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Nigerian Court Rules Coca-Cola Products Unfit For Human Consumption, Citizens Call For Boycott

by April 27, 2017

Coca-cola is a major food brand that distributes some of the best tasting soda products out there. However their deliciousness, their products are seriously so toxic for you – it isn’t worth the cold pop.

This isn’t the first time we have heard of Coca-cola deceiving our health; in fact, this isn’t even the first article I’ve written about it. Coca-cola is a company merely interested in millions of profits – and they’re getting it at the expensive of your health. However, with the growing awareness of processed food dangers, people are realizing how terrible coke really is for us. There have been many studies linking coca-cola products to health issues. For example, if you drink Coca-Cola every single day it’ll begin to eat away at your bones from the inside out!

In today’s society is hardly ever feels like big companies and CEO’s are never served any real justice. They’re feeding us poison and getting away with it – for the most part. In fact, A Nigerian high court has ruled that coke, Fanta, and sprite could all be labeled as hazardous to humans. This is because of the chemicals they use in the drinks such as benzoic acid and other artificial additives.

The coke issue was originally brought to surface in Nigeria because a court case involving sprite and fanta. There was a shipment dropped off in the United Kingdom where health officials decided that the drinks weren’t safe for humans. The health authorities ran tests on the products and they made some interesting findings. They found that the drinks contained too much benzoic acid and food coloring.

Benzoic Acid

Benzoic acid is a white, crystalline powder. It has a faint odor and is naturally found in many plants. However, it is also found in many different industrial environments. It can be used in perfumes, dyes, medications, and insect repellents… and Coke. it is commonly used as pH adjuster and a preservative. Exposure to this chemical can result in eye damage, skin irritation, and lung irritation.

Coca-cola is still fighting the Nigerian ruling, saying the levels should be set higher. They also claim they adhere to all safe food regulations, but we know that’s not true. In the meantime, stay away from coke products!

Study Finds That Stevia Fights Lyme Disease Pathogen Better Than Antibiotics

by April 27, 2017

Lyme disease is a serious health condition that nobody wants to experience it is usually transported to humans by the black-legged tick!

Getting rid of Lyme disease has always been a bit tricky, however, stevia, a sugar substitute, has proven to be able to treat it better than pharmaceuticals!


Typical symptoms of Lyme disease include headaches, fever, fatigue, and a skin rash. It is commonly diagnosed upon the arrival of symptoms, but it if is left untreated, the infection can spread all throughout your body. While most cases can be solved with a few weeks of antibiotics, new studies show that stevia can treat it even better!

Stevia originates from a plant that is part of the Bertoni family. It grows in Paraguay and brazil, but nowadays stevia is part of the growing sugar substitute market. It offers a sweetened taste, without all the health issues that sugar poses. It has no calories and it is 200 times sweeter than sugar. Other studies have shown that it is effective in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels. But, how can it treat Lyme disease?

The study was published in the European Journal of Microbiology and immunology. The study was titled, “Effectiveness of Stevia Rebaudiana Whole Leaf Extract Against the Various Morphological Forms of Borrelia Burgdorferi in Vitro”. It was conducted by researchers at the department of Biology and Environmental Sciences at the University of New Haven, in West Haven, Connecticut.

In the study, they found that the antimicrobial effects of stevia have a direct effect on Lyme disease. It was examined next to Doxycycline, cefoperazone, daptomycin, and other drugs used to treat Lyme disease. Results showed the stevia leaf extract was effective against all bacteria forms in the study.

The study showed that stevia worked against even the most antibiotic resistant cases. It will need more clinical studies and investigate, but stevia seems to be a reasonable treatment for Lyme disease!

How To Release Garlic’s Full Medicinal Potential That Is 15X More Powerful Than Any Antibiotics, To Kill Almost Any Bacteria!

by April 27, 2017

Garlic is amazing for virtually every kind of health issue. It is packed full of antioxidants, antibacterial properties, and other key nutrients for a healthy body. However, you might have been consuming it wrong the whole time.

Health Benefits


Garlic is so powerful it can treat almost every health issue. One of the main ingredients in garlic is called Allicin. Allicin is so beneficial because it can be used to effectively treat bacteria, viruses, infections, parasites, and yeast infections! You might have heard of the popular antibiotic, Penicillin. Well, penicillin is great and all, but Allicin is 15 times stronger!

