
Entire Family Dies After Young Woman Makes A Simple Mistake In The Kitchen

by January 16, 2017

You could walk into almost any kitchen in the world and find potatoes, as they are a very popular vegetable with plenty of benefits and taste. Unfortunately, there are scenarios in which potatoes can actually be bad for you, or possibly even deadly.

Maria Chelysheva lost not only her father, but also her mother, brother, and grandmother. Her father, a well-respected law professor Mikhail Chelyshev, 42, entered the cellar first. It wasn’t long before he fainted due to the toxic fumes that permeated from the rotten starch. Not much longer after that, he died, according to police.


Worried that he had not returned, his wife, Anastasia,38, went into the cellar to check on him. She too was knocked out by the noxious fumes. Their son Georgy followed after and sadly met the same fate. Iraida, 68, Anastasia’s mother called a neighbor and begged for help, feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

When it took a bit for assistance to come, she too went into the cellar and collapsed. On her way, she left the door open, which caused the fumes to disperse.

Young Maria entered the cellar and found her entire family dead on the floor. The cause of death was ruled as gas poisoning due to an accumulation of toxins that had been caused by the potatoes.


The toxin was caused by glycoalkaloid that is found in potatoes which can make them toxic under certain circumstances. The substance is also found in deadly nightshade plants, and is not only poisonous if consumed, but also if inhaled. As potatoes rot, the toxicity of the chemical increases, which causes the gas to release. Obviously, this is a very heartbreaking story, however, if it has shown the world anything it is to please ensure that your food is disposed of soon before it becomes hazardous.

Water Fluoridation Chemicals Now Officially Linked to Brain Harm & Cognitive Deficits

by January 16, 2017

Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was served with a Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) petition from a group of medical, environmental, and health groups. The notice demands the agency to completely ban water fluoridation chemicals that are added to public water supplies.

Included in the report are over 2,500 pages of scientific documents that support claims that water fluoridation has the potential to cause cognitive impairment. Decades ago, when local water companies began adding these chemicals to their water supply, these effects weren’t yet understood.

Since that time, science has become more sophisticated and research conducted can more accurately examine the brain. Included in the petition is evidence of the broad changes made to the brain by water fluoridation like IQ deficits, neuroanatomical and chemical effects, and the concern for effects that are made to the developing brain.

“In times past when fluoridation was instituted, science only had the scalpel or basic X-ray technology, and we simply weren’t able to assess the brain in the way technology can today,” states MAF leadership.

“…it is apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain and the body by direct and indirect means.”

“Not only do fluorides [adversely] affect transmitter concentrations and functions but also are involved in the regulation of glucagon, prostaglandins, and a number of central nervous system peptides including vasopressin… and other hypothalamic peptides.”

“Fluorides also increase the production of free radicals in the brain through several different biological pathways. These changes have a bearing on the possibility that fluorides act to increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.”

There were dozens of other findings that are similar to the ones we have listed that were included in the 507 page NRC report.

Michael Connet also highlights the alleged benefits of water fluoridation on teeth by saying, “It is now understood that fluoride’s predominant effect on tooth decay comes from topical contact with the teeth, not ingestion.”

The Petition states, “Since there is little benefit in swallowing fluoride, there is little justification in exposing the public to any risk of fluoride neurotoxicity…”

“It is important to note,” says an MAF representative, “that not only does it appear that drinking fluoride does nothing for the enamel, but not a single long-term fluoridation safety trial has ever been conducted on the fetus, the brain or the thyroid by our government. Not one.”

Obviously, the government hasn’t done the research or ran safety trials concerning the effects of fluoride. Thankfully, however, scientists throughout the world have. Currently, the research has become so extensive that fluoride can now be classified in the same category as lead, mercury, PCBs as one of the “developmental neurotoxins” according to one research journal.

“As a practicing general dentist of 39 years, I was stunned when I saw the studies demonstrating the effects that drinking artificial fluoridation chemicals can have on the body—particularly, on the brain,” comments Dr. Bill Osmunson, D.D.S. of Bellevue, Washington.

“This Petition is a watershed,” adds MAF. “Just as people once thought lead, DDT, and asbestos were safe, there was a time, after much work and pushing by the people, when those erroneous assumptions shifted and the policies were forced to change. This is now that time for artificial fluoridation chemicals, as the science raises far too many concerns, and the EPA must act to protect the people.”

