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New Study: 18 Plants That Clean All the Air in Your Home

by May 9, 2017

It is so important to your health to purify the air that you’re breathing in your home or office. If you’re breathing dirty air, you can experience a world of health issues. That’s why you need to have some of these 18 plants in your home.

In 1989, NASA and The Associated Contractors of America released a study that determined the best houseplants for your home. The study consisted of all kinds of plants and each one of them have powerful potential for cleaning the air. They even showed to be able to extract chemicals such as benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, xylene, and ammonia. The study found that some of the most effective houseplants to have in your house are peace lily, English ivy, florists chrysanthemum, red-edged dracaena, and the variegated snake plant.

NASA identified 13 additional plants (18 total), including the wicked awesome Boston Fern. And you can get a good idea of what each plant looks like, as well as what toxins they take care of, thanks to a handy infographic from Love The Garden.

NASA recommends that you have one potted plant per 100 square feet of indoor space. Be sure to check the toxicity levels of the plants you decide on because some of them are toxic to house pets.

Amazon Tribe Has Created a 500 Page Traditional Medicine Encyclopedia

by May 8, 2017

We are way beyond the effectiveness of pharmaceuticals – there is none. We all know that the best way to treat any health issues is natural treatments. Mother nature supplies us with the best medications, and an amazonian tribe just released an encyclopedia of all of them!

Natural treatments are more effective against pharmaceuticals in every single way. I mean there is honestly no argument; pharmaceuticals are very seldom effective, and they cause a world of unpleasant side effects. They additionally attack healthy cells along with the bad ones too! Anyways, it’s pretty fair to say that nature is always the way to go.

If you’re looking to acquire a more natural medicine cabinet, you’re in luck. Corporations and money hungry CEO’s have manipulated almost all food, water, and medications. There are even some natural supplements that have been taken advantage of too. Because of this, it can be really hard to even know where to start when adopting a natural lifestyle. It’s hard to trust anyone these days, however, one amazonian tribe has created a 500-page encyclopedia of natural medicines and how to use them.

It was created by the Matses people of Brazil and Peru. The Acate Amazon Conservation is a nonprofit organization that helps create the document which lists every natural medicine and its benefits. The sacred amazonian medicine techniques can be used to treat almost every health issue an American is suffering with. They have been passed down for centuries for centuries, and are extremely effective.

The encyclopedia took over 2 years to put together and is transcribed in traditional masses language. There are no further plans to translate it to English or Spanish. This is to protect the matses secrets.

World Renowned Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease

by May 8, 2017

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, and it’s no disease to play around with. After All, the heart is probably the most vital organ in our body.

We all know the heart pumps blood all throughout our bodies. It’s one of the most important parts of the human body, and when it starts getting sick, your entire body is affected. The heart can be damaged in a multitude of ways, however, it’s rather easy to keep your heart healthy. One of the most important things to remember when it comes to promoting your heart health is to stray away from all fast food and processed foods. They are horrible for your health. However, a world-renowned heart surgeon, Dr. Dwight Lundell, has spoken out on what really causes heart disease.

Dr. Dwight Lundell, among many other cardiovascular physicians, are speaking out on what really causes heart disease. According to Lundell, the only true way to fight against heart disease and cholesterol issues is to follow a restricted fat diet. One of the primary points of his studies is the use of statins in treating high cholesterol. Statins are medications that have been used to treat high cholesterol for some time now, and they are far from effective.

There are mounds of evidence showing that statins might make your heart health decline, as opposed to promoting it. They’re terrible for your body because they deplete you of CoQ10, inhibit synthesis of vitamin K2, and reduce the production of ketone bodies. One report published in the Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology concluded that statin advocates used a statistical tool called relative risk reduction (RRR) to amplify statins’ trivial beneficial effects.

Despite the masses of people prescribed statins, heart disease, and cardiovascular problems have only gotten worse. This year, more Americans will die of heart disease than anything. This issue is severe, and something has to be done about it. According to Dr. Lundell, the root cause of heart disease is actually inflammation!

Inflammation is your body’s natural defense against bacteria, toxins, and viruses. However, when the body is chronically exposed to injury by toxins or food, chronic inflammation occurs. It is just as harmful as acute inflammation is beneficial. Dr. Dwight Lundell explains below.

Mothers Need One Year For Recovery After Giving Birth, Study Reveals

by May 8, 2017

Being a mother is one the most gratifying things on the planet; however, it is also one of the most difficult. Especially the giving birth part. In fact, a new study reveals that mothers need at least one year to recover after giving birth!

Giving birth is no joke! Pushing a baby out of there is an extremely painful procedure, and as a man, I can not think of anything that would feel more painful than that. So, Kudos to you ladies, because I could not do it; and I’m grateful every day that I will not have to! However, that doesn’t mean billions of women give birth every year, and a new study reveals they deserve a little more time off from work after giving birth.

According to the Daily Mail, Dr. Julie Wray of Salford University interviewed with several pregnant women in different stages of pregnancy. She interviewed women who were two to three weeks, three months, and six to seven months. She did this in order to get a firsthand experience on how difficult the recovery from giving birth is.

Dr. Julie Wray found that women who give birth need at least one year of recovery time before continuing normal daily tasks. Her study also revealed that mothers are highly dissatisfied with the services they’re offered at the hospital after giving birth. Women were also extremely dissatisfied with the six week recovery time set about my most doctors. They say it is a mere fantasy that they could have recovered in that amount of time.

After giving birth, the mother is allowed to leave the hospital after six to eight hours. That is less than a normal work shift. Many women are getting angered about this and are requesting reform. What do you think?

