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Spirit Food: Healing The Root Chakra

by May 2, 2017

Once you unlock your chakras, you open up a world of endless possibilities. The chakras hold an important role in the way you feel, act, and live.

Chakras are another word for saying energy points. Your body has many, actually hundreds, of energy points all throughout itself. However, there are 7 main chakras and each of them carries out a specific role. The chakras begin at the base of your spine and each one is color coordinated. The first chakra, at the base of your spine, is red. It is referred to as the root chakra, and once you have it in balance it can align the rest of your chakras! Once you have the root chakra in balance you will experience an overall improvement in mood, performance, and happiness.

When your root chakra is out of balance it brings about a whole world of negative side effects. If you are a sufferer of endless depression and anxiety, it is likely that your root chakra needs some attention. It can also cause you to feel like you’re barely scraping by and are unable to survive. Another large indicator of your root chakra being out of balance is consistent negative self-talk. If you’re always talking yourself don and criticizing yourself, try balancing the root chakra.

There are many ways that one can balance the root chakra. Meditation and mindful breathing are two of the most common approaches to aligning the chakras. You can additionally balance the chakras by using aromatherapy by essential oils. Essential oils have powerful spiritual abilities and can be a wonderful aid to your root chakra. However, if you are not an experienced meditator, you can always eat mindfully. There are certain foods that are known to help balance the root chakra. They make a pretty tasty meal too!

When you are trying to eat mindfully, you should always start out with eating protein. Protein strengthens the physical body and has amazing grounding effects. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium are also extremely beneficial to the root chakra. Aside from protein and minerals, you will also want to include red colored fruits and veggies and root veggies! Root veggies are especially important because they grow in the roots of the earth!

If you can’t seem to find relief using pharmaceuticals you aren’t alone. In fact, most people get very little results out of them. Instead, try focusing on your spiritual self and aligning your chakras! Starting with the root chakra you will soon find yourself relieved of worldly stress.

If You Ever Feel Phantom Cell Phone Vibrations, You May Have A Serious Problem!

by May 2, 2017

In today’s society everyone is glued to a mobile phone. They essentially run our everyday lives and more and more people are becoming completely addicted to their phones.

You might have heard of a phenomenon referred to as phantom vibrations. Phantom vibrations are essentially the illusion of one feeling a vibration that was never there in the first place. This is something that happens very commonly with people who own smartphones. In fact, over 90% of smartphone users have experienced this strange phenomenon.

Have you ever felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and checked it only to see that there was nothing there? No text, call, notification, or even a mere voicemail. This is what they refer to as phantom vibrations. It isn’t always coming from the pocket either. People can even feel phantom vibrations when their phone is lying on their desk. While this seems like a harmless thing to experience, it is actually an indicator of a real problem.

Phantom vibrations are a prime indicator of an addiction to your cell phone. It can be a subconscious text message or notification. If you are this involved with your cell phone and social media life, you need to lay off of the phone. While it isn’t an actual disease or medical condition, being addicted to your phone is extremely harmful to your overall health.

You should be seriously concerned if you feel phantom vibrations, however, you do not have to worry. Your health is not in crucial danger, but being glued to a cell phone can negatively affect your overall quality of life – and who wants that?

The Exact Number Of Hours You Need To Sleep According To Your Age

by May 2, 2017

We all love to sleep an extra couple minutes in the morning, and there is no shame in that. Actually, sleeping is amazing for our bodies!


Although it seems like nothing good ever comes from snoozing for an extra ten minutes in the morning, but there is actually quite a bit of benefits obtained by snoozing. In fact, if you are getting the correct amount of sleep every night, you experience a giant reduction in pain! Many studies have shown a link between sleep loss and lower pain threshold. Although being in pain can make it hard to sleep, if you can achieve slumber it will actually make an injury feel better!

Other studies have even discovered that getting appropriate amounts of sleep can even increase your sex life! According to the poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, up to 26% of people say their sex lives tend to suffer because they’re just too tired. They also discovered that men who had less sleep also experienced testosterone hormone disruptions. It is essential to your health that you are getting the correct amount of sleep.