While many government officials continue to maintain that adding fluoride in ample amounts to water sources is good for our teeth if they truly cared that much for our health, would they not add other beneficial nutrients to our water sources as well? Furthermore, if a massive majority of European countries have now banned water fluoridation, shouldn’t the chemical be examined by other governments as well? With mounting evidence indicating that the chemical is as toxic as other regulated chemicals, isn’t it time that something is done?

Click here for the petition. 

This Man Ate 2 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil Twice a Day and This is What Happened to His Brain

by January 16, 2017

Coconut oil is renowned for its many endless health benefits. While it is typically used for moisturizing, dental care, and as a delicious cooking oil, Dr. Newport believes it to also be good for enhanced cognition.

Dr. Mary Newport’s theory surrounds the idea that the digestion of coconut oil causes the production of ketones. Ketones, in her opinion, could be an alternative fuel for the brain, which could benefit those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Newport’s husband Steve began having problems with progressive dementia in his mid-50’s. Sadly, eventually, an MRI provoked diagnoses for Alzheimer’s disease.

In Newport’s own words, “Many days, often for several days in a row, he was in a fog; couldn’t find a spoon or remember how to get water out of the refrigerator… One day I would ask if a certain call came that I was expecting and he would say ‘No.’ Two days later he would remember the message from so-and-so from a couple of days earlier and what they said.”

Despite his diagnoses, Steve was still able to hold information in his brain, even in moments when he had no short-term memory. Mary believed his diet to have something to do with it.

In Mary’s research regarding ketones, or medium chain triglycerides, she found that they had been listed as a potential treatment for those suffering from Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes. 

Mary began thinking, “In Alzheimer’s disease, the neurons in certain areas of the brain are unable to take in glucose due to insulin resistance, and slowly die off… if these cells had access to ketone bodies, they could potentially stay alive and continue to function.”

This prompted Dr. Newport to begin supplying her husband with a regimen of coconut oil, in order to see if it helped him at all. According to Mary, he became more aware and happy. He was more himself again and even had less intense tremors.

One year later, of two tablespoons of coconut oil, twice per day, Mary states that Steve has completely changed for the better. While he does continue to struggle to some extent, he is able to recognize his family and participate in socializing. “For now, we are very pleased with where he is at and should coconut oil stop or slow down the progress of his disease, it will be worth every drop that he takes.”

Most People Cook Onions Wrong. Here’s the Right Way to Use Each One

by January 16, 2017

There are all kinds of different onions! Each one has a slightly different taste, smell, and color. But, did you know each one has a specific purpose?

It’s true, each different kind of onion has a specific purpose. Onions can be used for a multitude of different health issues. It has natural disease fighting compounds that help the body rid itself of toxins and waste. Which type of onions is the healthiest? Researchers from Cornell studied 11 onion varieties and found that shallots and Western yellow onions were the healthiest for their phenolic and flavonoid content. Onions can be used to treat high blood sugar, reducing inflammation, and even preventing cancer! Onions contain a powerful ingredient called quercetin. This compound helps ward off the production of cancer cells.

All these onions vary slightly in flavor, texture, and color, but can usually be substituted for one another. In terms of cooking, they will all behave the same in the pan. Avoid soft onions or ones that have a sharp oniony odor before peeling. These are indications that the onion is old. Each different onion also has different contents of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The video below explains the difference between each type of onion, and what they should be used for.

Toddlers on Amphetamine: History of Big Pharma and the Major Players (Full Documentary)

by January 16, 2017

More now than ever the world has become a terrifying place, years ago you would have never suspected that children would be on drugs. Now we have big pharma to shove drugs down all of our throats, and for what? Money.

Contained within this documentary, entitled “Toddlers on Amphetamines: History of Big Pharma and the Major Players” is the entire history of the pharmaceutical industry and how we have all been forced into their tangled web. By examining this dark history, muddled with disease, noxious chemicals, and greed, the directors expose the truth behind an industry which controls almost all of our lives. While it is sickening to see exactly how disturbing these forces are, it is indeed liberating to break free from these binding chains of psychopathy.

People assume that it is okay to give ADHD medication to children, but it all reality there is not much of a difference between the medication and street drugs. Back in 2014, Carl Hart and his co-authors Don Habibi and Joanne Csete took the time to examine just how intense meth was affecting the brains of people everywhere and found that there is literally no difference between the two. Dextroamphetamine and Methamphetamine are the same things overall!

Such statements, however, are inconsistent with the empirical evidence,” they wrote. ” In carefully controlled laboratory studies of human research participants, [dextroamphetamine] and methamphetamine produce nearly identical physiological and behavioral effects…. They both increase blood pressure, pulse, euphoria, and desire to take the drug in a dose-dependent manner. Essentially, they are the same drug.”

