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A Simple And Easy Trick For Removing Arthritis, Back Pain And Sciatica. Works Better Than Pills!

by May 19, 2017

There has been an ever-growing movement towards the use of natural and alternative remedies for a number of ailments, employing the natural benefits of consuming specific foods and ingredients to find relief without the use of pharmaceuticals.


The increased interest in these remedies has led to several scientific studies, providing us with greater insight into which remedies work, and why. One of the remedies, Turmeric, has taken the internet by storm. With many scientific studies, and an even greater number of personal accounts, there are countless medicinal uses for this spice including the treatment and relief of inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis and cystic fibrosis.

Turmeric is easy to integrate into one’s daily routine, with a number of forms, such as powder filled capsules and fluid extract. It is important to know the dosages required in order for the remedy to be effective. These dosages include:

  • 1 to 3g per day of dried, powdered root
  • 30 to 90 drops per day of fluid extract (1:1)
  • 15 to 30 drops, 4 times per day of Tincture (1:2)
  • 5 to 3g per day of cut root
  • 400 to 600 mg, 3 times per day of the standardized powder (curcumin)

One highly effective way to include turmeric in your diet is through the creation of health focused drinks. These juices are highly effective, combining several ingredients each with their own natural health benefits. Below is a recipe for a turmeric miracle drink, with several health benefits including reduced inflammation, more energy and weight loss.

Turmeric Miracle Drink


  • 4 to 5 inches of turmeric root
  • 2 to 3 inches of ginger root
  • 1 orange
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 cucumber
  • 5 carrots
  • 1 Tbsp holy basil powder (if using fresh basil, use 2 Tbsp)
  • ¼ tsp powdered cayenne pepper


  1. In a juicing machine or blender, combine the ginger, carrots, turmeric, orange, lemons and cucumber.
  2. Once this mixture has been reduced to a juice-like texture, add the cayenne powder and holy basil. Mix all ingredients to ensure they are well blended.
  3. Serve and enjoy!

10 Most Powerful Natural Antibiotics and Their Benefits to Health!

by May 18, 2017

Many of us are on the search for natural alternatives in a world that is becoming increasingly aware of the side effects of many modern medications. While there are several serious and potentially life threatening infections that should still be handled with medical antibiotics, many smaller ailments can be treated naturally. We have compiled a list of powerful natural antibiotics that can be found on your shelves at home.


  1. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

 alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil has many beneficial uses including boosting the immune system, as well as balancing cholesterol, blood sugar and thyroid levels.

On top of the above listed uses, extra virgin coconut oi has also been shown to improve brain function. This well-known natural choice has both anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties.

  1. Green Tea

 alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Green tea has been shown to increase fat burning, reduce the risks of cancer, improve brain function, kill bacteria and lower the risk for Alzheimer’s.

Green tea has been long recognized for its many benefits. First created by the Chinese community as a medicine, it is effective in preventing bacteria from multiplying.

  1. Cayenne Pepper

alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Cayenne is an effective option for treatment of strep throat.

Scientific studies have been conducted examining the antibiotic properties of Cayenne pepper, also known as Capsicum. This strong spice has been used as a natural antibiotic for thousands of years.

  1. Turmeric

 alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Turmeric helps to fight against cancer, diabetes, arthritis and depression.

Adding this Asian spice to your diet helps in the prevention of several diseases, and improves your overall wellness. Scientists continue to study the amazing prevention and healing effects that this spice contains.

  1. Oil of Oregano

 alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Oil of Oregano can be used for many antibiotic needs including fighting the common cold, respiratory problems, digestion issues and the treatment of wounds.

Containing anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties all in one natural treatment, oil of oregano is an powerful addition to your go to list of natural alternatives! It not only works to take care of pathogenic bacteria in your system, but is able to do so without disrupting the beneficial bacteria that your body requires to continue to function regularly.

  1. Manuka Honey

 alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Manuka Honey acts as an immune system booster. If you mix the honey with cinnamon, it will also work to strengthen your white blood cells.

While all forms of honey are known for their ability to fight bacteria, scientific studies have shown that Manuka honey contains the highest concentration of antioxidants. Honey is a great antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-microbial.

  1. Cranberries

 alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Cranberries work to prevent and treat urinary tract infections.

Cranberries contain a compound that prevents the E-Coli bacteria from being able to take hold within the urinary tract. This is equally effective whether you are choosing to ingest a concentrated extract of cranberries, or undiluted cranberry juice.

  1. Fermented Foods

 alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Fermented foods work to maintain balance in the intestines.

Fermented foods are recognized for their ability to promote gut health. Some great examples include sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, yogurt and raw pickles.

  1. Ginger

 alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Ginger works to fight diabetes, heart diseases, bacterial infections and indigestion.