Here is the recommended hours of sleep, according to your age:

  • Newborns- 0-3 months -14-17 hours- At the 2 AM feeding it may not seem like they sleep this much, but they typically do.
  • Infants- 4-11 months- 12-15 hours
  • Toddlers- 1-2 years- 11-14 hours
  • Pre-school 3-5 years – 10-13 hours
  • School-age children 6-12 years- 9-11 hours
  • Teen- 13-17 years – 8-10 hours-Teens are not getting sufficient sleep will typically be those wanting to spend the weekend day in bed.
  • Young adults- 18-25 years- 7-9 hours
  • Adults-26-64 years-7-9 hours
  • Older adults 65+ -7-8 hours

Scientists Have Just Told Women To STOP Wearing Bras. This Is Why.

by May 1, 2017

Nothing beats the feeling of getting home and slinging off the old over the shoulder boulder holder! Bras are cute, sexy, and appealing, however, they’re really not that good for your health.

You might have considered never putting your bra on again. You’re not the only one either! Let’s be honest; bras suck. They hurt, they’re uncomfortable, and they scratch your back all the time. Not to mention how freaking expensive they are! The bra has been viewed as a good thing for pretty much all of its existence, however, it might actually be a good idea to toss it out. One woman did, and she couldn’t believe what happened to her breasts when she threw out her brazier!

There are many benefits to ditching the bra. It can reduce your chances of acquiring breast cancer, increase your breast size, and you get a healthier bust! What’s not to love? There is even science behind it all. A study performed by the University of Franche-Comte showed that bras don’t even do anything to your boobs in the long run. They found that there were no benefits to bra wearing, and said, “Medically, physiologically, anatomically, the breast does not benefit from being deprived of gravity.”

Once you ditch the bra your breasts even get stronger! The same study found that not wearing a bra actually made a woman’s breast stronger. The long term effects of not wearing a bra showed that more muscle tissue grew to provide natural support! If they don’t make your boobs stronger or healthier, what’s the point in wearing them?

Not only will you boobs become stronger and healthier when you ditch the bra, they will additionally become perkier! This is because of the muscle tissue that forms once you ditch the bra. With extra support, those babies are gonna look nice and cheerful! Rollins study also found that women who didn’t wear bras nipples were lifted a whopping 7 millimeters higher! Your circulation will even improve! When you don’t wear a bra, you allow the blood in your chest to flow more freely.

No matter what the reason is, it’s always a good idea to ditch the boulder holder. It feels better, makes your boobs healthier, and it even looks better. Why are you gonna lose the bra?

10 Simple Ways to Increase Your Life Span, According to Science

by May 1, 2017

While it is certain that we won’t live forever, we can most certainly enhance not only the quality of our lives but also a number of years that we live by changing our habits for the better. And thankfully, you don’t need to do anything outlandish to accomplish this, instead, it’s quite simple.

1. Take More Walks

Walking, even if it’s only a thirty-minute walk three times a week can “basically reverse your physiological age by about ten years,” according to Gareth Jones, who works as the director of the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging in London, Ontario. His words are backed by a study that was conducted over three years, which looked at 220 retirement-age men that hadn’t exercised previously. After just one year, the group showed a 12% increase in aerobic power and a 10% increase in strength compared to what they would have lost had they never exercised at all.

2. Eat Chocolate

According to Dutch scientists, eating just 4g of cocoa per day could cut your risk for heart disease in half.

3. Train Your Brain

Not to sound cliche’ but if you don’t use it, you will lose it. Read books, learn new languages, and partake in the crosswords. Keeping your mind engaged will keep it alert, and young.

4. Indulge In Blueberries

Blueberries have been referred to as a superfood, due to the fact that they are packed with antioxidants and can prevent a plethora of chronic diseases. Various studies have found that by drinking blueberry juice, you can improve memory and reduce depression.

5. Cut Out on the Social Media and Truly Connect

People that have ties to others socially are less prone to mental health issues and because of that, they tend to live longer. 

6. Own a Pet

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, seniors that own a pet are less likely to be depressed than those that don’t. Furthermore, dog owners walked about 30 minutes more per week than those who didn’t.

7. Have Yourself a Drink

According to researchers, drinking a glass of wine per day could add 5 years to your lifespan. However, don’t take this as a reason to over indulge as that would obviously be counterproductive.

8. Enjoy Sex

A number of studies have found that having people who frequently had orgasms could live up to two years longer. Sex causes people to experience a rush of hormones which can lower stress levels, provide you with better sleep and even aid in pain relief.

9. Kick Stress to the Curb

Enjoy peaceful music, meditate and take a walk. Don’t let everything overwhelm you, and don’t worry about things that don’t matter. We all need a little peace in our lives, and by reducing our stress levels, we add valuable years to our lives. 

10. Laugh More Because It Truly Is the Best Medicine

A study conducted by the University of Maryland found that just 15 minutes of laughter could improve blood circulation and blood flow to the heart, which would lower your risk for heart disease.

