
Put A Glass Of Water With Grain Salt, and Vinegar In Any Part Of Your House. After 24 Hours, You’ll Be Very Surprised!

by January 19, 2017

Nobody wants negative energies in their home. Negative energies can cause many different side effects including illness and mood changes. If you put a glass of water, salt, and vinegar in any part of your house you will be surprised!

Energy is everywhere and in everything, there is a form of energy. It follows the path of least resistance. So wherever you focus your thoughts energy follows it. It is the emotion that we put behind those thoughts that drive the energy. It is very important to have positive energy in your home!

When your energy is down, you feel “bad” and when it is up, you feel “good.” Even if you are someone who is not practically aware of your energy, there have likely been times when you have just felt that a person, place or thing has “bad energy”. You know, that creepy or uneasy feeling you get when you are around them or it. On the other hand, you have also probably come across some people, places or things that simply make you feel great. From a very basic scientific standpoint, everything in this world, including you, is just a big ball of energy that vibrates at different frequencies, thus determining what you see or perceive in a physical form.

This method has shown to be helpful in many different situations. All you need to do is put salt, little vinegar, and water in the glass. The glass should be placed in the room where you spend the most of your time, but where it can’t be seen. Leave the glass there for one whole day and night. After sometime check out the salt and his action, if the level only rose or the water overflew.


  • 1 glass of water
  • White vinegar
  • Granulated salt
  • Water


According to this method, which has shown to be helpful in many cases, you need to put salt, little vinegar and water in the glass. The glass should be placed in the room where you spend the most of your time, but where it can’t be seen. Leave the glass there for one whole day and night. After some time check out the salt and his action, if the level only rose or the water overflew. After the time of 1 day take the glass and wash it well with water. If you are still feeling the negative energy around you, repeat the procedure until the salt stops rising.

Raw Honey+Coconut Oil & Cinnamon-DIY Cough Drops That Will Save You A Trip To The Doctor’s

by January 19, 2017

Do you suffer from a constant cough that just will not go away? Many people do, and you are not alone.

A persistent cough is super annoying, and modern day pharmaceuticals are dangerous for your health. Here is how you can make a natural cough drop that is cheap and effective!

Whether you’re a smoker or not, the change of season has brought a coughing plaque among almost everyone! A cough, cold, and flu are abounded! Numerous people immediately reach towards lozenges, but even though they fight a cough successfully, they are high in dangerous chemicals that lead to other side effects and do not address the root of the problem. It is important to your health to avoid the toxic medications produced by the big Pharma companies. After all, they are more interested in making a buck or two than the health of the public.

This natural remedy is guaranteed to relieve you of that annoying cough. It contains powerful natural ingredients like honey, coconut oil, and cinnamon! Each of these ingredients has many different health benefits. They all work great as a cough suppressant, especially when they are combined together! Honey especially has a great cough suppressing abilities.

In a study, honey appeared to be as effective as a common cough suppressant ingredient, dextromethorphan, in typical over-the-counter doses. Since honey is low-cost and widely available, it might be worth a try. Also, a scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural ingredient which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.

Cinnamon is a great ingredient too. Both honey and cinnamon have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Last but not least, we have coconut oil. Remember to always save the best for last! To date, there are over 1,500 studies proving coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Coconut oil benefits and uses go beyond what most people realize. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which is known to reduce candida, fight bacteria, and create a hostile environment for viruses. Many diseases today are caused by the overgrowth of bad bacteria, fungus, viruses and parasites in the body. Ready for the recipe? What are you waiting for, get rid of that cough!


  • 100g raw organic honey
  • 100ml of coconut oil
  • A pinch of Ceylon cinnamon


Pour the coconut oil into a bowl and whip it until it becomes nice and frothy. Then, gradually add the honey and go on whipping in order to get a full and thick paste. In the end, add the cinnamon.

Next, pour the mixture into empty ice cube trays and freeze them for half an hour. You can keep the cough drops in a glass Mason jar in the fridge for up to 2 months.

