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The Way You Sit Reveals A Lot About Your Personality

by May 14, 2017

30% of communication is verbal and 70% is non-verbal! Body language dominates our conversations, without us realizing it! The way that you sit can reveal a lot about your personality, what does it reveal about you? 

Your sitting posture indicates intentions from your deep subconscious. This form of communication is categorized under Microexpression’s which involves hand gestures, facial expressions, voice tone, and posture. 

  • Position A – This personality type tends to brush the past behind them, not realizing the negative impact to their future from unresolved issues. When issues don’t resolve on their own they tend to point the finger to another, instead of facing themselves. They are flexible in thought, creative, charismatic, friendly and a bit immature. Be aware these people are going through their growing process. 
  • Position B – You may catch this personality type drifting off into ‘la la land’, they are full of ideas and dreams. They love to travel, explore and meet new people. They are considered the glue of the group with their magnetic presence, they are very charismatic and easy to befriend. Having a clear mind, setting new goals and executing them is a forte of this personality. Very spontaneous people, whose motto is “new information new decision”. 
  • Position C – Unable to stay focused on one item, they tend to go off topic in conversation. They find it difficult to see things through to completion and live in a sort of chaotic state. Things seem to have no order in their room yet they know exactly where everything is located. They value comfort, clothes must feel smooth to the touch, and this extends into their relationships, making them picky.  
  • Position D – Stickler for maintaining punctuality they are very detail oriented people. Sensitive, intelligent, empathetic, private they prefer to maintain the peace rather than resolve an issue. Uncomfortable in public they dislike public displays of affection, expressing emotions, and portray themselves as strong individuals. They are constantly on guard and any critic towards them is responded with reject and negativity. 
  • Position E – Living in time is natural for this personality as they feel everything has its place and time. They do not rush and maintain focus on long-term goals, finishing school and establishing a career is important to them. Very persistent to the point of stubbornness they listen to their own voice, which is rare to find. They have strong leadership qualities, however reminding them their way is not the only way is helpful. Highly aware of the impression they make, appearance is important to them and they invest a lot of time perfecting their image. Deep in their subconscious, they hide their triggers as they are very careful who they open up to.  

Key Findings: First Vaccinated VS Unvaccinated Study

by May 14, 2017

Vaccines have become a very controversial subject because many studies have linked them to autism and other serious health complications. However, we have never had a study that compared a group of unvaccinated people and vaccinated people – until now.

The study was led by Dr. Mawson, and he found some amazing discoveries. They key finding of the study was that a higher rate of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD)  such as Autism, ADHD, and other learning disabilities was found in children who had been vaccinated.

Dr. Mawson says that children who are vaccinated have a higher chance of developing the following:

  • 7-fold higher odds of any neurodevelopmental disorder (i.e., learning disability, ADHD, or ASD)
  • 2-fold increase in Autism Spectrum Disorder (“ASD”)
  • 2-fold increase in ADHD
  • 2-fold increase in learning disabilities
  • 1-fold increase in allergic rhinitis
  • 9-fold increase in other allergies
  • 9-fold increase in eczema/atopic dermatitis
  • 4-fold increase in any chronic illness

Dr. Lyons-Weiler, CEO, and President of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge said of the study “I am delighted to see a properly analyzed study on vaccine safety” and “Unlike past studies, which ignored the interaction term, Dr. Mawson and colleagues followed appropriate steps toward interpreting the significance of the interaction between variables. The study reported a significant interaction effect between preterm birth, and vaccination as a 6.6-fold increase in the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders.”

Doctors Have NO Explanation: This Vegetable Returns the Vision, Cleans the Fat From the Liver and Colon

by May 14, 2017

This vegetable is amazing because it can return your vision, improve digestion, and remove fat from the liver and colon – and that’s not all either.

Beetroots taste good and they’re amazing for your body. They are in the top 15 superfoods we know of today, and anybody can benefit from this amazing root. They can even reduce stroke, heart attack, and blood pressure. The beetroot is rich in nitrates that reduce your risk of heart disease. The nitrates mix with blood-forming nitrate oxide, and it enlarges the blood cell – resulting in a higher oxygen circulation throughout the body.

It is also one of the best sources of antioxidants. Colorful fruits and vegetables like beetroot contain high antioxidant properties. Beetroot, in particular, contains beta-cyanine, which is effective in reducing LDL, or bad cholesterol. It is also amazing for promoting brain function. As people get older, their memory starts to fade. Beetroot is an amazing medicine for this condition. When beetroot is consumed it can increase blood flow to the brain which can additionally reduce the effects of dementia.

Beetroot is also amazing for your skeleton. It contains natural minerals such as silica, and it helps the body utilize consumed calcium. It provides a healthier way to strengthen bones and make them healthier. It also contains nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin C, and folate – all of which are fantastic for skeletal health.

Beetroot is one of the most amazing vegetables that exists. It can completely revolutionize your health, and you’ll never feel better! Consuming beetroot every day will result in a happier, healthier life.

Scientists Discover Root that Can Kill 98% of Cancer Cells in 48 Hours!

by May 14, 2017

In the modern day society, we have run into a rather good bit of health complications – cancer being one of the worst. Millions of people are forced to battle with cancer every year, and cancer treatment only makes it worse. Little did you know you had a powerful natural treatment growing in your backyard.

Dr. Carolyn Hamm is a researcher and scientist at the Windsor Regional Cancer Center in Ontario, Canada. She has been studying a potent cancer treatment that is natural, effective, and grows in your backyard! What is it? You’d never guess it was dandelion root. According to the scientist, dandelion root builds up blood and immune system. It can cure prostate, lung, and other cancers. Not only is it effective in treating them, but it works better than chemotherapy.