7-Day Sugar Detox Menu Plan and Lose 30 lbs

by May 1, 2017

The amount of sugar that is put into our food supply is ridiculous. There are massive amounts of sugar in almost everything, and it’s causing all kinds of health issues.

Sugar is good, no doubt. We think we can all enjoy a good sweet from time to time. However, if you’re downing Dr. Peppers and Mountain Dews every single day you’re probably experiencing some adverse health effects. If you’re not, they’re soon to come, so stop while you can! There are so many different benefits to cutting sugar out of your diet. It is essential to our health to detoxify our bodies of the toxic ingredients we are ingesting and sugar is one of them.

Sugar can cause tons of different health issues. It has been linked to arthritis, diabetes, and heart problems. It might even be causing cancer, stomach ulcers, and effecting serotonin levels. Our foods also contain a type of sugar known as refined sugar that can cause even more health issues. If you are interested in cutting out sugar, here is a 7-day detox meal plan to do it.

  • Breakfast: Cheesy spinach baked eggs
  • Mid-morning snack: Tamari almonds
  • Lunch: Green salad and low-carb cheesy sweet pepper peppers
  • Dinner: Cucumber tomato feta salad with black bean patty (Recipe below) 
  • Snack: Low-fat ricotta cheese, ¼ cup part skim, a few drops vanilla stevia, and ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Breakfast: Sun-dried tomato feta frittata
  • Mid-morning snack: Tamari almonds
  • Lunch: Chicken& pepper peppers & spinach
  • Afternoon snack: Spinach dip with raw veggies
  • Dinner: Turkey lettuce cups, mushrooms, peppers, and sautéed spinach
  • Snack: A cheese stick
  • Breakfast: Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Three hard boiled eggs, yolks removed
  • Lunch: Leftover Turkey Lettuce Cups along with mixed green salad with cucumber, sweet peppers, tomatoes, dressed with extra virgin olive oil ANDvinegar
  • Afternoon Snack: Feta frittata
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with sauteed green beans 
  • Snack: Dairy free, sugar-free vanilla chia pudding (Recipe Below) 
  • Breakfast: Sante Fe Frittata
  • Mid-Morning Snack: A cheese stick
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken made into cilantro chicken salad
  • Afternoon Snack: Sugar-free peanut butter on celery
  • Dinner: Crock Pot Chicken & Bean Stew and Mini Zucchini cheese bites
  • Snack: Half a cup low fat cottage cheese topped with cucumber slices
  • Breakfast: Sante Fe Frittata
  • Mid Morning Snack: Spicy Mediterranean feta dip with raw veggies
  • Lunch: Soup, Green salad with cucumber, tomatoes, sweet peppers, dressed with extra virgin olive oil and vinegar
  • Afternoon Snack: cucumber tomato feta salad
  • Dinner: Italian green bean salad with low carb cheesy bread Sticks
  • Snack: Dairy free, sugar-free vanilla chia pudding
  • Breakfast: Crustless Egg Muffin
  • Mid Morning Snack: Half a cup cottage cheese or ricotta with ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract, vanilla stevia
  • Lunch: Cheesy bread sticks and green bean salad
  • Afternoon Snack: Raw veggies and spicy Mediterranean dip
  • Dinner: Zucchini noodles sauteed with cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives and sprinkle of cheese. 
  • Snack: Three hard boiled eggs, yolks removed
  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with sauteed spinach and mushrooms
  • Mid Morning Snack: Half a cup cottage cheese
  • Lunch: Light vegetable soup and zucchini noodles
  • Afternoon Snack: Roasted Almonds
  • Dinner: Chicken drumsticks and leftover green bean salad
  • Snack: Dairy free, sugar-free vanilla chia pudding

Black Bean Burger 

  • 1 Cup Black Beans
  • 1 Cup Pinto Beans
  • 1 Egg
  • 1/4 Onion
  • 1/2 Bell pepper
  • 3 Cloves Garlic
  • 1/2 Cup Bread Crumbs
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 2 Tbsp Salsa


Add the onion, pepper and garlic into a food processor and process into a paste. Then, add in the beans and salsa. Put the mixture into a bowl, crack in an egg and mix in the bread crumbs. Form into 6 Patties, and place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Sautee’ over medium heat for 3 minutes on each side.

Chia Pudding 

  1. Whisk all ingredients together.
  2. Pour into serving glasses.
  3. Refrigerate until set, about 10 minutes.
  4. Top with some whipped cream if desired.

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