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How LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health

by May 5, 2017

With growing technological advances, LED lights have taken the lead in light bulb selection. They are efficiently bright and last a long time, but they are actually compromising your health.

Dr. Alexander Wunsch is a world class expert on photobiology. He has studied the effects of LED lights for some time now, and he is sharing what he has found. Not only are the LED light bulbs compromising your health, but they’re actually having an extremely negative effect on your body. LED light bulbs originally made their appearance in search of higher efficiency light bulbs, and they did their job. They reduced energy levels by 95%!

LED light bulbs expose you to non-native EMF radiation. It can lead to age-related macular degenerative disorder and is the leading cause of blindness in the United States. There have also been links between LED lighting and mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic disorders, and cancer.

Below, Alexander Wunsch explains the further dangers of LED lighting:

Warm Vs. Cold Water: One Of Them Is Damaging To Your Health

by May 4, 2017

You might start your day off with a cup of hot coffee, and although it does provide that essential extra boost of energy to get you throughout the day, it’s actually not good for you. In fact, you should rather be drinking a cup of warm water in the morning time.

Coffee tastes amazing, and sometimes it is the very thread that gets us through the mornings. However, it really isn’t a wise decision to start off your mornings with a cup of Joe. As Dr. Walter C. Willett of Harvard School of Public Health says, “Coffee is an amazingly potent collection of biologically active compounds.” Like any food-like substance, coffee has far-reaching effects on the body and needs to be respected as a potent drug. Coffee is by no means bad for you, however it shouldn’t be drank excessively. You should also have food in your stomach before drinking the Joe.

Instead of drinking a cup of coffee every morning, you should instead drink a cup of warm water. There are many benefits to be gained by drinking warm water in the mornings. For starters, it improved digestion throughout the day. The warm water flushes out all the excess gunk from the previous day. It also stimulates the digestive system to be more productive. However, drinking cold water after a meal has quite the opposite effect. It can actually decrease your digestive health.

Drinking warm water in the mornings additionally prevents constipation – which nobody wants to experience. It helps improve intestinal movements by stimulating digestion. That’s not all either; drinking warm water in the mornings can also relieve aches and pains! This is because the heat from the water has a calming effect throughout the body, helping relieve aches, pains, and muscle cramps!

Coffee is fantastic, just drink it after breakfast! If you really want to feel better, drink a cup of warm water. You’ll be more productive throughout the entire day!

15 Alkaline Foods that Prevent Obesity, Cancer, and Heart Disease

by May 4, 2017

People have never been as unhealthy as today’s generations are. However, many people are seeking a healthier lifestyle, diet, and medical treatments now that the truth behind processed foods is being exposed.

America leads in obesity and heart disease is the number one cause of death. People are being fed processed foods left and right by money hungry CEO’s and they are causing more health issues than we could have ever imagined. Many researchers are even studying the correlation between processed foods and cancer. Processed foods have already been proven to cause diabetes and obesity, and finally, people are understanding the dangers of them. Thus, many people are seeking a healthier diet, and alkaline foods are the place to start.

An alkaline diet is a diet that consists of foods that help balance out the pH level of the fluids in your body. This includes blood and urine, but an alkaline diet has many more benefits than balancing your pH level. In fact, there have been many studies performed on the effects of alkaline foods and they found interesting results.

A 2012 review published in the Journal of Environmental Health found that balancing your body’s pH through an alkaline diet can be helpful in reducing morbidity and mortality from numerous chronic diseases and ailments — such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, vitamin D deficiency, and low bone density! Research shows that diets consisting of high alkalinity results in more alkaline urine pH level protects healthy cells, and balances essential mineral levels.

Alkaline Foods Consist of fresh vegetables, fruits, and unprocessed plant-based sources of protein. The best sources of alkalinity are raw foods, plant proteins, fruits, green vegetables, alkaline water, and green drinks!

The Best Alkaline Foods:

  • Spinach
  • Lemons
  • Quinoa
  • Swiss Chard
  • Buckwheat
  • Melon
  • Olive Oil
  • Bananas
  • Flaxseed
  • Cauliflower
  • Avocados
  • Grapes
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Berries

7 Health Warnings Your Eyes May Be Sending

by May 4, 2017

Our eyes can say a lot about us. They have even often been referred to as the windows into the soul, however, they don’t just give you a preview of the soul. Your eyes can actually tell you a lot about your physical health!

Disappearing Eyebrows


Your eyes can tell you lots about your physical health, but it isn’t just the eyeballs that can do this. By paying attention to the entire area surrounding your eyes, you can figure out a lot about your health. If you have noticed that your eyebrows are thinning from the outer edges in, you might be a sufferer of Hypothyroidism.


Sometimes growths can appear around your eyes and most of the time they’re nothing, however, they can sometimes be cancer. They can also arise from the oil glands around your eyelashes but will go away after about a month. However, if the bump comes back and persists, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Grey Ring Around Cornea

A gray ring around your cornea is an obvious malfunction. It can be rather scary when you notice this because of how conspicuous it is. Although you shouldn’t be afraid, you should be greatly concerned. This is often a sign of high levels of triglycerides and high cholesterol. Ignoring this can often lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Blurred Vision

Blurred vision is an extremely common side effect of prescription pharmaceuticals, however, if you’re not taking any you should be concerned. This can be an early indicator of diabetes, due to an excess of glucose being washed over your eyes.

