure to fluoride can cause a weakened skeletal system; this results in something called skeletal fluorosis. Fluoride travels through the bloodstream to the bones, and combines itself with calcium. Calcium goes to your bones, so fluoride starts to take the place of calcium and it results in weak bones. It can also cause arthritis, which is the calcification of cartilage.

Like I said before, Fluoride is toxic for your thyroid. Iodine and fluoride belong to a family of compounds known as halogens. Although iodine is beneficial to the thyroid, fluoride is not. However, because of the similarities, the thyroid can absorb fluoride instead of iodine. This is bad… very bad! Fluoride is toxic to thyroid cells; it inhibits function and causes cell death. For decades, fluoride was used to reduce thyroid function in individuals suffering from an overactive thyroid. Now the range used in water fluoridation matches the levels typically used to reduce thyroid function.

It is important to cleanse your body of fluoride. The key to eliminating fluoride in the body is Selenium, nature’s antidote for fluoride. A study published in the Journal of Hygiene Research says that “taking selenium supplements or eating selenium-rich foods may help reduce the damage to neurons and minimize memory loss induced by fluoride…” Selenium is found in mushrooms, broccoli, asparagus, and tomatoes. Ingesting foods like these in addition to lots of water, the fluoride should be out of you in no time!

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