Dr. Carolyn Hamm studied the effects of dandelion root on rare cancer called chronic monochromatic leukemia. It typically affects older adults and is very serious. John Di Carlo was a 72-year-old cancer patient suffering from leukemia. He was sent home to live out his final days after all efforts to eliminate his cancer failed. In an interview with CBS News, he told them he was advised to drink dandelion root tea as a last effort. His cancer went into remission only four months later. His doctors said the dandelion tea was indeed responsible.

This root has been used medicinally since ancient times for its various health benefits. However, the most powerful benefit to come out of this common weed is something that medical researchers are super excited to have “discovered” – which is its potential to cure cancer!

This potent root builds up blood and immune system- cures prostate, lung, and other cancers better than chemotherapy. According to Dr. Carolyn Hamm, dandelion root extract was the only thing that helped with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. This form of cancer typically affects older adults.

He told CBC News that he was advised to drink dandelion root tea as a last ditch effort. Perhaps it should have been the first option offered in his treatment plan, as his cancer went into remission only four months later! His doctors attributed this to the dandelion tea that he drank. Recent studies have shown that dandelion root extract can work very quickly on cancer cells, as was evidenced in Di Carlo’s case. Within 48 hours of coming into contact with the extract, cancerous cells begin to disintegrate. The body happily replaces these with healthy new cells.

Dr. Carolyn Hamm does warn that dandelion root tea can interfere with chemotherapy, and can negatively impact the treatment. It is always best to consult with your doctor before choosing a treatment option, however, the natural ones are always the best!

How to Detox with a Coconut Oil Cleanse to Get Rid of Parasites, Viruses, and Fungal Infections

by May 14, 2017

Coconut oil can be used for so many different health things. It has many different key compounds and elements that are fantastic for cleaning, health issues, beauty remedies, and gardening!

One of the most amazing benefits of coconut oil is its detoxifying abilities. It has the power to cleanse the entire body of bacteria, viruses, and parasites! It is essential to your health to detoxify your body. Your body will store pent up bacteria, viruses, and fungi for years until it actually causes some serious health issues. Over time you might feel like you’re losing energy, getting sick all of the time time, unable to sleep, and other different health complications. This is a key sign that you need to detox your body and good news for you! Coconut oil is awesome for detoxing.

There are many advertised pharmaceutical products that are said to detox your whole body and promote health. However, they claim to be the answer to all of your health issues, they are quite the opposite. Pharmaceutical detoxes contain harmful chemicals and are very little effective. If you want to detox your body, you should always do so using natural ingredients only! For example, this coconut oil detox will revolutionize your health – naturally.

Coconut oil is such an amazing detoxifier because it contains medium chain triglycerides. They boost the immune system and promote health in basically every shape and form. It is also extremely high in Lauric acid which can be used for tons of different things, including cleaning and whitening your teeth. Lauric acid contains many antibacterial properties and is fantastic at removing unwanted toxins. It Additionally contains caprylic acid which has antiviral properties!

Some Benefits of a Coconut Oil Cleanse Include:

  • Improve brain health and mental clarity
  • Improve digestive function
  • Improve blood sugar control
  • Prevent and treat degenerative brain diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS)
  • Prevent cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke)
  • Prevent cancer
  • Boost HDL (good) cholesterol
  • Boost energy levels
  • Boost immune function
  • Lose excess body fat
  • Improve thyroid function
  • Improve skin tone and appearance
  • Protect and restore joint function
  • Balance intestinal flora
  • Prevent and treat Crohn’s disease

Here is the Detox Recipe:

The coconut oil cleanse will consist of you drinking a coconut oil mix with water at intervals during the day. If you have never taken coconut oil before you can start by drinking 1 or 2 teaspoons mixed with water 3 times a day to get used to the taste and the sensation.

Once you are accustomed you may start the proper cleanse.

The cleanse consists of taking coconut oil with warm water, around 10-14 tablespoons a day. For best results drink the mixture at 2-hour intervals to ensure all the coconut oil can be consumed in one day.

FEW Doctors Will Discuss The REAL Cause of Acid Reflux. Here’s the TRUTH!

by May 13, 2017

Acid reflux is a health issue experienced by numerous people. GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease), Peptic ulcer, acid reflux, and heartburn, affects one out of two Americans, and one out of every four, once a month! 

The real cause of GERD, heartburn, acid reflux is dehydration, psychical discomfort (tight clothes), over-eating, sphincters malfunctioning, stress, H-Pylori, food allergies, PH imbalance, celiac disease, small bowel bacterial overgrowth, enzyme deficiency and low stomach acids imbalance.

Suppressing acid is only suppressing the symptoms that perpetuate the problem. 

Danger is advised when taking acid blocking drugs, firstly do not take for over 6 weeks consecutively. Secondly, these pills function by blocking acid, which could lead to imbalances like bacterial, fungal growth, digestion of proteins, inactivation of enzymes in the small intestine and mal-absorption of nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and b-12. 

There are things you can do at home to treat yourself, and in this case “an apple keeps the acid reflux away”!

AVOID Things Like:

  • Sodas
  • Spicy Food
  • Gluten
  • Dairy
  • Tomatoes
  • Processed Foods
  • Caffeine
  • Citrus

DO Follow These Health Guidelines:

Eat less, walk at night before bed, chew your food, and treat the bugs.

You should also eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day, and stop eating 4 hours prior to sleep.

Follow a diet high in high in enzymes including foods like:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Bone broth
  • Soups
  • Juices

SUPPLEMENT: digestive enzyme HCL-pepsin for breaking down food, apple cider vinegar 10 min before meal, apples, hydrate, probiotics, zinc carnosine, glutamine, DGL licorice, and magnesium.

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