Droopy Eyelids

Bulged Eyes

Bulged eyes can also be a big indicator of hypothyroidism. It can also be an indicator hyperthyroidism.

Brown Spot on Eyelid

A brown spot on your eyelid can be an indicator of cancer. If you notice a dark spot around your eyelids goes to the doctor as soon as possible. Although it might be malignant, it isn’t a risk you’d want to take!

If you aren’t feeling too well lately pay attention to your peepers! They can tell you a lot about your health, soul, and spirit. The human eye is amazing, and there is much to be learned about them.

This is What Happens to Your Lungs and Air when You Inhale Essential Oils

by May 4, 2017

Essential oils can be used for all sorts of things! They can treat health issues, relieve stress, and promote better sleep! What’s not to love about essential oils?

Essential oils have been used for over 5,000 years! All kinds of different cultures have benefited from these amazing oils. They are used for beauty, health, mood, and emotional health! They are derived from natural ingredients and are the purest form of their healing compounds! Breathing in a breath full of essential oils can make you feel better all over.

They are usually extracted from flowers, fruits, leaves, seeds, or roots of a plant. They are created through a process of distillation, separating the oil and water compounds of a plant by steaming. The oils derived from these plants are extremely beneficial in each of their own ways. Essential oils can even cross the blood-brain barrier. They are smaller molecules, unlike those of fatty acids, which allows them to penetrate the cell completely.

They Promote Sleep and Relaxation

This is one of the most known benefits of essential oils. The soothing oils can make you sleep better, more sound, and get more rested.

The Lift the Mood

Essential oils are perfect for lifting the mood. They can relieve the tension of a long and stressful day, or they can set the mood just right for a romantic night. They have even been proved to help people struggling with sadness, anxiety, and depression.

Increase Immune Health

Essential oils are fantastic for getting rid of cold and flu symptoms. Many essential oils have strong antimicrobial properties which can increase your immune system health.

How To Use Essential Oils:

You can purchase an essential oils diffuser, but you don’t necessarily have to. You can even soak a cotton ball in the essential oils and place them over your home air vents. The diffusers that use water or cold air work the most effectively.

10 Tips to Strengthen Your Knees and Keep Them Healthy

by May 3, 2017

Our knees support us in more ways than one, and when they start to give out, it doesn’t feel good. In fact, it can bring an entire world of pain and can be extremely debilitating.

Knee pain can simply mean the pain starts in the knee. Once your knees become inflamed and start to ache it radiates all throughout your entire back. It can even hurt all the way up to your neck. The shooting pains that knee problems bring about are absolutely horrid. You might think a little knee pain isn’t enough to get in the way of your happiness, but that all changes as soon as you try to walk downhill or pick up a heavy box. If you experience knee pain, you’re probably looking for some ways to strengthen your knees.

If you’re looking to strengthen your knees there is a number of ways you can do so. First, you should stop eating processed foods. Processed foods and soda is terrible for your body, and it also deteriorates your bones. Once you lay off of the junk food, try eating some wholesome greens with a side of milk. Greens and milk are packed full of calcium and magnesium which promote bone growth like nothing else!

  • Exercise – There are certain exercises that can help strengthen your knees. Doing these exercises repetitively will improve your knee health dramatically, and you will slowly experience a reduction in pain. Do these exercises for 15 minutes a day and you are sure to feel the results.
  • Eat Vegetables – Green vegetables are packed full of calcium and magnesium. These elements are essential for bone growth and repair.
  • Epsom Salt – Epsom salt is a great natural ingredient that works for tons of different things. Soaking yourself in an Epsom salt bath can help with almost everything, including knee pain. Epsom salt is extremely high in magnesium, a key nutrient that arthritis sufferers lack, and it can make the pain go away. It effectively lowers inflammation around the knee joints.
  • Swim – Swimming is an excellent exercise for your knees. Low impact aerobic swimming exercises are great for rebuilding your knee joints. Swimming for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week can almost double the health of your knees.
  • Vitamin D – Taking vitamin D supplements can improve your knee health dramatically. It can defend against osteoporosis in the knees, rebuild joints, and reduce inflammation. It is one of the best vitamins to take to increase your overall health.
  • Stop Eating Junk Food – In addition to putting you at risk for heart disease and diabetes, sugar can trigger the release of anti-inflammatory messengers called cytokines. Researchers have found a link between soda consumption and arthritis risk.
  • Maintain A Healthy Weight – When you are overweight, your knees ultimately pay the price. This increases your risk for osteoporosis and it also can raise the risk of your knees going out completely.
  • Anti-inflammatory Foods – Anti-inflammatory foods reduce the overall inflammation in all of your joints, especially your knees. They can be the perfect way to get rid of knee pain for good, and naturally.
  • Fish Oil – There have been several studies performed on the effects of fish oil and joint pain. A 2005 study of people with RA showed enhanced positive effects when fish oil supplements were used in combination with olive oil.
  • Stretch In the Morning – When you wake up in the morning do some stretches for your legs. When you get up and stretch it can limber up all the joints around your knees and reduce the overall damage you do to them throughout the day!

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