If you’re looking to obtain the benefits of Garlic, you’re going to need to be a little careful. This is because, in the United States, the freshest produce is irradiated. Irradiation is the process of killing raw and unprocessed food to ionizing radiation. It kills disease and bacteria, but it also kills all the good stuff too! The FDA approved irradiation in 1994, and they’ve been burning the nutrients out of our veggies ever since!

Crush your garlic

Dr. Joseph Mercola gave the following explanation:

“It is important to note that the garlic MUST be fresh. The active ingredient is destroyed within one hour of crushing the garlic. Garlic pills are virtually worthless and should not be used.

When you use the garlic it will be important to compress the garlic with a spoon prior to swallowing it if you are not going to juice it. If you swallow the clove intact you will not convert the allicin to its active ingredient.”

There are two pathways – Argentinian researchers believe that roasted garlic releases allicin, but other scientists claim that raw garlic releases more allicin when left uncovered for 15 minutes.

Let food be thy medicine

52-clove garlic soup

This recipe uses the healthiest methods of preparation, so we suggest that you try it today!


(Serves 2)

  • 12 garlic cloves, unpeeled
  • 1/2 large onion, sliced
  • 1 tbsp. organic olive oil
  • 1 tbsp.  (¼ stick) organic butter (grass-fed)
  • ½ tsp.  cayenne powder
  • 1 tsp. turmeric
  • 1/4 cup fresh ginger
  • 1½ tsp. fresh thyme, chopped
  • ½ cup raw, organic pastured milk or coconut (you can use your favorite substitute)
  • 3½ cups organic vegetable broth
  • lemon


Preheat your oven to 350F. First, you should roast your unpeeled garlic. Place the cloves on a baking tray, drizzle over some olive oil, and season with sea salt. Toss the cloves, and wrap the tray with foil. Roast for 45 minutes, or until your garlic turns golden brown. Let it cool, and squeeze the cloves between your fingers, and it will easily pop out of its shell.

Melt butter in a large saucepan. Turn the heat on medium-high. Add in your onions, fresh thyme, ginger, turmeric, cayenne pepper, and cook until your onions become translucent. This would take you about 6 minutes.

Separate your peeled garlic cloves in two portions, crush them well.

Add the remaining 14 cloves to the onion mixture, and add in the roasted garlic. Cook for 3 minutes.

Pour in the broth, and turn the heat on low. Simmer until the garlic is tender, and that would take you about 20 minutes. Use an immersion blender to puree the soup. Add in the almond milk, and simmer. Add in the preserved 12 garlic cloves and stir. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Squeeze one lemon wedge into your soup, and serve it hot.

To avoid irradiated garlic, make your purchases at an organic health store. They carry fresh produce that has never been manipulated. Most of them anyways. Garlic has over 33 different bacteria-fighting compounds. Anyone can benefit from it, just make sure you’re consuming healthy Garlic!

6 Reasons Mountain Dew Is Terrible for You and Should Never Be Drunk Again

by April 27, 2017

Soda pop might taste good, but that is the only good thing about it. Soda is virtually toxic for your body, and mountain dew is probably one of the worst.

It has been well established that soda is terrible for you. We know that major soda brands use a sugar substitute known as aspartame, and it causes tons of different diseases and health issues. There have even been many studies performed that have linked aspartame with cancer! Coca-cola is terrible, but mountain dew is horrible for you. If you’re still having trouble putting down the mountain dew, these 6 reasons should help.










It Increases Risk for Tooth Decay – Mountain dew is one of the most sugary drinks there is. It is terrible for your teeth, and even worse than Coca-cola. Mountain dew erodes your tooth enamel, which is necessary for protecting your teeth! Once you lose your enamel, your teeth are soon to follow.

It is Extremely Acidic – some acidic drinks like orange juice are good for you, however mountain dew’s acidity is ridiculous. On the ph scale, 7 is considered neutral. Water is sitting at a neutral 7 and anything less than 7 is considered to be acidic. Guess what mountain dew is? Mountain Dew is a 3.2 on the pH scale. This is another reason that mountain dew is terrible for your teeth.