Pharma companies aren’t just making the big bucks off what they prescribe you; but what you can buy over the counter too. It is a common mindset to assume that OTC drugs are safe since they do not require a prescription to acquire them. However, this is a rather dangerous assumption. Drugs purchased over the counter can also be extremely toxic for your body, and especially a child’s body. For example, Flintstones chewable vitamins are advertised to be a fun and tasty way for kids to get an additional boost of nutrition. Although the vitamins do contain nutritional ingredients, they also contain Aspartame and Cupric Acid. These are just an example of the toxic ingredients in these chewable vitamins. Research has linked Aspartame to cancer, Seizures, headaches, and liver problems. Flintstones vitamins are trusted by parents and children all over the world! While they might have a mild placebo effect, your children might actually experience a multitude of negative side effects.

Children are in the most important stage of growth in their life. It is important that they get a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals! These days you cannot trust “Family Brands” like Bayer’s Flintstone Vitamins. Instead of dosing your children with toxic ingredients, resort to a more natural source of children’s vitamins. Nature’s Plus Animal Planet Gold vitamins are an excellent alternative.

If you are considering ADHD/ Amphetamine-based drugs for your children, please reconsider.

If you have not seen this documentary, then I highly suggest that you watch it. The documentary was made completely out of pocket, and you can donate to support Era of Wisdom and the next documentary here. The full transcript, sources, image credits and videos that appear in the documentary can be found here.

To read the full article explaining the documentary you can click here.

13 Ways to Boost Positive Energy in Your Home the Right Way

by January 16, 2017

Some of us deal with a lot of negative energy throughout our days be it coming from ourselves or the people around us. These negative energies have a way of taking up root in our homes.

Sometimes we are not even aware of these negative energies, and we seem to be down in the dumps so to speak without understanding why. Luckily for us, there are many different ways that we can boost the positive energy in our homes and even remove the negative.

Here are the best ways to do so:


Do Your Best To Be A Positive Person


This is much easier said than done but it will help tremendously. When you think about it how can positive energy thrive in you home if you’re a Debbie downer?

Think positive and do these things more often:

  • Enjoy the small things in life.
  • Count your blessings.
  • Be creative even in your work.
  • Keep in touch with those you love.
  • Share with others.
  • Laugh more often

Remove The Clutter From Your Home 


Our homes often become cluttered from lack of time to declutter and even in some cases a lack of motivation. Whatever the reason a cluttered home can make you feel trapped in more ways than one. Get rid of that clutter! Make space for things to go if you cannot get rid of them and for the things you can get rid of, throw them out or give them away! Your home is your safe space you should never feel trapped there.

Make Spirituality A Part Of Your Everyday Routine


Take time to meditate or practice yoga. These things will help you to be stress-free, and less stress you’re dealing with the fewer negative energies will surround you. You will attract the positive energies. You can even bring spiritual elements into your home that will help in many ways. Try burning incense in each room or use protection crystals as needed.

Have A Smudging Ceremony 


If someone negative has spent time in your home and left their impression or something similar to that has happened a smudging ceremony might be exactly what you need. As you may know, white sage has been used to clear unwanted energies for many centuries. For more information on smudging and how to please click here.

Get A Himalayan Salt Lamp


These lamps are quite amazing they look cool, and really will do the trick. The results really speak for themselves when it comes to just how amazing these salt lamps really are for more information on them, and how they work please watch the video below.

Create An Attractor For These Negative Energies

Removing negative energy from your home will take time but is achievable. If you want it gone you can get rid of it. Be sure to allow proper air flow in your home when you can as fresh air can push out negative air (air filled with negative energy.) Salt the corners of your room if you are newer to the home, this will remove any previous negative energies leering in the dark. After letting it sit for two days sweep it up, and throw it away just as you want to do with the negativity itself. My last tip for getting rid of negative energy and giving the positive a boost I am going to leave you with is one of my favorites.


Protect The Entrances To Your Home

Doors and windows are not only entrances for people but energies as well. If you do not protect these entrances from energies as you would intruders negative energies will make their way inside easily. Fill up a bucket with water, lemon juice, white vinegar, and salt. Use this to wipe down the windows, doorknobs, doorframes, and windowsills. This will help prevent negative energies from entering your home.

If you try to implement at least a couple of these your home will significantly improve. You will notice a much more positive environment within just one week. Enjoy!

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