Ginger is a powerful tool to fight against food poisoning, as it has an antibiotic effect against food borne pathogens including salmonella, listeria and campylobacter.

  1. Garlic

 alternative medicine, natural medicine, health, natural alternatives

Uses: Garlic can cure serious infections and colds

Garlic contains several vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals meaning that it is beneficial to your overall healthy, while also having healing properties. It is both an anti-fungal and antiviral, and it contains a powerful anti-bacterial compound called Allicin.

Say Goodbye to Large Pores Using Only One Ingredient

by May 18, 2017

Thousands of dollars are spent on skincare treatments annually in the United States, however you likely have this one miracle ingredient sitting on the shelves of your pantry! The secret to beautiful, flawless skin lies in a box of baking soda!

That’s right – a simply box of baking soda contains all the answers you have been looking for! This miracle ingredient has been stirring up conversations everywhere as of late. It’s anti-inflammatory properties can be put to work to shrink your pores! Who needs those expensive creams and skin care treatments?

skincare, natural skincare, baking soda

All Women’s Talk revealed that a box of Arm & Hammer baking soda does more than help around the kitchen. It contains antibiotic properties that will help you to fight breakouts and fungal infections.

FitLive.TV also discussed the amazing benefits of this household staple, explaining how it acts to return your skin to a more alkaline state as it detoxifies it. They also revealed that it can be used as an exfoliant, helping to make you skin look healthier by removing dead skin cells.

Baking soda isn’t just a miracle treatment for your face, it can be used for other areas of your body as well! Soften your feet with a baking soda soak, or create a detoxifying bath to remove toxins from the body. Who knew you could use this $1 baking supply for so much!

Interested in giving it a try?? Here are some ideas to get you started:

Baking Soda Detoxifying Bath

This detox bath will not only provide you with a relaxing soak, but it will remove toxins from the body and provide some necessary minerals that you may be lacking!

 You will need:

  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • 2 cups of Epsom salts

Draw a hot bath, and add the above ingredients. Soak for 30 minutes to ensure that you are able to enjoy all of the benefits of this detox!

Baking Soda Foot Soak

Your feet take a daily beating, so they also need some care and attention! This soak will provide those tired, aching feet with some much-needed relief, while also acting to smooth your skin.

You will need:

  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • 1 gallon of warm water

Find a container that will be large enough to hold a gallon of water and both of your feet, while allowing you to sit in a comfortable position. Immerse your feet for half an hour. Find the foot bath is too shallow in your container? Feel free to double the ingredients for a deeper bath!

Baking Soda Face Scrub

This pore-reducing face scrub is a great alternative to expensive creams and treatments! There are two different ways to use this miracle treatment, so give them both a try and find which works best for you!

You will need:

  • 2 Tbsp of baking soda
  • 2 Tbsp of water

Option 1: Mix these ingredients into a paste. Apply the mix to your face, working in a circular motion. Continue to do so for approximately 30 seconds, then rinse your face with cold water. You will need to use this more often in the beginning to treat your skin, using it 5-7 times during the first week as part of your regular face-washing routine. You can then reduce that to 3 times each week for maintenance.

Option 2: Similar to option 1, begin by mixing the ingredients into a paste. This time apply it to your face as a mask, and leave it to sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse the mask from your face with cold water. Repeat this method daily.

This Dog Food Already Killed 4,000 Dogs. Stop Giving it to Your Dog IMMEDIATELY!

by May 17, 2017

There is no doubt that we treat our four legged friends as a part of the family. I mean, they’re the best companions, and they can never wrong you! However, many people have no idea that they’re feeding their dog’s toxic dog food.

We love our puppies, and man’s best friend deserves to eat healthy too! Just like humans, when dogs have a healthy diet they begin to peak in health and they will never feel better! Simply switching your dog food to an organic brand will result in more than your dog just feeling better – it will even lengthen their lifespan. More importantly, many dog food brands are full of toxic preservatives and additives that are horrible for your dog’s health – like this dog food brand that allegedly killed over 4,000 dogs.

The dog food brand claims to be one of the healthiest foods out there for your four-legged friend, but it’s actually quite the opposite. The dog food brand in question is known as Beneful, and several reviews from consumers say that their dogs experienced major complications from the diet. The complications that have been linked to the dog food are developing incontinence, internal bleeding, liver malfunction, and seizures. There are two primary ingredients in the dog food that are potentially toxic. The ingredients are known as propylene glycol.

The scariest part of this ingredient is that it is one of the leading chemicals in antifreeze! It is said to help preserve the moisture in dog foods. However, the ingredient is less toxic than its cousin, ethylene glycol, it has been linked to several different health disorders in dogs. For example, it has been linked to the blood disease known as Heinz Body anemia. Because of this, it has been banned in the use of cat food, but why not dog food?