It Disrupts Hormones and Even Causes Infertility – I know that is a broad statement, and someone had to consume a lot of mountain dew to prove this statement, however, it has been done. The cans of the soda are lined with BPA or plastic. It causes obesity, infertility, and disrupts hormones. It alters pancreatic beta cells that are associated with cardiovascular disease and thyroid dysfunction.

It Is Falsely Advertised – mountain dew was first advertised to be an energy drink or a drink that will give you superhuman like abilities when it comes to playing video games. I know, crazy that this marketing tool even worked. It doesn’t give you energy, but it sure will give you a sugar high – and a crash.

It causes Nerve Disorders – a study reported in 1997, published in the Journal of Toxicology stated that a nasty ingredient in mountain dew can cause some serious nerve disorders, skin lesions, and even memory loss. It is called bromine, and you don’t want any.

It Causes Obesity – because mountain dew is full of sugar and high fructose corn syrup, it is a huge cause of obesity. Soda industries put as many harmful substances in soda as they want just to save a few dollars. These chemicals are terrible for your health and they will certainly pack on the weight.

I would recommend all people to stray away from all soda’s. However, if you can’t give them all up, you should definitely give up mountain dew! It isn’t worth the health issues it brings along.

10 Foods That Give Men Strength & Vitality At Any Age

by April 27, 2017

Alright, men, this one is for us. All guys are looking to be as strong as they possibly can, but it can be impossible if you’re not getting the correct nutrients. Men require certain nutrients to be able to reach their maximum growth.


Oysters are contained tons of the essential nutrients and vitamins a man needs to grow to his prime. According to Samantha Trey, MS, RD, “Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food.” Zinc is extremely important for muscle growth. According to the national Institute of health’s Office of Dietary Supplements, oysters contain up to 74 milligrams of Zinc!


Salmon is a not only tasty, but contains lots of vitamin D. when a man has a vitamin D deficiency, it can lead to erectile dysfunction, and nobody wants to experience that. According to a 2012 study, vitamin D may help minimize the risk for ED by helping to reduce vascular damage caused by inflammation.


Walnuts are great for men’s health because they are a great source of omega 3’s, fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytochemicals! These are fantastic for brain health, and they can additionally ward off depression. They also counter the oxidative stress and inflammation that occurs with aging according to The Journal of Nutrition.

Chocolate Milk

Guys who are particularly looking to build muscle know that a cold glass of chocolate milk is essential after any workout. It ensures muscle and fluid recovery for many endurance athletes, according to a study performed by the Department of Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Sciences at Central Washington University. Low-fat chocolate milk has a carbohydrate to protein ratio much like that of a sports drink; 4-1.


If you’ve ever seen a gym rat chug down two raw eggs in the morning, this is why. Eggs are rich in protein and are fantastic for men’s health. They provide adequate energy for the entire day, especially before a workout. They can also reduce your chances of acquiring erectile dysfunction because of their high vitamin D content.


Honey is packed full of vitamins and antioxidants. It is essential for providing a natural source of energy and refreshing the immune system. Add one small spoonful to your daily diet and you will soon see for yourself.


Tuna is great for the muscle heads and the gym rats. It is low in calories and rich in vitamin D. It’s great for the heart!


Vegetables are packed full of the necessary phytochemicals that protect the heart, build muscle, and flush out toxins. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that men eat 2 cups of fruit and 2½ to 3 cups of veggies each day.


Spinach is extremely rich in magnesium. Magnesium decreases the inflammation in blood vessels, and increases blood flow! According to Cassie Bjork, RD, LD, of Healthy Simple Life. “Increased blood flow drives blood to the extremities, which, like Viagra, can increase arousal and make sex more pleasurable,” says psychotherapist and sex expert Tammy Nelson Ph.D.

Pesto – Pesto is derived from pine nuts which cause it to be extremely high in Zinc. They are also a great source of magnesium because it boosts testosterone levels! It also helps by keeping sperm healthy and viable.

70 Ingredient cancer Promoting McRib Sandwich: It’s Not Real Food

by April 27, 2017

Mcdonald’s is by far one of the most popular fast food chains in the world. There are thousands of stores worldwide. However their popularity, they are by no means a trustworthy restaurant.