When The Body Asks For Help – 11 Important Signs That You Can Not Ignore!

by May 8, 2017

Our bodies are pretty good at taking care of themselves, however, sometimes they need a little assistance. Of course, your body will always let you know when something is up.

Our bodies have a weird way of things. It will let us know when something isn’t right, things are going well, or when we just need to take a nap. The body is always sure to ask for help when it needs it and if you ignore it, things will only go downhill from there. In fact, if you have experienced any of these 10 signs, you need to pay close attention to your body. It is calling out for help, and it is definitely in your best interest to care for it.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can be a multitude of different things, but it is usually an indicator of calcium deficiency. We receive most of our calcium through vitamin D, so picking up a supplement wouldn’t hurt. Often times a pregnant mother will have bleeding gums once the fetus begins growing bones. This is because it is absorbing her calcium content.

Dry Elbows

If you have dry elbows you might be deficient in vitamin A and vitamin D. Consume more calcium-rich foods such as legumes, potatoes, whole grain, and milk.

Brittle Hair and Nails

If you suffer from brittle hair and nails, it is a sign that you should consume prenatal vitamins. It is also an indicator that you are deficient in calcium from vitamin D. This is another side effect alongside bleeding gums, so if you’re experiencing both, you should consume more vitamin D rich foods and supplements.

Poor Sleep, Irritability, and Leg Cramps

These are all symptoms of potassium deficiency. It is also a sign of magnesium deficiency. If you are looking to improve your sleep and kick the leg cramps, consume more nuts like almonds, sunflowers, and linseeds.

Sour Cravings

This is a sign that your liver is in need of stimulation. It is also a sign of gallbladder dysfunction, and you should consume more lemons and cranberries.

Seafood Cravings

Seafood cravings often represent an iodine deficiency.

Raw Food Cravings

This is a sign of iron deficiency anemia, gastritis, and liver issues. A raw food diet has additionally been proven to relieve cramps and soothe your stomach.

Craving Crushed Ice

This is another sign of iron deficiency anemia. You should consume more iron-rich foods like steak.

Salty Cravings

Salty cravings are a sign of inflammation in the body. If you are craving salty foods consistently you might even have an infection in the urogenital system.

Dark Yellow Pee

if you go to take a whiz and you notice your pee is an extremely dark yellow, then this is a sign not to ignore. when you are well hydrated your pee will be clear; and the opposite when it’s dark – dehydration. when you’re dehydrated it can throw your entire out of whack.

Sudden Severe Headache

a sudden and terrible headache could be a sign that you have a blocked artery. The Cleveland Clinic writes, “A sudden, severe headache could be a sign of a more serious, life-threatening condition. Up to six percent of the population could be living with an unruptured brain aneurysm.”

If you are demonstrating any of these signs, you need to pay attention to your body. These are very common ways that your body shouts out for help before a serious issue arises. Take care of your temple!

5 Tibetan Exercises You Should Be Doing Every Day

by May 7, 2017

Most of the health issues we experience and suffer with are not new problems. In fact, most of them have been around for thousands of years.

Working out is great for basically every single part of your body. It works your muscles, strengthens your bones, and even increases your immune system health. There are tons of different ways to workout too. There is always going to the gym and pumping some iron, doing some yoga, or in this case, Tibetan rites.

Tibetan rites are much like yoga, but it is more of a mixture of yoga and aerobic exercise. Many people do Tibetan rites in the morning before starting their day. It can supply you with sufficient energy to get you through the day. Doing these rites will result in a healthier body, improved mood, and better sleep. You’ll never feel better, and they’re super easy to do!

Rite One

Stand with your arms outstretched and horizontal to the floor, palms facing down. Make sure your arms are in line with your shoulders. Your feet should be about hip distance apart. Draw the crown of your head up toward the ceiling. Focus on a spot in front of you so that you can count your rotations. Spin around clockwise until you become a little dizzy.

Rite Two

Lie flat on the floor, fully extend your arms along your sides and place the palms of your hands against the floor. If you have lower back issues, place your fingers underneath your sacrum. As you inhale, raise your head off the floor, tucking your chin into your chest. Simultaneously lift your legs, knees straight, into a vertical position. If possible, extend your legs over your body toward your head.

Rite Three

Kneel on the floor with your toes curled under. Place your hands on the backs of your thigh muscles, and tuck your chin in toward your chest. Slide your hands down the backs of your thighs as you draw your shoulders back and your head up toward the sky. Keep in mind that you are arching your upper back more than your lower back. Move your head back as if you were drawing a line with your nose on the ceiling. Slowly return to an upright position and repeat.

Rite Four

Sit on the floor with your spine erect, legs straight (a little less than shoulder-width apart), arms to your side, palms down with your fingers together, and your chin tucked against your chest.

While breathing out, raise your buttocks off the floor as you bend your knees and shift your weight to your arms and your legs. Make sure that you continue to raise your buttocks until your trunk and thighs are straight and parallel to the floor. Stretch your head back as far as you comfortably can.

Rite Five

Get down on the floor on your hands and knees (in push-up position), with your hands and legs a little less than shoulder-width apart.

While exhaling, come up on your toes, and shift the weight through your arms. Next, straighten your legs, arch your spine, and tilt your head backwards. Do not let your body touch the ground except for your curled toes and hands during this last exercise of the 5 Tibetan Rites.

While inhaling, bend at the hips, push your buttocks up into the air making an inverted V-shape with your legs and arms straight, while tucking your chin toward your chest and trying to put the soles of your feet flat on the floor.

Then, while exhaling, return to your starting position (arms supporting your weight and head pulled towards your back).

After completing 21 repetitions of the Fifth Rite, lay flat on your stomach on the floor with your arms stretched out from side to side, and tilt her head to one side as you exhale. Feel the sensations in your body. Relax, you’ve earned it.

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