Other harmful ingredients in the dog food consist of mycotoxins from improperly stored grains. Dog food contains large quantities of grain from all kinds of different sources. This causes the testing for contaminated ingredients lengthy and ineffective. Unconcerned business CEO’s and relaxed testing standards make it much more than possible for Purina Beneful Dog food to contain mycotoxins. However, that’s still not the worst part. Many consumers have even reported their Beneful dog food containing maggots!

When it comes to conventional dog food, your best bet is to buy the most organic brand you can – which is sadly the most expensive. You could always make your dogs food homemade, but it is costly and lots of work. Just be sure to avoid the popular name brands like Purina Beneful. They’re only interested in making money.

Leave A Glass of Water with Salt and Vinegar in Your Home and See Unbelievable Changes in 24 Hours!

by May 17, 2017

Our homes are very important to us, we all want to feel comfortable and safe in them, right? For me my home is without a doubt my safe place, it is where I can go when everything is happening all wrong and feel okay.

That being said, sometimes our homes are not positive environments and end up making us more depressed or filling us with negative energy in general. This can and will happen without any reason in particular. Have you ever felt like something was not quite right in your home? Maybe, like a dark presence was lingering that you couldn’t place?

This might be because your safe place isn’t so safe. Bad energy has accumulated in your home and began affecting you in ways you didn’t realize it could. Your emotions and your health, everything is different.

If you are feeling depressed or overly sad your house is likely surrounded by negative energies that you need to get rid of. This is something most people do not think about and so it goes unnoticed and is ignored, to say the least. If you think your home may be riddled with negative energies you need to try the ‘remedy’ below to get rid of it.

Negative Energy Remedy:

Things Needed:


  • Mix all of these things together and then allow them to sit for a whole 24 hours.
  • Place the glass in an area where you spend the most time as it will be the most negative area. .
  • Check the solutions reaction to this whether the water rises or even overflows.
  • After a full 24 hours wash the glass with clean water and do the whole thing over again until you are feeling an improvement.

This works because Himalayan salt is perfect for removing negative energies from your home. You can even soak in it in a tub if you want to get rid of your own negative energies. Give this a try and let us know how it goes.

Drink One Glass Of Rice Water And See What Will Happen To Your Body – You Will Be Amazed!

by May 17, 2017

Usually, when we think of health foods, our idea might be of something a bit fancier than rice water. However, rice water is so laden in health benefits, that it could be considered a super food.

In Asia, rice water, or congee, is served early in the morning for an energetic start. However, rice water has a variety of other benefits that make it the perfect supplement in a healthy lifestyle.

1. Dehydration

According to a study done by the Lancet, rice water can prevent dehydration and works as a very effective electrolyte solution when we are dehydrated already.

2. Diarrhea

The weak starch solution that is produced when rice is boiled in the water was considered to be exponentially better than a glucose-electrolyte solution for the treatment of diarrhea.

3. All Natural Energy

Rice water is actually an acceptable substitute for an energy drink that is all natural, and multi-tasks for our health. If you are feeling tired, or need something to push you through the rest of your day, simply fix some rice water and drink 8 oz.

4. Stomach Pains

Stomach pains, diarrhea, and other symptoms of gastroenteritis can easily be calmed with a glass of rice water. The solution formed by the rice cooking into the water creates a product that is filled with electrolytes and other beneficial nutrients.

5. Rice Water for Hair Growth

Simply rinse your hair with the rice water, and then shampoo. Don’t condition, instead, rinse your hair with rice water before rinsing once more with water. Try this twice weekly to see results quickly.

6. Get Rid of Dandruff

Each time you wash your hair, rinse it with rice water to relieve most symptoms of dandruff.

7. Bye, Bye Acne

Use rice water on a cotton ball like an astringent to rid your skin of acne.

8. Prevention of Gastroenteritis

Studies show that drinking rice water can prevent the onset of many gastroenterology issues. 

And its number 1 benefit, is that it is extremely simple to make. If you have ever made rice before, it isn’t usual to have any water left over when the rice is complete.

In order to create rice water, it requires quite a bit more water than usual. Just throw two or three tablespoons of any rice that you have in your cabinet into a saucepan and add two cups of water. Do not season this. Allow the mixture to boil until it becomes murky and white, and then strain the rice while you reserve the water. Cool the rendered water and store for up to four days.

Rice water is said to provide a number of other benefits, including cancer prevention, reduction of blood pressure and even as a cure for viral infections. Unfortunately, the research to back these claims is not conclusive. What can be said for rice water is that its verified health benefits are absolutely amazing in contrast to more expensive, chemical laden alternatives.

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