There’s A Major Mistake In This Puzzle. It’s Very Obvious But Most People Don’t See It

by January 19, 2017

Optical illusions are a great way to challenge and exercise your brain! Optical illusions and other mind games/puzzles can benefit you in man ways! For example, daily mind games can ward off the progression of diseases like Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Recently many different optical illusions have been circulating through the internet. I think this is a great thing, as everyone is involved in social media these days. Circulating optical illusions and mind games on the internet could stimulate a positive impact on the world’s intellectual statistics. One specific illusion has been recently circulating, and it has people mind boggled! The optical illusion has a very obvious mistake, and it asks for you to find the mistake.

The illusion is hidden in plain sight. This causes people to look over and analyze the text and still, they can miss it! Do you see it?


Spoiler Alert! I’m going to tell you the mistake.

The mistake in the text is not in the numbers. The numbers are highlighted in bright colors to distract you from the text above them in black lettering. The human brain is designed to decode texts and analyze information so that it can understand it. You may have read the text as, “Can you find the mistake”, but it actually says, “Can you find the the mistake?” It is a simple trick to the brain! Puzzles like these are great for mental health, and they are fun too! Always remember to pay close attention!

Say Goodbye to Blackheads in 20 Minutes With These Two Ingredients

by January 19, 2017

Blackheads are one of the most common skin issues. They are caused by clogged hair follicles.

These turn acne black when they come in contact with air. Thus the name, blackheads. Each hair follicle contains an oil producing gland and a hair when we let our pores get clogged up with dead skin cells, dirt, and other things we get blackheads. Causes for blackheads include things like heredity, hormonal levels, age, improper skin care, and over producing oil.

Unlike some of our unwanted skin issues blackheads are not usually painful. They are often located on our noses, backs, shoulders, and necks. Natural treatment is the best way to rid yourself of these nuisances. Be sure that you are taking the time to clean your skin properly. wash your face twice a day and never use cleansers that contain oil and alcohol because they are known to irritate the skin.

Blackhead Remedy

Things Needed:


  • Mix these two things together to create a paste.
  • Apply it to your blackheads and allow it to sit for 30 minutes.
  • Wash your face afterward and repeat twice a week.

When you do this you will notice a difference quickly. Your skin will be cleaner and healthier almost instantly. Do this instead of irritating your face by picking at those unsightly blackheads.

More Than 20 Million People Have Watched This Close-Up Blackhead Extraction

by January 19, 2017

Pimple popping videos are something we cannot help but watch sometimes. So gross but yet for some reason we just cannot look away!

Have you ever seen a zit popping video? They are all over YouTube and social media in general. People are constantly sharing and binge watching these nasty videos. What makes them so addicting?

These videos are disgusting and yet so satisfying, to say the least. The satisfaction factor is definitely the reason behind our obsession with these videos. We are also for some reason more likely to pass along something disgusting verse something that is not. This blackhead removal video has already racked up over 20 million views and counting. It is intense on so many levels. Watch this blackhead extraction video below. Be prepared for the nastiness! Thanks for this one Mach5Weird! (original video posted on facebook)


Acne treatment is very important for information on adult acne please watch the video below. While we may watch these pimple videos we do not want to be in them. Please take precautions when it comes to your skin health. Your skin is a very important part of your body.

New Device Can Diagnose 17 Different Diseases From A Single Breath

by January 19, 2017

Wouldn’t t be great if we could find out what is making us ill by just breathing? That is the goal of this new technology!

This is being called the NA-Nose and is compared to a breathalyzer. It can determine what disease someone has with about eighty percent accuracy. How fantastic! According to one study published in the journal ACS Nano, it is able to differentiate diseases from one another because it is able to pick up on something known as volatile organic compounds.


Each of these 17 diseases (the ones able to be detected by this machine) release 13 specific compounds all in different ways. This product has been tested with breath samples from around 1,400 people in many different countries and was able to diagnose them correctly nine out of ten times. This amazing device is going to hopefully help us catch diseases much earlier than usual. This will increase survival rates drastically.

This is something that can help tons of people for more information on it please watch the video below. Would you use the Na-Noise? How insanely fascinating is this device? I hope to see it in use soon!

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