Mcdonald’s was originally established in 1954 by a man named Ray Kroc. He started out selling milkshake machines, little did he know in 1954, he would be starting the biggest fast food chain ever. He probably would be astonished if he knew the violent turn the chain has taken in the past decade. In fact, one of McDonald’s best selling menu items is cancer-promoting disaster – and we eat it every single day.

The McRib

Mcdonald’s released the McRib sandwich and it took the food chain business by storm. Everyone loved the McRib. It was a simple rib sandwich that consisted of a special sauce and pickles. While as harmless as a rib sandwich can seem, the McRib is not at all innocent. In fact, it has over 70 cancer causing ingredients! It is astonishing that Mcdonald’s is even allowed to sell such a toxic product.

In November of 2011, CBS News reported the truth on the real ingredients in the sandwich. They stated:

“More than 70 ingredients make up the McRib and, yes, one of them is pork. But as CBS 2’s Vince Gerasole reports, there’s also an ingredient that can be found in shoes…

Registered dietician Cassie Vanderwall gave the McRib a closer look and found the McRib has azodicarbonamide, which is used to bleach the flour in bread. It has other uses. ‘It could be on your yoga mat, in your gym shoes, in your anything that’s rubbery,’ Vanderwall said…

Then there’s the pork – which is really restructured meat product. In other words, it’s made from all the less expensive innards and castoffs from the pig… Vanderwall said the McRib ingredient list ‘reminds me of a chemistry lab.’


The Meat:

MCRIB PORK PATTYIngredients: Pork, Water, Salt, Dextrose, Preservatives (BHA, Propyl Gallate, Citric Acid).

The McRib is composed mainly of man-made chemicals. For example, the meat consists of something they call ‘Pink Slime’. Which is innards of the pig such as tripe, heart, and scalded stomach, which are then turned over to a process that cooks all of the pig scraps in water and salt. It legally makes up 15% of any given beef product. The slime is disgusting and should never be consumed by people.

Notice the ingredients propyl gallate and BHA. This preservative is one to look out for, as it can cause promoted urinary bladder and thyroid carcinogenesis. Studies have noted that BHA and propyl gallate showed additional effects in inducing stomach hyperplasia and cytotoxicity.

The Bun


Ingredients: Enriched Flour (Bleached Wheat Flour, Malted Barley Flour, Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamin Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Water, Yeast, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Contains 2% Or Less: Salt, Corn Meal, Wheat Gluten, Soybean Oil, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and/or Cottonseed Oils, Dextrose, Sugar, Malted Barley Flour, Cultured Wheat Flour, Calcium Sulfate, Ammonium Sulfate, Soy Flour, Dough Conditioners (Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate, DATEM, Ascorbic Acid, Azodicarbonamide, Mono- and Diglycerides, Ethoxylated Mono- and Diglycerides, Monocalcium Phosphate, Enzymes, Guar Gum, Calcium Peroxide), Calcium Propionate (Preservative), Soy Lecithin.


That’s almost 40 ingredients for the bun alone. Interesting that high-fructose corn syrup is the fourth ingredient considering it is known to cause pancreatic cancer.

The Sauce 

Ingredients: Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Tomato Paste, Distilled Vinegar, Molasses, Natural Smoke Flavor (Plant Source), Modified Food Starch, Salt, Sugar, Spices, Soybean Oil, Xanthan Gum, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Chili Pepper, Sodium Benzoate (Preservative), Caramel Color, Beet Powder.

Pickles (Yes even the pickles are carcinogenic) 

Ingredients: Cucumbers, Water, Distilled Vinegar, Salt, Calcium Chloride, Alum, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative), Natural Flavors (Plant Source), Polysorbate 80, Extractives of Turmeric (Color).

Potassium sorbate is a genotoxic and mutagenic compound.

I know that when you are going to McDonald’s you are not expecting to eat the most healthy food in the world, but I bet you never knew that all of this was in there! There are so many healthier fast food options for you to splurge on your cheat day. Please do not fee this junk to your family!

If you’re looking to increase your health in any way, abstaining from fast food is a great way to start. Although its convenience and cost efficiency, fast food is not food. It is horrible for your body and is destroying your health. Cooking tastes better and is a million times healthier than McDonald’s – no matter what you’re cooking.

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